Prophetic Word: I Know You're Mourning & Going Through It Beloved But Time & Delay Is An Illusion & You Have Not Been Forgotten Or Forsaken 

   Heyyy my luuvs. I have a word for more than one person beloved. I saw so many things in the spirit. You will know it's your word I pray if this is your word dad let it hit their spirit and may they feel your presence and how much you love them 2 release this word 2 them 2 help & keep them going  in the name of Jesus. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Sept6/24 I was smelling ashes in the spirit because there are no ashes around me in the natural so I knew it was in the spirit. I see a campfire pit the fire is out and all there is, is ashes and I'm smelling them and then I started smelling a cigarette ash tray in someone's house in the spiritual realm a black looking tray of ashes on a table & then I came back again. Ashes represents someone or something that is dead ok so mourning someone is mourning and I prophesy over you that your abba daddy is trading your ashes for beauty beloved and turning your mourning unto dancing in the name of Jesus. Ohh thankyou father for reminding me yes I saw a flash of someone dancing in the spirit. Confirmation. So I waited 2 see if there was more confirmation because It didn't feel right in my spirit 2 release it yet and usually I see my envelope emoji & my profile icon in the spirit releasing me 2 release it so I knew it wasn't time yet. I waited and waited for confirmation. Then today sept 27/24 while driving I heard Mark14 father why has thou forsaken me in the spirit then later when went into my Bible it landed to Mark14 when it opened as further confirmation. Someone here feels forsaken and it's hard to go through this painful process but it's the Father's will beloved & I prophesy victory and redemption yet is coming when you come out of this in the name of Jesus. In the garden Jesus said Abba, Father,  he cried out, “everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine. So you do you want His will 2 be done but the suffering.. Jesus said my soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. So that is confirmation when I saw the ashes in the spirit. When Jesus died, He conquered the grave hell and death. He rose again. That's a confirmation I declare the victory is already won and you are conqueror in Christ Jesus in the name of Jesus. You are coming out of this. It may feel like death but you will rise again when you come out of this. Mm. Because you my luuvs a child of God cannot be defeated just like Jesus could not be defeated even though he went 2 the cross, through death and crucifixion. I feel the annointing. Whoo!! Jesus!! Mm. You cannot be defeated. Tell me who can defeat you?? there is nothing more more powerful than Holy Spirit and He dwells within and if he dwells in than greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world my God speak Holy Spirit because the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in you within. I'm getting emotional who this is for in the spirit. Baby you are coming out of this!! I heard that Holy Ghost the enemy thought he had you in his pocket the enemy thought you would end up dead just like Jesus yes he was dead for a moment but then He rose again alive again and I heard that Holy Ghost, Satan didn't think you would make it out alive, come back again!! Whoo!! He thought for sure his plan 2 take you out would be a success but he failed miserably because if God is for you who can be against you beloved. Whoo!! And I prophesy no weapon formed against you or your life shall prosper in the name of Jesus. So I waited for confirmation. After I heard father why has thou forsaken me than a couple hours later I saw an open vision of cinderella 3 in the spirit and I heard delay is an illusion beloved in the spirit the vision was when the evil step mom was turning back the clock when cinderella met the prince so it didn't exist and they never met but what God is emphasizing He is outside of time and He can turn back the clock like you never lost anything beloved. And I prophesy your daddy God is turning back the clock redeeming the time loss & restoring what was stolen & what the locusts ate back then like nothing happened in the name of Jesus. I heard that Holy Ghost thus saith the Lord of hosts 7fold!! Is Coming yet. Let go of the disappointment & could of been. Whoo!! Better is coming yet!! Cinderella and prince. If you only knew what was coming yet you wouldn't even care how bad the pain and trial currently is. Keep rejoicing through it. Praise him through it. God will never leave you or forsake you in it. You are getting even more than you thought beloved I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit because you waited!! Mm. I am hearing in the spirit. I am outside of time beloved. Time Is an illusion. The enemy wants you 2 think you're late & delayed so you feel frustrated and inadequate and a tactic to make you feel a certain way