Prophetic Word: I Know You Are Running From The Call Out Of Fear Beloved, But What Are You Waiting 4 Repent Run Back 2 Me Because You Are Chosen 4 This Assignment

    Heyyy my luuvs. I have a rhema word for someone beloved & I saw my envelope emoji and my profile icon in the spirit confirming I need 2 release it now. Plz forgive me 4 spelling errors if there is. Also new app because my old one is obsolete & stopped working so some minor changes 2 the font and the closest I could find so it's easier 2 read beloved. Go to my blogger website if it is in an inconvenience. Dad plz order their steps so they can recieve it. I don't know who this word is for but you've been asking for a sign or looking for one from Jesus and this is it. On Aug16/24 my Bible landed 2 John 6 Jesus walks on water & I saw someone running away in the spirit and in another realm I saw Elsa from frozen running away when they saw her powers and everyone knew about it and then I came back again. Then Sept21/24 my Bible landed to Jonah 1&2 & then a 2nd time again. So I waited 4 more confirmation and then I heard a song in the spirit its new 2 me and never heard it back then its called walk on the water, confirmation by Britt Nicole so I'm going 2 pinn it on my pinterest yet. The sentence that stood out the most in the spirit so what are you waiting 4 and then Jonah!! I made the connection it just hit my spirit. And ppl were watching Elsa when this happened. Jonah was running from the assignment. And then later my Bible landed to John6:16 as further confirmation. So I closed my Bible and reopened it and it landed to John6:16 again. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. I don't know who you are beloved but I know you in the spirit and you are running from the call on your life and the assignment. Out of fear beloved. Elsa ran out of fear in isolation and Jonah was stubborn not wanting to be obedient but got swallowed by a fish because of it. Im just going 2 call out what im hearing in the spirit. I know you're scared beloved. I know you don't think you can do it. I know you're terrified because you are the one chosen 2 break generational curses. Ok im seeing in the spirit you have been going through a ton of spiritual warfare but the crushing is on purpose I heard that Holy Ghost Because your abba daddy is crushing you and pressing you for the oil & birthing something new from it. I'm hearing disapline in the spirit. Every child of God goes through it. If he doesn't disapline you then are you really his. Whoo!! Because he rebukes and chastised those he loves beloved. God is saying I know you are scared but rise up 4 such a time as this for I have not given you a spirit of fear but love power and a sound mind beloved. If God didn't believe you could do it he wouldn't have chosen you for the assignment. I'm hearing in the spirit I will provide all you need and the resources. I'm hearing look up lyrics and break it down in the spirit. Ok so vs1 You look around, and staring back at you. Another wave of doubt, will it pull you under? You wonder, "What if I'm overtaken? What if I never make it? What if no one's there? Will You hear my prayer?" When you take that first step into the unknown

You know that He won't let you go. Ok so obviously you are in doubt & fear and can't believe you were picked and you are questioning if you heard God correct and you did. I rebuke the hand of the enemy and I curse & cancel that assignment in the name of Jesus. I call you strong & I prophesy you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you beloved in the name of Jesus. Im hearing Esther in the spirit. Ok the chorus. So what are you waiting for? What do you have to lose? Your insecurities, they try to hold to you. But you know you're made for more, so don't be afraid to move. Your faith is all it takes, & you can walk on the water to. Ok insecurities is standing out in the spirit & I rebuke the spirit of insecurity & bind it in the name of Jesus and I command it 2 go back to hell now in the mighty name of Jesus. I release the annointing 4 strength & boldness over like a lion. Vs2 So get out and let your fear fall to the ground. No time to waste, don't wait, and don't you turn around. And miss out on everything you were made for (Gotta be) I know you're not sure. So you play it safe, you try to run away. If you take that first step into the unknown. He won't let you go. I'm hearing oh you of little faith in the spirit. Don't run away beloved run back 2 him. We need you in the body of Christ 4 only you can do what God has annointed you 4 beloved. No one can do what you were called 2 do your assignment. We are many members in one body baptized in one body and every gift and every person is needed 4 a specific purpose. I heard that Holy Ghost Because God created each one of us uniquely for His bigger purpose. Then I saw licence plate 1215 démégoreó which means 2 deliver a public address public speech address a multitude my God speak Holy Spirit kindaaa like Jonah addressing a multitude in Ninevah but didn't want 2 and ran away instead and got swallowed by a fish. Then I saw licence plate 226 means 2 tell the truth and a sign in other translation. Confirmation, you asked 4 it. Then My Bible landed to Matt28 which is further confirmation making disciples stood out in the spirit. Repent because you are chosen & God has given you a spirit of teaching & making disciples beloved. I'm hearing teachable spirit & 1Pet2:9 in the spirit. Ok and then you'll receive more gifts of the spirit as you diligently seek him. You think you're unable 2 do it kindaaa like Esther when she was chosen 2 become queen and had no interest but she was chosen & God's purpose is always about expanding his kingdom. And he used esther 2 save the Jews from termination.  I have also been seeing 414 over and over again chasing me again and again Sept16 &18 beloved. 414 also means Israelite which means chosen my God speak Holy Spirit For you are a holy ppl, who belong 2 the Lord your God of all the ppl on earth, the Lord your God has chosen you to be his own special treasure beloved. Whoo!! I'm about 2 shout & dance like David!! Baby you are chosen so why run away because you have been predestinated for a bigger purpose. God the Father knew you and chose you long ago, and his Spirit has made you holy & as a result you have obeyed him and have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ & may God give you more & more grace and peace I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I saw plate 982 batach means 2 trust so trust him and come up higher because this is your moment. I release blessing & favor & I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but quit running away out of fear and run back 2 him for many are called and few are chosen and you are chosen, rising 4 such a time as this. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Matt22:14 | Jonah1&2 | Esth4:14 | John | Deut7:6 | 1Jhn4:4 | Jhn15:16 | Phill1:6 | 1Pet2:9 | Jhn10:10 | Jer29:11 

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 16+18+21+22+24=101 & 101 in strongs concordance translates 2 adunateó which means to be unable and this is your sign & confirmation. You are more than able because you are annointed & chosen beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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