Prophetic Word: They Love You Beloved But Focus On Me During Seperation & Be Patient Because You Are Being Trained & Ordained 2 Go Into Ministry Yet 

    Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word beloved. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost & none of me in the name of Jesus. I saw in the spirit someone laying hands on the sick, and ppl throwing up demons and set free again, there was a crowd of ppl and I noticed when they were done praying they went up to the pulpit, holding hands I see wedding rings so they were a married couple in the spirit. I wasn't permitted 2 see their faces but the man was in a suit with a Bible in his hand beloved. I just kept seeing hands up worshipping Jesus, it was some kind of  deliverance ministry & music and ppl were healed and delivered from demons and sicknesses & diseases but this couple were doing it together and then I came back again. Then I saw 13 again which translates 2 Agabos which means a Christian prophet so its a ministry, its in the prophetic. I'm hearing one will evangelize the other will prophesy over ppl when the Lord gives them utterance and pray 4 the sick. Test the spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Then a few days after I saw that in the spirit my Bible landed 2 Matt 28 the great commission then my Bible landed to Heb10:35 so I waited 2 see if there was more confirmation and then my Bible randomly landed 2 Song of songs 6 lovers reunited again which confirmed the married couple I saw in the spirit. I didn't see their faces for confidential and security purposes but this word is connected 2 555 wealth & nations. My God speak Holy Spirit I am seeing in the spirit when I typed that word Ruth married Boaz because Jesus Christ would come yet through that specific linage and I am hearing the word patience in the spirit. This word is connected. Its connected 2 the Ruth Goes When I say Beloved and the 5part of word They Love You Beloved but be strong & focus on me during seperation my God speak Holy Spirit there is going to be some kind of deliverance ministry as husband and wife I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Wealth and nations confirmation!! This is why its taking so long 4 your promises 2 manifest because you are both training in the wilderness because you have a kingdom assignment together in the earth yet 2 win souls 4 Jesus!! This is why spiritual warfare has been intense. The devil is trying 2 stop it just like he tried 2 stop Jesus because your union will save many yet. Mm. Then I saw 17 & in strongs concordance it translates 2 agathopoios which means doing well confirmation you're both doing well learning in the secret places during seperation but this is why God has been emphasizing be patient. My God speak Holy Spirit well done this is why I kept seeing it over and over again stay in position you're getting married & you're going to be in ministry together yet. I'm hearing in the spirit you will still have your business. And I'm seeing the word enterprise spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. Your kingdom marriage goes hand in hand beloved. You will be side by side together doing this and as you keep me first in your kingdom marriage, follow my commands you will be prosperous and everything will be a success. Now it's adding up for you both spouses why it's taking longer than expected. I heard that Holy Ghost Because it's bigger than you and marriage its about bloodlines my God speak Holy Spirit wealth and nations. I'm hearing in the spirit the last stretch is ministry preparation. You are ready for kingdom  marriage but the I am training both of you at new levels of revelation for ministry in the last stretch before you come together again. I am doing a quick work just be patient. So that is confirmation. You have been wondering here & there why your daddy God has been so quiet because the teacher is always quiet during the test my God speak Holy Spirit the Job season is preparing you 4 more, double and restoration!! And you both went thru it & were being tested & you passed the test I'm hearing but you're ordained 2 go into ministry with your kingdom marriage. No eye has seen beloved. They Love you but focus on me during seperation because you are being trained for ministry and through me will heal the sick and God is emphasizing my dearly beloved plz be patient because the wait will be worth it. I release blessing and favor and I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but you in training 4 a bigger purpose attached 2 your kingdom marriage so well done ans stay in position because any day now you'll be fully ready it will come of all of a sudden. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Matt28 | Heb10:35 | Heb11:1 | SongofSongs6 | Phill1:6 | Phil1:12,15 | Gen2:22-24 | Ma10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11 | 1Cor2:9 | Jer29:11 



The date I am prophesying & releasing this word is significant. 1+13+24=38 and 38 in strongs concordance translates 2 hagiasmos which means consecration and sanctification. There is no coincidence beloved you are set apart and chosen for such a time as this for this the nations!! 

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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