Prophetic Word: U R Uncomfortable In The Position You're In Because You Are In Labor Beloved Til It Happens & U Birth Your Promise

   Heyyy my luuvs. This kingdom marriage word is connected 2 the last one a whole new world just prophesied & released recent. Plz order their steps dad so they recieve this and the other word connected. Some parts of the word may apply for someone else all of it. So much spiritual warfare even publishing this. Test the spirit. Say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for beloved but I saw a woman in the spirit feeling contractions because in the spirtual realm at first I was feeling them but then the baby wasn't coming yet and in the spiritual realm she was so uncomfortable and she was anxious and trying to get comfortable changing positions and then the Lord showed me in the spirit one month later she was in real labor and the baby came at the appointed time it was ready and she could not stop it!! She was in position. Then my Bible randomly landed 2 Heb11:1 Whoo!! Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. You can't rush the baby to come but now that it is the appointed time the baby is coming and you can't stop it!! I hear this so strong for someone beloved. I may or may not know you in the flesh man or woman of God but I know you in the spirit and this thing is close these are real contractions. You are in labor and you've been wondering why the pain is so intense I heard that Holy Ghost Man or woman irrelevant this is for both genders in the spirit its a spiritual birth you are spiritually in labor birthing a promise. Man of God I need you 2 catch this and recieve this in the spirit. You are contracting you are in labor and the baby is coming says the Lord. Then babies after marriage promise. Your baby is coming your kingdom marriage your marriage is almost here beloved. Thats for someone recieve what the Lord is saying unto today beloved. You cannot stop it. I am finishing what I started. I will birth the promise. Keep pushing til you see it. Now is the karios season snd appointed time beloved. Keep pushing because the baby is coming beloved. I'm hearing in the spirit back then was not the appointed time but I had to build your faith in the process to keep believing for it and stretch your faith beloved even though you did not yet see it. What you didn't know then it was a road being built to your promises during the braxton hics the false contractions back then that prepares you 4 it. But first the road had to be built so you could get to your promise. My God speak Holy Spirit so I had 2 build your faith because where I'm taking you nexted , you are going 2 need it 4 the nations. You are now ready for what I have prepared because you have gone through the fire and never quit my God speak Holy Spirit you have gone through the fire and never left me through it. Mm. You can be trusted with the promise. And then I saw the licence plates 381 anaptó to kindle and plate 800 means fire confirmation. I needed you 2 go through the fire beloved 2 come out like gold refinement. I'm seeing in the spirit someone microwaving food and tapping their foot arms crossed and so impatient. Thankyou Holy Spirit yes now a days we get so impatient its a fast food quick microwave dinner generation. I heard you Holy Ghost nobody wants 2 wait 4 it, go through the cooking process my God speak Holy Spirit go through the heat stay in the pressure cooker feel the heat, feel the pressure from it. Whoo!! I'm about 2 shout and dance like David. Baby you needed the heat and all of it because now your baby is ready 2 come because you're ready 2 take care of it my God speak Holy Spirit now you're ready 2 hold your baby without dropping it mm. Now you can be trusted with it. Now you have gone through the necessary steps for you body preparing for the baby the delivery the promise. I'm hearing triplets in the spirit mm. Thats why the spiritual warfare has amped up for both spouses. Then I saw licence plate 297 which translates 2 amphoteroi which means both which is confirmation when I heard both spouses in the spirit. I could write pages as the annointing takes over I could prophesy for days even. It started small then pages. I'm hearing Heb10:37 in the spirit and seeing the words spelled out without delay in an open vision in the spirit. Read the passage. I have been seeing 111 alot beloved. The Lord is saying its coming now keep believing 4 it. [Heb11:1] You are nexted in line, many babies are born at same time in the hospital and I decree declare & prophesy your baby is coming now as your contractions get closer & closer & more intense you are birthing your promise in the name of Jesus. You are ready and you feel it and this word is resonating in your spirit so