Prophetic Word: I Will Faithfully Reward My Ppl 4 Their Suffering Beloved, & I Will Surprise Them With Fulfillment Of Promises
Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word for someone beloved. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. I dont always catch them. Many many confirmations. It may all apply or parts of it. Test the spirit. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Nov24/24 In the spirit realm I saw someone who posted this picture image on their social media in the spirit of the bloody hands holding a rope holding on by a thread. And then I came back again. So for someone, It's been bloody and rough beloved and painful but don't let go or quit!! Keep holding on & keep wrestling like Jacob til you see it. If you hold on by a thread make sure its the hem of Jesus' garment. I rebuke & bind every demon & every evil spirit attacking you in the name of Jesus and I send it back to hell in the abyss & I curse & cancel that assignment in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 555 & in strongs concordance means strength & I saw 310 to cry out shout confirmation so many of you feel like you're holding on by a thread and it's more painful 2 hold on then to let go because the spiritual warfare has been intense. The devil has been in your face trying get you to go out of his will out of position I heard that Holy Ghost trying to throw everything your way 2 make it harder to hold on like the rope and bloody hands I saw in the spirit. I'm seeing someone in the spirit when they are so close to your face they try 2 intimidate you make you uncomfortable beloved and this is the enemy's attempt. But the father won't let you let go of the rope or thow in the towel im seeing supernatural strength coming on you beloved. I prophesy over you, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you in the name of Jesus. I'm also seeing in the spirit realm in someone's house watching survivor & this competition the contestants have 2 hold on to the rope as long as possible but the host is lifting silver lid dishes of food and tempting them & then I came back again. That may be confirmation. But when Jesus was in the wilderness, he was tempted. My God speak Holy Spirit turn the stones into bread ok so
Jesus was hungry but you may be hungry for something else or the promises. But I hear the father say focus on me when you're tempted. Focus on me more than the promise and you will recieve the strength you need 2 keep going til you see it. This word may be connected. It feels like you're drowning below the surface but the father is faithful 2 pull you out of it, make a way for you & and do what he promised. Then my Bible landed to Isaiah61:7-8 when I opened it and what was highlighted in gold in the spirit was I will faithfully reward my ppl for their suffering. Confirmation. Hold on and don't let go beloved don't quit. God will reward you if you don't give up on him. 222 confirmation. I heard that Holy Ghost some of you have been crying im seeing ppl in the spirit frustrated and crying really going through the storm while waiting for it and frustrated it hasn't happened yet but delay is an illusion & if it hasn't happened yet than embrace the delay & suffering and trust the fathers timing beloved. Knowing that suffering is for a little bit and God will never give you more than you can bear by it. I heard that Holy Ghost the suffering is meant to prepare you for what God has for you because through the suffering the dying of the caterpillar becomes the butterfly through the inevitable transformation. Someone's confirmation. Recieve it. Then I saw 310 to cry out shout & 319 to recognize; end. So recognize suffering is temporary for a bit and I prophesy over you relief and shouts of joy are coming yet, strength renewed again to keep holding on trusting him til you see it in the name of Jesus. I'm seeing someone preparing different events in the spirit and even caterers and tables being set and then I came back again so I prophesy God is preparing a table in the presence of your enemies in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 392 in strongs concordance means to arrange to set in order ok so the father is preparing this. Then I saw 709 & in strongs concordance means to dine eat a meal ok confirmation by the caterers & tables I saw being set up in the spirit. Ok so for someone I'm hearing in the spirit this is a gift and you don't need 2 worry about how it's going 2 come together yet. 866 gift wages confirmation. And I saw 400 twice & in strongs concordance it means provision. Ok so His will his bill 2 pay & who that part is for beloved, take that back to the father and pray on it & I prophesy the father will perfect all which concerns you in the name of Jesus. Then I saw a couple at their wedding reception in the spirit slow dancing and taking it all in. Someone's confirmation. Your