Prophetic Word: Beloved If U Make Me The Captain Of Your Ship, & U Both Keep Your Eyes On Me As Your Head, When The Iceberg Hits, Your Kingdom Marriage Won't Sink At The Bottom Of The Atlantic

Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingom marriage word beloved. Great analogy 2 really catch the gravity of it. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Sept 2/24 I Heard in the spirit behold I am making all things new beloved & then I saw in the spirit an open vision of bee movie dead flowers come back 2 life again so I waited & waited for confirmation. Then today Sept16/24 I saw a boat sinking and taking on water in the spirit & as I pressed in then I  saw Rose in the spirit with the pink coat  asking Mr Andrew's I saw the iceberg & I see in your eyes plz tell me the truth. The ship will sink he replies & then I came back again. So I waited for more confirmation and then I saw licence plate 907 means 2 submerge or sink and can it also mean bad in another translation. Confirmation it is bad when the ship is about 2 sink beloved. Scripture reference is Matt14:28-30 when Peter took his off Jesus he began 2 sink beloved. He focused on the storm & situation surrounding him. Mm. Someone needs 2 drop everything & just go isolate and Praise God 4 a few minutes &  just focus on Him. I heard that Holy Ghost I'll praise you thru this storm.. im hearing this song in the spirit and singing along with it. Someone here needs 2 go listen 2 it. It's in my pinterest music Playlist. Sing with me beloved. And I'll praise You in this storm. & I will lift my hands. 4You are who You are. No matter where I am & every tear I've cried You hold in Your hand You never left my side & tho my heart is torn I will praise You in this storm. Then my Bible randomly landed to Ps66:8 Let the whole world bless our God and loudly sing his praises. Our lives are in his hands, and he keeps our feet from stumbling & another translation is sufferereth not our foot 2 be moved and another is slipping beloved. He will rebuke the storm and winds. I'm seeing myself in the spirit back then when I was such a clutz and would trip. Yes I still do from time 2 time beloved lol I heard that Holy Ghost some things never change I'm hearing the song playing in the spirit from 2nd frozen. My abba daddy has a sense of humor beloved. He knows its part of my quirky personality & it just happens. I spill things alot 2 lol & one time I asked him why I'm such a clutz. I don't know who needs this have your way Holy Spirit & He said 2 me my beloved I made you exactly how I wanted you 2 be. Your eyes, your hair, your quirks, your sense of humor and personality. For you are fearfully & wonderfully made my love and you are made in my image & you were created by me so whoever that's for recieve this in the name of Jesus because you are enough & you are His masterpiece. Ok so back 2 the scripture reference. Our lives are in his hands & he keeps us from stumbling beloved that includes your kingdom marriage. Together keep your eyes on him or you'll stumble and sink like the titanic hitting rock bottom in the Atlantic I heard that Holy Ghost Because if you 2 get lukewarm and take your eyes off him now theres cracks in the once solid foundation my God speak Holy Spirit im seeing Cracks In the spirit & if not dealt with they get bigger over time with your negligence. I'm hearing negligence in the spirit. It means failure 2 take proper care in doing something or failure 2 use reasonable care, & injury to someone resulting in damage. My God speak Holy Spirit take care of your homestead, be selfless with a mind of a servant. Take care of your kingdom spouse beloved. Meet their emotional needs and make sure sexual needs are met, If you act in negligence that will cause cracks in the walls & foundation. I heard that Holy Ghost they come before your kids, your parents, your business. My God speak Holy Spirit. If they do not, now resentment may creep in like the creepy crawlers & rodents the devil trying 2 get in through the cracks of your armor & walls & foundation. I'm seeing in the spirit rodents looking for a way in & can't get in because when you keep your eyes on Jesus in your marriage. You will have a layer of pest control protection and no cracks 2 get in. Mm. Always make time 4 them. Don't let the devil get btwn you 2 & sleep btwn you in your bed. I'm hearing in the spirit there is nothing new under the sun so don't be ignorant of statans devices. Satan creeped in the garden got between Eve & Adam & disturbed marital bliss. My God speak Holy Spirit I feel the annointing tend 2 your garden your homestead take care for it. Everything your daddy gives you is