Prophetic Word: I Know You Are Tired But Hang On Beloved, I Will Come Through 4 My Baby Yet & Raise You Up Again

 Heyyy my luuvs. A quick rhema word for someone beloved. I heard the song hanging on ny Britt Nicole in the spirit so I will pinn it 2 my pinterest. Then I saw someone in the spirit that looked much younger on their knees in a bending position dirt on the face and then I saw the hands of Jesus in the spirit reach down both hands reached down and grabbed their hands and pulled them up and lifted them up again and then I came back again. Confirmation by the song I heard in the spirit. The dirt represents spiritual warfare and running the race and fighting mind battles in the spirit. Ok its been rough and just a look of exhaustion in the spirit. And then I had a conversation with my daddy beloved so whoever you are you need this encouragement. And I heard in the spirit beloved look at your children, is there anything you would not do for them. Is there anything you would not help them with if they needed it. You love 2 give them surprises. That is how I feel about you my beloved child so why do you doubt me or question. Mm. Why wouldn't I want 2 give you big gifts. You're my baby and my timing is perfect and I am perfecting you while you grow in me walking my ways in my wisdom. I'm starting 2 tear up for who this is for beloved. Hang on and don't question the way he does things even if it's taking longer than you thought and next I heard in the spirit you know how hard it is to let your baby go beloved. How do you think I feel about you 4 I am just as protective. I know it's hard beloved. I know you're going through alot in the wilderness. I know you're suffering a little bit because hope deffered makes the heart sick but I promise I am causing all things 2 work for your good yet because you are my baby beloved. I know you can't see the bigger picture yet. I know you don't understand what I am doing in the waiting while you're trying 2 be patient. I'm seeing a puzzle coming together in the spirit. The puzzle pieces are being re-arranged and moved around a bit My God speak Holy Spirit because the puzzle is soon coming 2 completion for I prophesy the good work he began in you beloved he will finish what He started in the name of Jesus. He is not slow to his promise but as his baby He doesn't want you 2 self sabotage it so keep growing in Him. The last thing I heard in the spirit is I know you're tired beloved but keep going because you're almost there and I am reviving you once again. Recieve that in the name of Jesus. And I just prophesy to your dead dry bones every area in your life that seems dead I command and I prophesy is coming back alive again in the name of Jesus. I release the Isa40:31 annointing for strength renewed again. I am hearing in the spirit I did not bring you this far to just leave you in the wilderness. Trust my timing beloved. 450 anistémi to raise up, to rise Confirmation. I release blessing and favor and I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but your abba daddy hasn't forsaken you or forgotten, is there anything he won't do for his beloved child for your daddy loves you and is very protective. Keep believing because the tables are about 2 turn yet as he pulls you up lifts you out of the pit and you rise again. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Phill1:6 | Prov3:5-6 | Matt7:11 | Ps84:11 | Jhn13:7 | Gen2:22 | Ma10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | 1Chron4:10 | Gen9:13 | Am9:13 | 1Cor2:9 | Jer29:11

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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