Prophetic Word: Beloved Like A Thief In The Night Jesus Will Come Again & You Will Go Up & Ascend, So Always Be Ready 2 Meet Him Because The Rapture & Ressurection Could Happen At Any Moment

   Heyyy my luuvs. I have a very urgent prophetic word for the body of Christ beloved. Heed the warning & test the spirit because our abba daddy has been showing me a pattern of numbers repeatedly for almost a month that got my attention. I know when he repeats himself, it is serious and urgent. Forgive me for spelling errors so much spiritual warfare trying 2 stop this Say only what you wanna say dad have your way Holy Spirit. Take my thoughts and words out of my mouth & head and decrease all of me so you increase within. All of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. I know alot of you are waiting on promises but God is saying his son Jesus coming soon so stay prayed up and ready 2 be caught up & ascend. The world is shifting in the spirit and on earth all around us as we are in perilous times seeing Bible prophecy being fulfilled in the last days in the times we are in. On Aug6/24 I saw a licence plate that said 307 & I heard look it up in the spirit. Not every licence plate will stand out 2 me but this one did. And 307 means to draw up; cause 2 go up or ascend. Then minutes later I saw another licence plate that stood out in the spirit & it was 353 translates 2 analambanó which means to take on board; carry off to take up; raise & then 3075 which means 2 outrage and it means an extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation so I waited for confirmation. Then Aug10/24 first my Bible randomly landed 2 Heb10:25 & when I read it this part of the scripture jumped off the pages..the day of his return is drawing near & I remembered the licence plate numbers that meant raise; ascend. I heard in the spirit. The Lord Is near and it got my attention. Then later that day my Bible landed to Mark9:1 where the Lord says some of us won't see death before he comes again. And I was shook by just the way in the spiritual realm it jumped off the pages but also how everything was pointing 2 one thing, King Jesus coming back again. Then after that my Bible landed to take off your grave clothes, put on new garments. John11:44 Lazarus. So spiritually continue 2 pursue holiness and righteousness as we do not know when He will come again. Then the next day Aug11/24 I heard 4 words "thief in the night" in the spirit then I heard it again in the spirit caught me off guard doing laundry then I heard it again thief in the night and it startled me ok dad what are you trying 2 tell me so I was hearing this and the Lord is saying this is regarding his made promises and the rapture both thief in the night. Jesus wants us 2 stay ready 4 it. It will happen when you least expect it. And many will be left behind when rapture happens. Rapture is not the word used in the Bible but the word rapture translates in hebrew to harpazo and harpazo means "caught up" to seize, catch up, snatch away beloved. Father lift the veil & open this person's eyes in Jesus Name so they recieve impartation of revelation according 2 Hosea4:6 in the name of Jesus so they don't perish. Then later that day I saw licence plate 553 apekdechomai which means to await eagerly or even alert ok then I saw plate 70 agrupnia it means watching it can also mean wheel or disc with other translation. So the Bible tells us 2 be watchful beloved. Then I saw licence plate 529 apantésis a meeting. Ok rapture is the meeting in the air beloved. Then I saw plate 722 to plough keep working & serving him til he comes again no matter how long it is. Then I saw licence plate 69 to be sleepless wakeful buy stay watchful because your redemption is near beloved. Then Aug14/24 I saw another licence plate 450 translates 2 anistémi which means raise up; rise from the dead. My God speak Holy Spirit the dead in christ shall rise first & some of us will not see death before he comes again. Translated. Do you think the father is trying 2 get somebody's attention. When I say my Bible randomly landed there that's where it lands when I open it but there is no coincidence. For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the archangel and with the [blast of the] trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain [on the earth] will simultaneously be caught up [raptured] together with them [the resurrected ones] in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord!! Then Aug16/24 my Bible landed to Luke5:36 New wineskins. Again representing new garments. Then Aug20/24 I saw another licence plate with the same # different car 353 and again it means to take up raise again. Then I saw licence plate 193 uwl means the body. New body change, body of Christ rapture of the bride of Jesus Christ is imminent. I prophesy more and more ppl in the earth are getting saved born again, transformed by the renewing of their minds new