Prophetic Word: Seperation Is Coming 2 An End, They Love You & Are All In, I Will Order Ruth's Steps 2 Connect With Boaz & Then Comes Favor, Abundance, Bountiful Harvest & Restoration & Beloved It's Near, Close & About 2 Begin

    Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word beloved. Read all 3 pages. Test the spirit take it back 2 your daddy beloved. Help me articulate this word dad as it goes in so many different directions. Whoever the word is 4 order their steps so they recieve it. Have your way Holy Spirit. Say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Decrease all of me so you increase within. Hear me by the spirit of God I don't know who this word is for beloved but at first when I woke up btwn the realms I kept hearing you are not alone playing in the spirit aug17 I am here with you by Michael Jackson & as I was listening what stood out in the realm at that moment. You are not alone. I am here with you, though you're far away. I am here to stay But you are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far apart. You're always in my heart but you are not alone. So you're in temporary seperation at a distance with your person but still one with them & they feel everything & know you're praying 4 them because you're connected 2 the same 3 fold cord one flesh one spirit with Holy Spirit. There is no limits, boundaries or distance in the spirit. They love you it's reciprocated & they are all in. They're not going anywhere beloved. So I waited 2 see if there was more confirmation. I heard Amos9:11 &13 & heard the Jiminy cricket song in the spirit then it landed there next morning & then I saw in the spirit a bowl or almost basket ish of fruit a bountiful of just fruit all kinds & grapes pouring over like hanging over and it just looked so delicious in the spirit. And what caught my attention is this house the basket of fruit was in looked almost like a palace. Crown molding and Vaulted ceilings and then I came back beloved. So I prophesy overflow & abundance in the name of Jesus. Then Dragonflies landed on me 3 times and it wouldn't leave it just stood on my shoulder while I was going for a morning walk, I've always been one who would isolate go for a walk talk to animals and butterflies and insects. Lol like Cinderella who had her mice friends but she never fit in because she was set apart beloved. Whoever that was for recieve it because I had no intention of saying that so someobody needed it. Baby you have purpose. I heard birds singing but then I was hearing crickets in the spirit. And then I heard Jiminy cricket. Cricket again ok what is this so I waited for confirmation. Then I heard look up cricket in the spirit. The crickets are insects which are related to Bush crickets and to grasshoppers and grasshoppers are a locust my God speak Holy Spirit Joel2:25 restoration!!. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. God is getting ready 2 restore everything!! Everything you lost Everything that they ate the years even, Everything that is rightfully yours that was stolen. I prophesy over you a Joel2:25 complete restoration and the locusts will eat no more in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 1234 & in strongs concordance 1234 translates 2 baqa and it means A primitive root; to cleave; generally, to rend, break, rip or open -my God speak Holy Spirit divide or split open  make a breach, break forth into, out, in pieces, through, up, be ready to burst, cleave break open. So for someone I'm hearing red sea split open karios red sea moment I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Test the spirit. Youll know it is. Whatever God has promised. Whoever that's for recieve it in the name of Jesus. Ok so baby whatever sea is standing in front of you trying to stop your promise, I decree & declare God is parting the sea and the removing the obstacles standing in the way of your purpose & divine kingdom connections in the name of Jesus. Then I saw licence plate 222& again I'm hearing Isa22:22 and Gen2:22 in the spirit its connected. Then I saw a licence plate 482 antilambanó I take hold of, help, share in, partake of, enjoy. & it also translates 2 elem which means silence. So the father says shhh when it happens. Then I saw licence plate 13 translates 2 Agabos & it means Christian Prophet. Then plate 270 amaó to reap or achaz to grasp, take hold, take possession. Pretty straight forward you will recieve your kingdom marriage promise I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 788 asson means nearer, close by & plate 757 archó, to begin. So it confirms the other word sooner than expected land acreage kingdom marriage. They are connected. Its about 2 happen which confirms why my Bible keeps landing Amos 9:11& 9:13 again & again. Then I saw licence plate 821 ashmoreth or ashmurah means watch or; a watch. A watch is a full circle. My God speak Holy Spirit full circle again. I prophesy a full circle moment being reuinited with your kingdom spouse again in the name of Jesus. I heard that Holy Ghost. This how you'll know for sure it's your word beloved. I am hearing in the spirit that you're a beloved man of God & you never even wanted to sign up 4 fb and you told her this. And you said why did you feel led to add me as a friend. Almost as if the Lord knew you felt like you would never have a chance with this woman. And she didn't know, but she told you she just just felt led my God speak Holy Spirit because it was actually God that was ordering her steps and told her to do it Whoo!! because God is strategic & He already knew that she was your wife beloved and if you hadn't signed up then the devil knew you wouldn't have had that encounter and relationship with your kingdom wife beloved. my God speak Holy Spirit the theif comes 2 steal kill destroy & and like Paul mm. Satan was blocking him from getting there time and time again he tried so the Lord pushed and urged you in your spirit because little did you know my God speak Holy Spirit a couple years later you were going talk 2 your future wife you didn't know was yours yet. God is removing the blockages. And