Prophetic Word: Love Is In The Air Beloved & They Are So Fixated, Suddenly I Am Leading Away The Wife 2 Her Husband & Bringing Her 2 Him 

 Heyyy my luuvs. I have a beautiful 17 pages part3or4 kingdom marriage word & there is love in the air beloved. You're gonna sleep with a smile on your face after hearing this. Test the spirit. Plz forgive me for spelling errors. I just need 2 release this!! Help me articulate this word daddy as it goes in many directions. Put your words only on my lips. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Ok so this part of the word may be only for a few so you're gonna need 2 take it back your abba daddy and confirm if it is. Sept10/24 I saw Bride for Christmas ad which stood out as if the father highlighted it. Its a romance hallmark movie but the ad caught my attention. It hit my spirit so I waited for confirmation and then 11th I heard sound of music song in Walmart playing in the natural these are a few of my favorite things and I was like gasp!! Sound of music is a Christmas film it's always on or the song at Christmas confirmation bride 4 Christmas so I thought it was unusual it was playing Sept11 then. Then later when I was done all my shopping and unloading groceries and bags I heard it again it was blasting in the spirit so loud. It was so loud I thought maybe someone next door was playing music. But it was playing in the spirit. You can imagine how crazy you seem 2 ppl because they can't hear it. So this part is not for everyone but for someone for the man reading this you will suddenly have your bride for or by Christmas. And if you're the woman reading this you will suddenly be married by Christmas. Surprises. And the scripture reference Luke24:14-15 confirmation They walked along they were talking about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things, Jesus himself suddenly came and began walking with them. Ok sudden!! Plz don't just run with it and then get hope deffered when it doesn't if it isn't. Ask The Father if this part of the word is yours beloved. So I prophesy who that part of the word ia specifically for suddenly you will be married by Christmas in the name of Jesus.  Ok now this part of the word is for every single person waiting for their kingdom marriage and the father is saying this is how your wife/ husband feels at this very moment. Sept12/24 I saw a licence plate that said 82 on it and in strongs concordance it translates 2 abar and it means 2 fly beloved. Then I felt this come over me like I couldnt stop smiling and chuckling in the spirit. So I knew there was more 2 it and it was a word yet. I could sense it and feel it in the spirit. Then this morning as I was waking up btwn the realms half asleep I was hearing this song blasting!! I was hearing this song I'm alive by celine dion in the spirit. As I just just lay there and listen then at the bridge it turned into a new day has come like an merging effect but while I'm hearing the song in the spirit I felt giggly in the spirit again. So I was like ok dad this is a word for someone's kingdom spouse and they need this fuel 2 keep going but then the 82 I suddenly made the connection it means fly dont miss this. So I waited for confirmation. I was like ok dad I know I'm hearing these songs in the spirit but I need a scripture reference. So after I heard these songs playing in the spirit. I got up, grabbed my Bible and it landed 2 Gen2:22-24 when I opened it. Closed my Bible and opened it up again and then it landed to SongofSongs4&6 confirmations. Then I saw licence plate 13 today again which translates 2 Agabos which means Christian prophet. Then I saw licence plate 185 avvah which means desire. Then 525 apallassó means release. 4291 metah to reach; attain. Attain means succeed in achieving something that one desires and has worked for; bring; get; possession. I'm hearing in the spirit first look up the lyrics. This is so prophetic. So I'll write only what stood out most in the spiritual realm at that moment. Now some of you reading this are currently in seperation watching and in love from a distance. So some of the words when you call on me things like that think spiritual because when you're connected 2 the same cord one flesh, you can feel them praying for you, hear their thoughts, talking and even sometimes see them in the spirit if you have that gift cuz your daddy will let them. You can feel them. I heard that Holy Ghost there is no distance in the spirit. They are right next you in the spiritual realm even from a physical distance during seperation. This is why you feel their emotions so intense. You're one flesh. I'm seeing the half of kovu and Kiara again water reflection as one in the spirit. Ok back to the lyrics. You've set my heart on fire Filled me with love. Made me a woman on clouds above. Ok so you can flip this. The man is also feeling this. Their heart is on fire for you beloved. Cloud 9 they have never met anyone like you and even during seperation, they are starting to remember all the talks they had and Holy Spirit is quickening their spirit and things are starting 2 make sense why there was such a deep bond and connection because you 