wedding date has been set. That Parr od the word may be only for one or 2 persons. Nov25/24 I saw in the spirit a lady getting ready for her date and she has 2 kids, she's doing her make up in the mirror and expecting him. Shes dressed up and he rings the doorbell & he walks in talks 2 the kids and then I came back again. So for someone a date is coming with your kingdom spouse when you come out of separation and the father is orchestrating it. He doesn't need your help 2 reunite again. Then I saw 844 automatos & it means automatic. The Greek word "automatos" refers to something that happens by itself, without external influence or intervention. It conveys the idea of spontaneity or self-movement. In the New Testament, it is used to describe actions or processes that occur naturally or automatically, beloved. so the father doesn't need human intervention im hearing in the spirit. Then I saw 392 to arrange to set in order confirmation. 147 threshing floor confirmation. Then I saw 32 which means in strongs concordance angel ok so again no human intervention. Then my Bible landed 2 Prov6:31 so I prophesy over you the enemy theif will return 7fold everything he ever stole from you in the name of Jesus. Ok so for someone else you're recieving land or property yet I prophesy in the name of Jesus. I saw 123 land shore, 59 redeem or purchase I heard that Holy Ghost for some of you'll redeem Ruth yet because for some of you im hearing in the spirit Ruth works hard but going through a dry season. 723 plow confirmation. 723 plow, nakedness shame im also hearing in the spirit don't be ashamed when you're vulnerable with them. 620 to leave behind; Ruth did leave Mobab, Abraham did. 68 a stone 759 palace so I prophesy upgrades!! & you're going from the pit 2 the palace in the name of Jesus. I decree & declare you are royal priesthood and you are the head not the tail beloved in the name of Jesus. 414 & 66 wild meadow of water beloved. Ok so for someone else or many persons, a proposal is coming yet. I saw 5067 & my Bible was at further confirmation. So they called Rebekah. “Are you willing to go with this man?” they asked her. And she replied, “Yes, I will go.” was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Someone's confirmation. She will go beloved. Then I saw 718 & in strongs concordance means To join, to fit together, to betroth in marriage.160 love sudden unexpected. 781 To betroth, to engage also beloved. The father is emphasizing kingdom proposals left and right yet. Then I saw 1146 finger-ring; ring also represents signet ring n the New Testament, it is used to denote a signet ring, which was a symbol of authority, identity, and status. Rings were often used to seal documents so I prophesy honor and vindication as well as proposal engagements are coming in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 717 to gather; a harvest. 212 wheel full circle again. 222 [Gen2:22] 546 faithfulness. Then my Bible landed to Song of songs 6 lovers reunited for someone's confirmation gathering coming together again. 866 Gift 33 come, 708 weaving a braid so I prophesy your 3 strand cord when you come together again won't be easily broken in the name of Jesus. And what I love about the father, is my Bible can land to the same scripture reference but when I read it I see something else in the spirit realm depending who it's for & their situation. For you beloved I also saw 413 and my Bible also landed 2 Ruth 4:13 but for this person he slept with her & she got pregnant was highlighted in gold in the spirit. So yes you wait til marriage but the father is saying you will pregnant instantly when you marry him. Test the spirit that part may not be for everyone confirm with him. Then my Bible landed to Matt7:7-8 so that confirms you have been desiring a marriage & kids right away not waiting a long while yet. And this is for your confirmation and I prophesy when he sleeps with you, the Lord will enable you 2 get pregnant and give you the desires of your heart in the name of Jesus. Mark it down you're gonna get pregnant if you have faith to believe it and don't forget 2 thank him. Nov25/24 I saw all these numbers & in strongs concordance means 33 come, 212 wheel disc full circle, 618 to receive back, 402 to depart, 709 to dine eat a meal. So for someone you are getting ready 2 be surprised & the father will reunite you 2 again. There will be a hot date to dinner & communication. Stay celibate im hearing in the spirit because the attraction will be reciprocated & intense when your eyes lock and you don't take your eyes off them. 394 to communicate, 624 gathering collection, 31 message confirmation. Nov26/24 Then I saw 183 & in strongs concordance means to desire longing for crave for, unrestrainable untameable & then I saw fire starting small in the spirit and then it went wild, in seconds and then when I came back again, I heard the words fire and desire in the spirit. 