Prophetic Word: Come Back 2 Me Again, I Am Not Mad At You Or Distant 4 I Have Loved You With An Everlasting Love Beloved

   Heyyy my luuvs. I have a word for someone beloved. Sept28/24 My Bible landed to Jonah and I thought ok Jonah was running & disobedient so I waited for confirmation. And then the next day I heard in the spirit And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. Have your way Holy Spirit. Say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Because it was adam and eve that confirms 2 me this word is for 2 or more people ok so for someone, with the father you're in daily relationship but fell off the deep end either sin, warfare or disobedient maybe you just briefly got off track from the warfare and this is your abba daddy saying I miss you. talk to me again. Walk with me again. Mm. I miss you don't run from me in the garden my God speak Holy Spirit I had an open vision the other day and saw a car fly off a track in the spirit but didn't release it yet because I didn't know Jonah and then Genisis was all on word yet. wow because this word is connected and what I saw in the spirit was confirmation but didn't know it til now it hit my spirit. Thankyou dad now I get it. I love those out of nowhere jaw dropping revelations lol that makes you scream laugh and it hits your spirit. Mm. God is so good beloved. So whoever this word is for come back to him. I don't care what you did wrong or how bad it is. I'm hearing prodigal son in the spirit. I'm seeing someone hugging someone in the spirit. Your daddy isn't mad at you beloved. You are missed. And you know you have been running from him, sitting in his presence from spending time with him but he just wants to walk in the cool of the day and hang out with you again. I heard that Holy Ghost. Beloved come back to him. And I prophesy as you draw near 2 your abba daddy he will draw near 2 you beloved, so close in the name of Jesus. Jonah you have been chosen for this assignment and then my Bible landed to many are called few are chosen. Don't run away from His presence like Adam and eve did in the garden. Repent and run back to him in his open arms waiting 4 you beloved. You are so loved and I prophesy there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but walk in the spirit in the name of Jesus. Remember he's BBJ 2 big brother Jesus and he wants a relationship. But a relationship is 2 sided and requires you 2 also check in and spend time with him. I'm hearing in the spirit I have loved you with an everlasting love beloved. I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. I release blessing and favor and I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but whatever you did, your abba daddy still misses you and wants you 2 spend time with him again. So get back on track and keep going fwd pressing toward your purpose & destination. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Gen3:8 | Jonah1&2 | James4:8 | Luke15:11-24 | Jer31:3 | Zech2:8 | Jer29:11

And ironically 28+29+24=81 & 81 translates in strongs concordance 2 adelphotés which means brotherhood beloved!! Run back to him.

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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