2 were always connected 2 the same 3 strand cord but didn't know it then. I couldn't get much higher. My spirit takes flight 'Cause I am alive. I get wings 2 fly im alive. I couldn't get much higher. Beloved they are on another dimension and thinking of you and seeing you in a pic or in the spirit is perpetual bliss so can you imagine how much marital bliss there will be when your abba daddy says ok you're ready for ministry and kingdom marriage 2 come together again. I ger wings 2 fly om alone so prophetic reasurection!! Whoo!! I'm hearing this again in the spirit Jacob kissed Rachel and he wept. For some of you there could be tears of happiness when you come together again because I'm hearing in the spirit you mean to tell me while I was talking 2 her/him all this time I was talking 2 my wife/husband. And didn't even know it. God likes 2 surprise his children. When you reach for me, Raising spirits high. God knows that. That I'll be the one. Standing by through good and through trying times. And it's only begun. I can't wait for the rest of my life. If someone is in high spirits, they are extremely happy and bliss. You do something to them beloved. I'm hearing the word fixated in the spirit spelled out in an open vision in black caps letters in the spirit. Thos word is connected. Fixated can mean direct one's eyes toward; cause someone to acquire to something or someone an obsessive attachment. Can't stop thinking of them; 2 focus or concentrate ones gaze intently or attention. Whoo!! That's deep in a good way so in love you with you beloved they are fixated. I'm seeing the words romeo and juliet in the spirit. God is putting those feelings there because you are the one, you are their adam/rib the one and only God designed and you are the only one annointed 2 be his wife and her husband. I'll be the one standing by ok so they aren't going anywhere when you 2 come together again they are all in through trials and good times thick and thin and it's only begun when you come together again. I can't wait 4 the rest of my life. So they are excited that you are their person they get 2 do life with yet and fall in love, build a home and im even hearing in the spirit long 2 be intimate. Intimate means very close or best friend; familiar; close; sexual; personal and private. Ok so pretty straight forward they want all of you beloved. The good the bad the ugly the whole package they want you and only you and it's the unconditional growing old and grey holding hands til you're 97 kindaaa love til the end. I heard that Holy Ghost that cant sleep cant eat reach for the stars over the fence over the moon kindaaa love that's God sent. Ok so the a new day has come celine dion lyrics I heard in the spirit. This part specific Through the darkness and good times I knew I'd make it through. And the world thought I had it all But I was waiting for you. So your person has never met anyone like you beloved. They knew something was missing but they hid it. And now that they met you their search has ended because God awakened adam my God speak Holy Spirit he couldnt see you were the one then because he was still asleep til God opened his eyes and revelation and now he is waiting on Gods perfect timing for daddy God 2 bring him his wife/rib/ woman. I see a light in the sky Oh, it's almost blinding me.I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love. Ok so your light is so bright beloved you feel like an angel to them. Your light guided them out of the darkness through darker seasons. Your light and your heart is what makes them so fixated. I heard that Holy Ghost Because your beauty radiates from within because the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you beloved & they see it. Then I saw licence plate 925 means bright brilliant confirmation by what I heard in the spirit. Plate 394 set up set forth communication. Then I saw licence plate that said 2Letter on it. 2 in strongs means ab means father so the father will bring the woman 2 him and God is orchestrating, setting up a meeting either online or in person and licence plate letter confirmation & there will be either a phone call a msg or text yet when the door opens. My God speak Holy Spirit ok there's gonna be a lonnnnnng love letter through a msg or text. God is in it. I'm hearing love confessions in the spirit and a stern voice do not let fear stop you from writing this because love must be confessed when the door opens so the relationship will go the next level that will lead to marriage. God is really emphasizing this!! husband's reply 2 your wives love confessions when she messages you again. Do not put her on ignore and be closed off I'm hearing in the spirit. And wives same with him. Emotionally closed off means tend to be withdrawn & less expressive. They are also more likely to hold things inside and not express. Ok so God is saying let it all out when you reunite again and watch love blossom. Then I saw 444 open doors confirmation. I prophesy the father is opening doors no one can shut in the name of Jesus. I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing a flower blooming in the spirit. It will bloom as you