I'm hearing in the spirit there was a deep connection before God's seperation for preparation because it was a divine kingdom ordained connection and David and Jonathon were already soul knit and little did you know you already were one flesh in the spirit. Mm. Im hearing in the spirit. You didnt feel like you had a chance with that woman but thus saith the Lord I look at the heart & man looks at stature & outward appearance & you are the perfect match for this woman. This word is connected is to the last kingdom marriage word prophesied beloved major change is coming yet earlier than expected, U will recieve wealth & land 4 your acreage & inheirtance 4 your new beginning & kingdom marriage prophesied & released July29-Aug6/24. This word is also connected to a full circle again, major breakthrough, a whole new world with them. Prophesied & released Aug14/24. You'll know the spirit of the Lord is talking 2 you beloved, it cannot be denied because God is confirming it even now in your spirit. It's resonating your abba daddy wants your eyes 2 be open. He's giving you everything back which was rightfully yours 2 begin with. The years stolen, your wife, your land, your acreage, your wealth and rightful inheritance. Your promised land. Then I saw licence plate 8256 which translates in strongs concordance shiqmah which means sycamore tree im hearing how high does the sycamore grow in the spirit.. if you cut it down then you'll never know from Pochahontas. They unexpectedly met. And Pochahontas & John Smith that could be significant or confirmation. Then I saw 3123 uhaul Maine plate, ramp trailer Maine means noun. a state of the northeastern US, on the Atlantic chiefly hilly, with many lakes, rivers, and forests. Which confirms the other word land acreage kingdom marriage 2nd again. I will re pinn those words beloved that are connected. They are together in a forest. My God speak Holy Spirit rivers and forest uhaul trailer maine licence plate confirmation. Pochahontas and John Smith and the forest represents land beloved which confirms once again how the other word wealth land acreage kingdom marriage is connected. 3123 also translates 2 mallon means increase & more and this confirms why my Bible keeps landing on Eph320 & 1Cor2:9 when I open it. So I prophesy increase & more is coming yet in the name of Jesus. Then I saw plate 251 ach a brother & licence plate 730 arrén means male; man which confirms when I heard this word is for a man reading this in the spirit. 803 certainty, security, safety so God is confirming no one can take it. You and your promises are covered in the blood of Jesus. Then I saw licence plate 100 hadrotés means lavishness, lavish generosity, abundance, bounty which confirms the basket of fruit overflowing pouring out I saw on a kitchen island in the spirit. Then I saw plate 1914 epiblepó 2 look on with favor, so Ruth, Boaz will spoil you rotten and the father will favor you both your union and favor comes with the rib & the father will bring abundance I prophesy in the name of Jesus.  Hearing in the spirit Ruth don't go before God says. I will order your steps when. Don't go ahead. So Boaz God will order Ruth's steps and you bring her 2 you beloved 2 reconnect again. Confirmation. Then I saw licence plate 699 means a lattice window; to please aug17 then I saw plate 699 again!! Confirming Boaz is very protective, very caring towards Ruth and watching from a distance. Then I saw licence plate 991 blepó [primarily physical], I look, see, perceive, discern. So they are watching in a good way beloved and this is further confirmation. You are theirs yet. They are watching their adam/rib. And even if there are others that are attractive, only you/them have the key 2 their heart and they only have eyes 4 you beloved. Then I saw 333 licence plate aug19 which confirms completion, perfection & I heard in the spirit. The process is complete beloved. Then I saw 555 licence plate which translates 2 omets & it means strength but I'm also hearing grace and Isa55:5 &11 in the spirit and im hearing in the spirit once you have suffered for a little while ok notice its not forever its a temporary season thar has a expiration date yet. 444 seeing the open door symbol in the spirit. Then I saw 363 anamimnéskó  to remind, call to one's remembrance. Usage: I remind, admonish, am reminded, remind myself; pass: I remember, recall. anamimnḗskō (from 303 /aná, "up, completing a process" and 3403 /mimnḗskō, "turn the mind towards") – properly, to recollect by going through a process. So God is saying he wants you to remember what he promised and remind him and im also hearing in the spirit. Remembrance. Like Hannah, beloved I have not forgotten. Then I saw 594 apodoché acceptance, approval
Usage: [properly: reception, welcome, of guests], acceptance, appreciation, approbation confirmation Boaz redeems Ruth beloved and they get married I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 1212 2 times which means manifest evident. God is getting ready 2 manifest your promises I prophesy in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I prophesy no weapon formed against you ordained land & kingdom marriage promise shall prosper in the name of Jesus 4 what God has already joined together no one can put asunder or seperate in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this for baby your seperation and wait is coming 2 an end, Ruth will marry you Boaz. It's Near, close & about 2 begin & then comes mew beginning, bountiful harvest & restoration. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Gen2:22 | Ma10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Gen & Am9:13 | Ruth2:5,8 & Ruth4:13 | Phil1:12,15 | Ps37:4 | 1Cor2:9 | 1Chr4:10 | Gal6:7,9 | Jhn10:10 | Ps84:11 | Jer29:11 | Num23:19 | Isa55:5,11

The date i'm prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 17+18+19+22+24=100 & 100 translates 2 hadrotés beloved and it means bountiful harvest; abundance, bounty; generosity,  lavishness, lavish.

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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