in the name of Jesus Christ recieve it.Then I saw licence plate 958 which translates in strongs concordance 2 Baza means 2 divide so I prophesy a karios red sea moment 4 the promised land, kingdom marriage & promises and the waters will be parted in the name of Jesus. Then my Bible randomly landed 2 Heb10:37-11:1] today again. And then shortly after I saw 1212 again like the other day and It means manifest and evident. Then I saw licence plate 398 anaphainó which means I bring 2 light; make 2 appear. Mm. I heard you Holy Ghost whoever this word is for baby is coming & its getting ready to happen. Then I saw licence plate 5214 humneó means 2 sing I sing hymns, to praise & 134 means 2 praise whoo!! so sing & dance like david praise him through the painful contractions like it's already here & happened beloved. Then I saw licence plate 68 and it translates 2 eben which means stone. My God speak Holy Spirit the stone didn't stop Jesus. Mm. God wouldn't let a small stone stop God's will from fulfillment no matter how big it is. That's a confirmation. There is no stone 2 big 4 God 2 remove for this baby 2 be birthed this promise. The stone was standing in front of Jesus before resurrection but I prophesy The stone is being removed 2 do God's will in your life in the name of Jesus. I'm hearing is anything 2 hard for me in the spiritual realm beloved. Then I saw licence plate 450 anistémi raise up rise from the dead. So I prophesy that promise that seems dead, your abba daddy is waking up your promise in the name of Jesus. I saw 1212 aug11/24 again. Then my Bible randomly landed to Heb11:1 again but what stood out 2 me in the spiritual realm was when vs23 jumped off the pages. Where the Lord says: Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm. For God can be trusted to keep his promise. Mm. I saw the duration of a YouTube video which was actually 331 but then when I looked harder it was 321 and then when I looked at it again it was 331 again. In the spirtual realm daddy got my attention. Then my Bible landed 2 1chron4:10. Expanding enlarging your territory land confirmation & If this word is connected 2 a whole new world full circle again then this word may connect 2 to the word major change Is coming yet earlier than expected, new beginning, land kingdom marriage. Then I saw 127 adamah ground; land another confirmation. Test the spirit. Then I saw 123 321, 2222 non stop and I heard Gen2:22 & Isa22:22 in the spirit. And then later I saw licence plate 455 which translates 2 anoigó which means to open ; I open which was confirmation so I prophesy God is getting ready 2 close doors in 3-2-1 no one can open and opening new doors for reunion & kingdom marriage no one can shut in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 333 and saw a a truck that said complete on it. So the wait is coming 2 completion and you are in spiritual labor getting ready 2 see your baby beloved. Im hearing ppl in the spiritual realm say Lord help me through this. Hes helping you & turning things around & He's going 2 get you through it. Nothing is 2 hard 4 him and you can do this!! I release blessing & favor and I call you prosperous favored and blessed. Final confirmation when I randomly checked my phone it said 1:11. I don't know who this is for baby but God is getting ready 2 birth your promise. My God speak Holy Spirit im seeing the crowning for some of you in the spirit. Whoahh I see the top of the head. Mm. Others youre in labor 8 cm dialted. And you feel its close & you can see it beloved. Keep pushing, you're almost there. You're daydreaming day and night lol little dream emoticon bubbles & hearts I'm seeing in the spirit. Let me share this whole new world with you ahhhh I get it. You're dreaming of a new world & being with them. You're dreaming about your person & this promise & the father sees it. I know you're tired & uncomfortable but stay in position and expectation because you cannot stop it so keep pushing til you see it & when you see your baby you won't remember all the former pain you went through 2 have her/him. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you

with the love of Jesus.
Isaiah66:9 | Isa54:17 | Isa60:22 | Phill1:6 | Heb10:37 | Gen2:22-24 | Ecc4:9-12 | Ma10:9 | 1Chron4:10 | 1Cor2:9 | Heb1:11,6 | Jer29:11

The date i'm prophesying & releasing this is significant for someone beloved 10+11+14+24=59 & it's the same # regarding the word prophesied buying land for an acreage yet 4 kingdom marriage And 59 in strongs concordance translates 2 agorázō & abel which means meadow 2 buy; 2 purchase and meadow is land near river or lake beloved so get ready 4 a new world with them♡

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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