nurture your relationship and open up 2 them. Whoo!! As I said open the pink flower in the spirit opened. God is so good beloved. Then I saw 2 licence plates that said sing and the other one said amore on it. Amore means love and love is in the air beloved. And I prophesy you will be like those that dream mouth filled with laughter and singing in the name of Jesus. Then I saw plate4374 which translates 2 prospheró and it means offer; to bring to my God speak Holy Spirit another number like 667 I saw 5 different cars in total in 2 days beloved. A number that means the same beloved. This word is connected and for who this word is 4 beloved, again God is emphasizing that soon he's going 2 send the woman 2 him. And again the scripture reference Mark15:1..they bound Jesus, led him away, and took him 2 Pilate.. I have never seen so many licence plates in 3 days that mean the same thing beloved. I feel the annointing ok mm. As for the scripture reference after I heard those celine dion songs in the spirit. Again first my Bible landed 2 Gen2:22-24 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man. At last!” the man exclaimed. “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called woman, because she was taken from ‘man. This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. And again you are already one flesh because everything starts first in the spirit but when you join physically then in the natural you become one flesh and legally officially wife and husband. Notice in NLT translation Adam says at last!! Confirmation you'll be so happy when you finally see her again. Then again I wanted one more confirmation so I closed my Bible and reopened it and it landed to Song of Solomon. So song of songs 4&6 lovers reunited. Also what stood out was chapter6:8 where it reads Even among sixty queens and eighty concubines and countless young women, I would still choose my dove, my perfect one. Ok so baby girl you're it!! He only has eyes for you and even if he is an eligible bachelor who had options, he would still choose you Ruth. Boaz has his eye on you and he is smitten. I heard that Holy Ghost. Smitten means is deeply affected with or struck by strong feelings of attraction, affection, or infatuation. So Ruth baby is ain't got nothing to worry about because you belong 2 Boaz and his eyes have been opened. Also song of songs 4:1&9. Vs1 You are beautiful, my darling, beautiful beyond words. Your eyes are like doves behind your veil. Your hair falls in waves, like a flock of goats winding down the slopes of Gilead. Some serious attraction.This is why I heard fixated in the spirit confirmation. Ok & Vs9 also stood out in the spirtual realm beloved. And it reads: You have captured my heart, my treasure, my bride. You hold it hostage with one glance of your eyes, with a single jewel of your necklace. This man is so in love with you beloved. Your kingdom husband is saying yoru eyes and heart have captured him. It holds his gaze hostage. He can't look away beloved. His eyes have been opened. Then I saw 321 on tv and 321 on a license plate again quick recap 321 anagó it means lead, bring up, bring offer set sail almost the same thing as licence plate 4374 & licence plate 667. There is no coincidence all of them mean bring carry away even one is offer engagement!! & 3 different numbers and 7 times total in 3 days beloved. 3 means completion and so does 7 also completion . & 7+6=13 which means Christian prophet going into ministry yet my God speak Holy Spirit. Completion prep is coming 2 an end prophetic ministry yet this word is connected. Then I saw 346 anakephalaioó gather a gathering is coming together beloved. Whoo!! God is moving and ministries are being born with many kingdom unions I prophesy in the name of Jesus the laborers are few great is the harvest. I have been also seeing 913 over and over again. Then I saw uhaul trucks again the last 2 days over again. Confirmation unions moving marriage. I prophesy everything is happening quickly and sudden one heel on the other so fasr your head will spin in the name of Jesus. I prophesy no weapon formed against you and your kingdom spouse/ marriage shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I call you protected favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but love is in the air & they are so fixated, & suddenly your daddy is leading the wife 2 her husband & bringing her 2 him & when it happens cards on the table open up 2 them and it will lead to kingdom marriage. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Gen2:22-24 | Ma10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Luke24:14-15 | Gen9:13 | Am9:13 | Isa60:22,66:19 | SongofSongs4&6 | Phill1:6 | Phill1:12,15 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant 10+11+12+14+24=71& 71 in strongs concordance translates 2 agó nad means 2 lead 2 bring to carry My God speak Holy Spirit another confirmation bring, carry lead away bring like 667..they led away Jesus to pilate.. God is going 2 lead the wife away to the husband suddenly before you know it beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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