Prophetic Word: Keep Going Beloved, The Breakthrough Is Closer Than U Think It Is Because Your Prayers R Powerful & Effective

   Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for but I'm awake at 3rd watch just 2 prophesy this word release it and be obedient. It cannot wait as im seeing my envelope emoji and my profile icon in the spirit so whoever this word is for beloved do not give up or quit. Only a few hours ago, I saw a chained grey and black wrecking ball in the spirit and hitting a wall of red brick and another hit, the wall would have crumbled by what I saw in the spirit. Then I heard in the spirit the prayer of a righteous person is powerful & effective. Mm. Then I saw someone in the spirit posting an image on their social media and as I pressed in, in the spirtual realm it was an older house, a laptop and she was posting a picture of a guy so close 2 these blue diamonds and gave up turned around instead cuz he thought it was pointless but he was only an inch!! Then i heard it in the spiritual realm again beloved the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. That was the confirmation. I was waiting for beloved. On Aug2/24 My Bible landed to Ezekiel36:26. Then I saw the Anna & Elsa in frozen. It struck her heart and then the rest of her was frozen my God speak Holy Spirit because if you don't guard your heart baby that's what happens. For out of it flows the issues of life beloved. Then Aug 13/24 I saw Ice melting on a house roof im the spirit when it warmed up outside in a spring season. Have your way Holy Spirit. Say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved do not quit. Keep praying for your breakthrough & promises. Keep praying for your family members for their deliverance and salvation. Keep praying for your kingdom marriage. Keep praying 4 your finances. You don't know how close you are 2 seeing it my God speak Holy Spirit you're like a wrecking ball in the spirit when you pray you do alotta damage 2 the walls in the kingdom of darkness because God is not a man that he should lie beloved. For someone I'm also hearing Jericho in the spirit. And I prophesy as you keep marching in prayer and don't quit, Jericho will fall down and your lost family will recieve the promised land yet & salvation in the name of Jesus. You are so close don't quit. I'm seeing hearts soften in the spirit. Then I saw a licence plate 754 translates 2 arka which means to continue, long, lengthen in extent. The Lord is saying keep praying beloved. You don't realize what happens in the spirit. It looks like nothing is happening in the world you are currently in but in the spiritual realm it is. Then I saw 111 again so keep believing because what you hope for is your reality not what you don't see yet. I release blessing and favor and I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but your prayers are powerful & effective even when it looks like nothing happens. I am always 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Ezk36:26 | James5:16 | Eph6:18 | Rom12:2 | Heb11:1,6 | Gal6:7-9 | Eph6:11-12 | Num23:19  | Ps65:5 | Matt21:22 | Isa65:24 | Luke18:1 | Rom8:37


Aug2,13,17,18/24 = 74 & in 74 strongs concordance it means struggle 4 victory; fear; wrestling; agony mental anguish emotion my God speak Holy Spirit Don't quit beloved you're so close 2 the biggest breakthrough you can't even imagine. You're so close to seeing their salvation!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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