Prophetic Word: You Are The Generational Curse Breaker In Your Bloodline Beloved, You Were Chosen 4 Such A Time As This As My Precious Possession 2 Rescue Your Ppl from Destruction

    Heyyy my luuvs. I have a rhema word for someone beloved. I wasn't going 2 release it yet but I saw my envelope emoji and my profile icon in the spirit which is my Abba daddy confirming 2 me I need 2 prophesy release this word now & be obedient. His timing is perfect. So father whoever this word is for order their steps 2 recieve it. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this word is for beloved but on Aug28/24 I saw someone in the spirit breaking a glass window trying to get out of a burning place and the person who broke the window got cut really bad and there was blood everywhere but it was the only way they could get out be because flames were at every door & exit but the ppl behind them just went through and there were no cuts on them and then I came back again so I waited for confirmation. Then Aug29/24 my Bible randomly landed 2 many are called few are chosen. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved you are the generational curse breaker in the bloodline and chosen 4 such a time 4 this to get those family members and loved ones out of the burning building before it comes crashing down on them. I heard that Holy Ghost they may not understand why you're chosen there may even be resentment but when God chooses you, he looks at the heart not the stature and outward appararance like God chose David. Esther was chosen 2 save her ppl from destruction. Samuel the prophet said nope not those guys are there any other children come on Holy Spirit little David out there fighting bears and lions watching the sheep a little sheperd boy unlikely no one would have picked. Mm. And Eliab the older brother was mean 2 David and jealous. That could be confirmation. Did it ever occur to you why you were always the scape goat and blamed and dismissed because God chose you beloved before you were even born or created. My God speak Holy Spirit because before you were even knit in your mother's womb or created, he kenw you & you were ordained by God and already chosen. Prophetically David slayed Goliath not Eliab. Mm. This is why your life has always been harder and you never fit in. My God speak Holy Spirit. This is why you fought those bears and lions and curses. Whoo!! This is why certain things ended and doors slammed in your face all because.. you my luuvs were chosen. And God said that's my baby and I don't want just anyone touching her/ him. because you are a chosen generation mm. You are God's precious possession. Then I saw licence plate 976 translates 2 biblos means a scroll, a book; a written book which is confirmation in the lambs book of life you were already ordained, God had a plan for your life 4 his purpose and you were chosen. I'm seeing in the spirit how a rare possession been in the family for years gets passed down to these grandchildren well its precious because its valuable 2 them my God speak Holy Spirit and that's whats its like with your abba daddy he won't let just anyone have it or touch it or even partner with them because not everyone has your best interest and your abba daddy knows it. Then I saw licence plate 712 argaz which means a box, chest confirmation. And when you are close 2 Him. Nothing will be a secret. Discernment. We'll either smell it, feel it, hear it, see it and see right through it because nothing is hidden and this is why you had to get so bloody and the enemy tried 2 take you out im hearing numerous occasions because your breakthrough and deliverance is connected 2 loved ones & someone else's breakthrough and deliverance and now it's a domino effect and you become a threat my God speak Holy Spirit to the kingdom of darkness because you are annointed and things happen in the spiritual realm when your mouth is open because your prayers are powerful and effective because you pursue holiness and righteousness because you walk in your God given authority and God moves on the scene for his kids so now your prayers are saving souls and lives and family members who were rebellious and you wonder why you're a target my God speak Holy Spirit because things actually happen when you step in and your intercession is changing ppls trajectory, changing direction because you have your daddy's spirit & you can shift a room shift an atmosphere when you walk in because you're the highest the authority in the room because of who dwells within. Whoo!! I could go on and on and write pages but I had to get on here and get it down and be obedient. Then my Bible landed randomly 2 Ezekiel36:26 so I prophesy a Holy Ghost encounter & complete transformation upon you new responsive heart new spirit more and more like your daddy each day & new creation in the name of Jesus. You're not getting attacked by the enemy because you're doing something wrong beloved. Give God all the worries and frustrations. It's because you have so much value and power in the spirit that the devil sees you as a target. You were unsure felt inadequate, uncertain even felt unseen and never fit in because you weren't meant 2 because you were set apart and chosen. Keep praying and interceding 4 them. I just heard in the spirit this is my beloved son/ daughter for whom I am well pleased. Then I saw 555 and it translates 2 omets and means strength and 5 means grace beloved so I prophesy over you God will give you grace & strength for his grace is sufficient & you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you in the name of Jesus. Don't give up on them. Your prayers are moving mountains. I just saw Moana in the spirit when the grandmother says I was there that day the ocean chose you confirmation. They know you're chosen. I release the annointing for courage and 2 be bold as a lion 2 evangelize, testify, let your light shine & become all God has called you 2 be 4 you are chosen 4 such a time as this. I prophesy & release angels and psalm 91 protection over you in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but the reason theres been so much spirittual warfare and life attempts is because you are the generational curse breaker & you are chosen. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Matt22:14 | John15:16 | Ezekiel36:26 | Eph6:11-12 | 1Pet2:9 | 1Chron16:22 | Romans12:2 | 2Cor5:17 | Romans8:31 | Jhn10:10 | Jer29:11
and 29+30+24=83 & 83 in strongs concordance translates 2 adélotés which means the quality of being unseen (of disappearing), indefiniteness, uncertainty. Uncertain. Stop questioning your worth and who you are beloved because you were ordained 2 be chosen!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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