like you're not worth it, like God has forgotten, the enemy trying to get into your head I heard that Holy Ghost like Satan got into eves head in the garden with lies and deception. Resist him. I rebuke all lies of the enemy and cancel them and command satan to flee from you in the name of Jesus. So yes you're mourning and your heart is sick from hope deffered and waiting for the promise. And then a couple hours later I heard but the Scriptures must be fulfilled in the spirit again emotional because Jesus had to go through it 2 save us beloved or we would have gone 2 hell for our sins but he loved you so much he went through with it. Mm. Then my Bible landed there again as confirmation and it hit my spirit. Mourning, trials pain birthing contractions why has thou forsaken me when I heard that in the spirit I felt so much dissapointment what someone was feeling in the spirit but the Scriptures must be fulfilled My God speak Holy Spirit your daddy God knew everything about you and what would happen before it even happens before the foundation of the world knowing everything you endured and what is written, in his book about you he has been in your future seen ahead. I'm just going 2 be transparent what I'm hearing in the spirit. He knew you would go through the season of debt and get back on your feet again but in the mean time it's been hard and setbacks again & again. He knew you would go thru that divorce & seperation & it took a toll on your mental health beloved. Your daddy knew you would go through that affliction like Job like Hezekiah I heard that Holy Ghost that affliction but I prophesy double for your trouble, restoration & like Hezekiah 15 years will be added to your life I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Ooh Jesus, God is redeeming what was loss the time, the opportunities coming full circle again, the wasted yrs & seasons. God is restoring that relationship that temporarily ended for kingdom marriage yet I prophesy in the name of Jesus. It is written everything about beloved. It is ordained it must come 2 fufillmillent. God is not a liar & delay & time is an illusion. Yes its painful waiting & going thru affliction but the scriptures must be fulfilled because the old you is dying thru the transformation like a caterpillar im seeing in the spirit in a cocoon in isolation becoming a butterfly ready 2 fly through transition!! Whoo!! because thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven I prophesy & declare in the name of Jesus. Therefore everything you're going thru which is unbearable the Scriptures must be fulfilled 4 you 2 become a new creation the old you has to die first & 4 that 2 happen you gotta endure things that will break you mold you sculpt you & if our daddy Jesus had 2 go thru it what makes you think you won't go through painful situations before the blessing & redemption mm. Because you are His I heard that Holy Ghost and that means seasons of painful trials & you will be tested & there will be persecution but I prophesy weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning in the name of Jesus. Pain is temporary & delay is an illusion. God is on time beloved. I prophesy your 41 is coming yet in the name of Jesus. The Israelites wandered in desert for 40 yrs then it ended. Then entered the promised land beloved. After 40 days of Jesus fasting, then Satan tempted him & then fled & I prophesy if you don't quit the devil will in the name of Jesus. After Jesus' ressurection, He appeared 2 his disciples and was with them 40 days & then day 41 ascended 2 heaven. Whoo!! Your 42 is coming beloved!!! When you get 2 the point where yes you're believing 4 it & still want it but you're at peace with God's timing when it happens & not desperate. Just watch when you're at peace & still believing 4 it but rejoicing while waiting 4 it not desperate that's when it will happen because now you're ready 4 it. You're not idolizing the promise or breakthrough coming yet & restoration but you just let God be God & endure what you need 2 for the promises to manifest. Mm. Recieve this word in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you prosperous favored & blessed. I release the Isa40:31 annointing for strength renewed again. I don't know who this is for baby I know you're mourning and going through it but time & delay is an illusion and you have not been forgotten & forsaken so keep trusting Him & praising your abba daddy through it. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Matt27:46 | Mark14:49 | Mark15:34 | Matt6:10 | Heb13:5 | 1Pet5:10 | Jhn10:10 | Jer29:11 



The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 6+27+24=57 & 57 in strongs concordance translates 2 abel & it means unknown or mourning my God speak Holy Spirit confirming the ashes I saw in the spirit, there is no coincidence. God is on time & time is an illusion beloved!! 

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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