a gift from above & its perfect. Then my Bible landed to Isa40:7&8 where the Lord says: The grass withers and the flowers fade beneath the breath of the Lord. And so it is with ppl. The grass withers & the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever. Beloved if the word of God stands forever and Jesus is the word and Peter sank when he took his eyes off Jesus, then keep your eyes on Him & you won't fade but live life more abundant because you are the light of the world following Him because you are going from glory 2 & seated with Jesus Christ in heavenly places & Him there is no darkness so there isn't in you either beloved when you follow Him. I prophesy as you & your kingdom spouse stay close 2 vine, the branches will be prosperous & never have a another dry season in the name of Jesus. Peter took his eyes off him out of unbelief for only a spilt second my God speak Holy Spirit & he began 2 sink because of it. Dont take your eyes off Jesus as you build with Him. It only takes a split second 4 the enemy & rats & rodents 2 get in. Mm. God is saying if you don't want your kingdom marriage 2 hit an iceberg & sink below the bottom of the atlantic then keep your eyes on Jesus & don't take your eyes off him. Dont forget your first love when it all happens. Don't stop following him when you're married for a while living in bliss. I heard that Holy Ghost Because if you're not watching out for icebergs ahead & don't keep your eyes on Jesus. The devil is prowling around seeking someone 2 devour beloved & he hates kingdom marriages. So be vigilant. Stay in God's Word your eyes are focused on him the captain of the ship!! That will protect you from hitting icebergs and accidents. Whar I saw in the spirit. He said the ship will sink!! Only because Whoo!! I heard that Holy Ghost she wasn't strong enough for icebergs ahead because she wasn't built with a solid foundation my God speak Holy Spirit and the luxurious ship's design was more important than the construction of it. Mm. Im about 2 shout like David. God is building the foundation in your single season before you come together im hearing in the spirit. The delay is on purpose because there will be icebergs ahead & your daddy is making sure you know how 2 swim & you are equipped but God is saying because you keep your eyes on me & built on a solid foundation the ship will not sink beloved because you put me first & let be the captain of the ship in your marriage. The Ship will only sink if you 2 are not putting Christ first till the end I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing the middle strand of someone's braided hair in the spirit because your abba daddy Jesus is the middle strand that holds you together beloved that holds your marriage. Without the middle strand it isn't even a braid & it loosens my God speak Holy Spirit and when you have loose ends things get between the strands beloved Whoo!! Things get in because nothing is holding the 2 strands together & you need the 3rd strand for the 3strand cord 2 not be easily broken. Then I saw 1234 which means strongs split open so I prophesy the Lord your daddy God will part the red seas in your life even when you're in your kingdom marriage as you're obedient and willing you will eat the good of the land in the name of Jesus. Also for someone I keep seeing 222 over and over again. [Gen2:22 read it meditate on it] I release blessing & favor and I call you prosperous favored & blessed. I prophesy what God hath joined together no one can put asunder or seperate in the name of Jesus. Meditate on the Word day & night beloved as a couple in kingdom marriage & even alone in bed & you'll always be prosperous from your obedience and a success. My ppl perish 4 lack of knowledge. Be not ignorant of satans devices. I don't know who this is 4 baby but if you don't want your kingdom marriage 2 go down with the ship at the bottom of the Atlantic, then keep your eyes on daddy Jesus & you'll always walk on water & be prosperous through every season. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Gen2:22 | Ma10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Isa40:7-8 | Matt14:28-30 | Ps66:8 | Rom12:2 | Joshua1:8-9 | 1Pet5:8 | Jhn10:10 | Phill1:6 | Phill1:12,15 | 1Cor2:9 | Ps84:11 | Jer29:11 | Hos4:6 | 2Cor2:11 |

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 2+14+16+24=56 & 56 in strongs concordance translates 2 agnósia which means ignorance. There is no coincidence beloved. Keep your eyes on Jesus your captain and head, and you won't sink the ship at the bottom of the Atlantic!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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