Prophetic Word: Promotions, Surprises & Gifts Are Coming Beloved Because You Went Thru The Neccessary Transformation 2 Recieve It

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for beloved but it's about 2 get good and there's about 2 be many surprises. My Bible has been landing 1Cor2:9 & Eph3:20 for days & days when I randomly open it. And there's so many words 2 finish yet but because it keeps landing 2 it, like now just did. I need 2 prophesy what thus says the Lord & release it. Dragonflies kept landing on me then butterflies so it represents change, spiritual growth & transformation then I saw little packages and gifts in the spirit. I have been seeing uhauls and fed ex trucks in the spirit and on the roads in the natural consistent. This word is for those who have only been faithful, upright, obedient and seeking Him walking in Holy fire in daily relationship. Take over Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Your father says I know how diligent you have been. I know the sacrifices you have made, the changes and the hard work you have put in. Now I am going 2 bless you beloved. No eye has seen, no ear has heard & no mind has conceived or even imagined what I have prepared for you and all the many surprises. Your family has never seen this. Your daddy says you are the generational curse breaker in your family beloved. This is why the enemy has been coming against you and your purpose but I have dismantled him and he is already defeated. You have been in the fire but I have been with you in it and now comes your promotion. I am redeeming the time that was stolen, exceeding your expectations and bringing double restoration because I am just that good so praise me in advance and thank me and don't forget me when I give you all I have promised. Ok I stop when he stops beloved. Recieve this word in the name of Jesus. Surprises are coming for many of God's children. I'm also hearing in the spirit glory 2 glory and rags 2 riches. You will be unrecognizable when you come out of the fire with refinement. So I prophesy you're going from glory 2 glory and going a higher dimension and you won't even smell like smoke when you come out of it and then will come your promotion. My luuvs congratulations!! Dont forget him. I release blessing and favor and I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but it's about 2 get good and you don't even know how good yet because the father doesn't reveal everything just yet so there are big unexpected surprises coming sudden so get excited. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Matt7:7-8, 11 | 1Cor2:9 | James1:17 | Ps37:4 | 1Pet2:9 | Gen9:13 | Am9:13 Deut8:1,18 | Ps84:11 | Jer29:11 


Prophetess Shellz Marie



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