Prophetic Word: Beloved There Were Things U Specifically Asked 4 In Your Wife/ Husband So I Had 2 Re-Build Them Again So That When U Come Together Again, Your Marriage Will Be Built On A Solid Foundation

   Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word so test the spirit. After I typed this whole word it didnt save & deleted. So much spiritual warfare trying 2 come against me publishing this. Say what you wanna say dad take my words out of my mouth decrease me so you increase within. All of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this word is for beloved but at first as I was just laying down a bit I kept seeing in the spirit cracks going up the walls so I thought ok cracks in the foundation. Then I saw cracks in a sidewalk pavement & came back again. Then my Bible randomly landed to Luke7 solid foundation when I opened it & in the spiritual realm, jumping off the pages. It confirmed what I saw in the spirit. Then I saw an open vision of ice age Christmas in the spirit and the scroll, the lonnnng list. Then I was seeing in another realm 101 Dalmatians in the spirit when Cruella slams the door and the cracks go up the walls foundation & drywall lands on him. Then my Bible landed there for a 2nd time again today when I opened it. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Your father was highlighting 2 me the reason you haven't met yet is because both kingdom spouses had specific requests, some are praying 2 break poverty curses praying for bigger houses and boats and trucks im even hearing snowmobile for someone beloved. And this requires wealth 2 do it. God wants 2 bless you but big requests kingdom sized blessings take time 2 manifest and you go through tests because the love of $ is the root of all evil beloved. I said love of it, nothing wrong with having it. God wants you 2 have it. The head not the tail beloved.The blessing of the Lord maketh rich & no sorrow is added with it. He doesn't want you 2 lack & struggle with finances. Hes setting you up 2 win. He's preparing you in the secret places. The lists im seeing in the spirit is also specific qualities they were looking for in their wife or husband. Examples of this integrity, gentle, having a hard time trusting again mentally stable, financially stable im hearing for someone Eph5 husband Prov31 wife/woman. So God has been working on them, healing them, changing them, exceeding your expectations my God speak Holy Spirit in them exceeding your expectations in your person rib/adam. What you asked for you're getting a high valued man or woman. Not someone who doent doesnt produce fruits of the spirit. Healed serving walking in holy fire in gifts and purpose. He has always been your adam. And she has always been your rib but what im hearing in the spirit you were unequally yoked & lukewarm back then so I couldn't reveal 2 you yet my will & plans & secrets because you werent ready for it. and God had 2 bake you 2 perfection during seperation or you would be raw, unfinished and meat or cookies that are raw and frozen can make you sick my God speak Holy Spirit so you live in a house and now you're an unhealed version, problems, cracks in the foundation not understanding that marriage is becoming a servant, serving her/him. Unconditional love, Selfless. Mm. no the heart had 2 heal from the past and hearts had to thaw from being cold & frozen and your kingdom marriage must have a solid foundation if it's going 2 survive the storms 2 come and winds that will test the union. My God speak Holy Spirit im seeing bone marrow in the spirit bone marrow that's how strong your kingdom marriage union will be all because you waited!! mm. And let God do the work in them rather than seeing them and reuniting before the appointed time and baked 2 perfection. I heard that Holy Ghost. God is saying I know you miss them. I know you desire 2 be married and talk to them & say goodnight again. I'm hearing in the spirit but I had to take them away from you for a season so I could do the necessary work needed & now you can have them back forever when I reuinte you again because they are ready, and equipped for their role beloved. The foundation has been built with me in the single season equipped for this kingdom marriage. There will be no cracks in the foundation and the enemy won't be able 2 get in. We gotta have all cracks sealed so the pesky mice and rodents can't get in. The solid foundation of the house is able 2 support the weight of the building itself if it is solid my God speak Holy Spirit I am that foundation. I hold things all together including you 2 and your union. Just as long as you keep me first as your solid foundation, the house will never crumble because I am holding it together beloved. Where is the bone marrow?? found in the center of the bones, Christ centered!! my God speak Holy Spirit I feel hot I feel the annointing Whoo!! And you are already one flesh connected 2 the same cord in the spirit. You 2 are 1 with Him. As long as he is your foundation that 3 fold cord won't be easily broken. I decree, declare & I prophesy what God has already joined together no one can put asunder or seperate in the name of Jesus. And I prophesy no weapon formed against your kingdom ordained union and kingdom marriage shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I give you alone all the glory dad and honor and praise and & pray thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Ordained kingdom marriage. I release blessing & favor and I call you prosperous favored and blessed. Recieve this word in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but your daddy had 2 re-build your kingdom spouse again as they built a foundation with him while He healed them in the secret places & answered qualities you prayed 4 & needed in a wife or husband thru prayer requests before you meet again so that when you come together again, it's already done met, it'll last forever because of your transformation because you both built a foundation individually with Him so that your kingdom marriage is built on a solid foundation when your new life with her/him begins. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Luke7 | Eph3:20 | Phil1:12,15 | Phill1:6 | Gen2:22-24 | Mark10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Rom12:2 | Ezk36:26 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11 | Jer29:11

The date im prophesying & releasing this word is significant. 15+16+24=55 & 55 in strongs concordance translates 2 hagnós & it means pure, sincerely, honest pure motives my God speak Holy Spirit because the father is making sure you are equally yoked & have a solid foundation. Whoo!! Get ready beloved.

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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