heart new spirit in the name of Jesus. Then I saw licence plate 002 ab means father plate 18 agathos means good, 853 means destroy perish. Then 278 means without regret or repentance no remorse for actions. Then 800 eshshah means a fire 763 means wickedness. So the father is saying he does not want anyone to perish. He is a good father repent from your wicked ways and come back to him. King Jesus is coming soon and it's time 2 get right with Him. Like the days of Noah, Lot Sodom and Gomorrah fire & judgment is coming for those who don't repent. Sodom rained fire and brimstone beloved. Many will be left behind because they are on the fence. Then I saw plate 294 to clothe again new garments. I heard in the spirit I want 2 set the captives free living in sin & bondage. Strongholds satan is after their sanity and minds and trying 2 destroy them but I have come 2 give them life more abundant to be prosperous. Then I saw plate 164 captive so more confirmation Jesus wants 2 set the captives free before he comes again and anyone captive or in bondage I prophesy over you whom the son sets free is free indeed beloved in the name of Jesus. Then later that day Aug20/24 my Bible landed randomly to Haggai2 what stood out was 19 and 21. God is about to shake the heavens and earth. Your own personal lives even as thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then Aug21/24 I saw a licence plate that said 82 on it meaning to soar to fly, fly away caught up another rapture reference through numbers in the prophetic. Then I saw 565 aperchomai to go away, go after and go after means to get; to catch my God speak Holy Spirit the catching away the rapture is imminent. I heard that Holy Ghost. Baby I know you're waiting 4 promises but you gotta have oil in your lamp and take heed 2 this warning and live everyday like Jesus is coming back again. I keep hearing famine in the spirit famine coming famine. Stay prepared beloved. Stay with me don't miss this. Over and over repeatedly Holy Spirit shows me numbers that represent rapture, resurrection and even judgment. You're not tripping if you have felt a shift in the spirit, because there has been. Something is going 2 shake the earth yet. I prophesy times ans seasons are changing & thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven shaking the heavens and earth in the name of Jesus. Then today Aug23/24 my Bible landed randomly to Matt24:14,36 and I went into a vision of ppls homes saw in the spirit of ppl shooting up disappearing in homes just vanished and the Lord was showing me in the spirit the family members weeping when they vanished. Some knew they were left behind, others did not know what was going on because they did not believe in Jesus. I saw a jogger lady with a stroller and the baby vanished and she's screaming my baby is gone and then I came back again & I am hearing it in the spirit again thief in the night beloved. Mm. Then I heard in the spirit. During thr shaking, I am separating the wheat from the tares in my church even. Then my Bible landed 2 Matt15:8,13 uprooting..   hearts far from him. Which is confirmation the 3075 outrage plate & God is getting tired of waiting 4 ppl 2 repent. I am hearing in the spirit in the days of Noah when the Lord regretted making man & it grieved him. My God speak Holy Spirit The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think he is No!! he is being patient for your sake because He does not want anyone to be destroyed or perish. But he is getting tired of the wickedness. All 4 licence plate clothes reference of garments is the confirmation of 2Cor5:4-5 For while we are in this tent, we groan, being burdened often weighed down, oppressed, not that we want to be unclothed separated by death from the body, but to be clothed, so that what is mortal the body will be swallowed up by life after the resurrection. Now He who has made us and prepared us for this very purpose is God, who gave us the Holy Spirit as a pledge a guarantee, a down payment on the fulfillment of His promise. So again clothes on reference to reassurection. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but make sure you're ready 2 meet King Jesus because no one knows the day or hour He will come again but like a thief in the night, we'll be raptured & it could happen at any moment. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Heb10:25 | Matt24:14,36 | Haggai2:19,21 | 2Cor5:4-5 | Matt15:8,13 | 1Thess4:16-17 | Matt13:30 | Matt16:28 | Rom8:37
Aug 6,10,11,14,16,20,21,23/24

The date i'm prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 6+10+11+14+16+20+21+23
+24=145 & 145 in strongs concordance translates 2 Eder & It means cloak; mantle magnificence & glory. My God speak Holy Spirit a cloak is a loose cape reached ti ankels or outer garment; the rapture is imminent, could be years but be ready because very few are beloved!! 


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