16 desire confirmation. First and foremost your kingdom marriage union is your ministry for Jesus Christ for the kingdom but the father is saying don't focus so much on ministry in marriage that you neglect eachothers needs in the marriage bed. Keep it pure holy and undefiled a place of rejuvenation but always remember 2 keep Christ first and remember sex with your kingdom spouse is pleasing to the Lord and should always be a priority on the top of the list in your marriage. 1200 burning fire 800 wife, fire confirmation they are burning4 you beloved. 102 love confirmation. 717 gather, 77 without cost and 704 lamb I saw so the father is saying I will provide the lamb the sacrife beloved. You have passed the test. Without cost I am giving you your kingdom marriage promise and now that I know I can trust you Abraham i'm making your name great in the nations and blessing you so big it'll bless your generations. 128 land confirmation. Then I saw 100 abundance and then my Bible landed 2 Jhn10:10 and life more abundant was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Then within one hour I saw 10:10. Then I saw 33 means to come 748 To arrange, set in order, prepare again. Then I saw 4:13 & 33 back to back again. 33 in strongs concordance means come and Ruth4:13 reads So again Boaz took Ruth into his home, and she became his wife. When he slept with her, the Lord enabled her to become pregnant, and she gave birth to a son. Ok and she became his wife was highlighted in gold in the spirit. And for some you im hearing in the spirit Boaz will take you into his home move in Ruth before wedding because of the distance. Test the spirit. Ask the father if that part of the word applies 2 you beloved. I'm kizf being obedient. Nov28/24 I saw all these numbers today and they all mean in strongs concordance 33 come, 111 joy, 31 message 107 letter 107 again 35 desire longing 123 land shore beach, 126 eternal forever 16 desire again. Ok so pretty straight forward beloved. Communication with your kingdom spouse is coming yet when you reunite again I prophesy in the name of Jesus. And fufillment of promises. Then I saw 4:13 again & heard Ruth 4:13 in the spirit confirmation for someone else yes and amen 2 the kingdom marriage. The Lord has spoken. 126 eternal and the father is really emphasizing this. Then I saw 35 again & in strongs means desire; longing The concept of longing is integral to the Hebrew understanding of faith, reflecting a deep-seated yearning for communion with the divine and the fulfillment of God's promises.Then I saw 717 which means in strongs concordance 2 gather beloved. Then I saw 12:12 & 1212 in strongs concordance means manifest; evident. Then my Bible landed to Mark10:9 when I opened it so I prophesy what God has joined together no one can put asunder or seperate in the name of Jesus. You 2 will be reunited yet!! I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom spouse/ marriage and purpose and promises shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release the annointing for strength renewed again for those who need it. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but keep knocking & asking & wrestling like Jacob til you see it because all the promises are coming beloved & he will faithfully reward his ppl for their suffering & will surprise them with fulfillment of promises but when you do get married prioritize eachothers needs and don't get so caught up in ministry you neglect them and her/him. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Gen2:22-24 | Isa61:7-8 | Phil1:15 | Ma10:9 | 1Cor7:5 | Ps37:4 | Ecc4:9-12 | Ps84:11 | Matt7:7-8 | Lu4 Jhn10:10 | Jer29:11
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant.24+25+26+28+24=127 & 127 ground, husbandman ry, land, country, earth which represents promised land and promises are coming beloved!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
Jesus was hungry but you may be hungry for something else or the promises. But I hear the father say focus on me when you're tempted. Focus on me more than the promise and you will recieve the strength you need 2 keep going til you see it. This word may be connected. It feels like you're drowning below the surface but the father is faithful 2 pull you out of it, make a way for you & and do what he promised. Then my Bible landed to Isaiah61:7-8 when I opened it and what was highlighted in gold in the spirit was I will faithfully reward my ppl for their suffering. Confirmation. Hold on and don't let go beloved don't quit. God will reward you if you don't give up on him. 222 confirmation. I heard that Holy Ghost some of you have been crying im seeing ppl in the spirit frustrated and crying really going through the storm while waiting for it and frustrated it hasn't happened yet but delay is an illusion & if it hasn't happened yet than embrace the delay & suffering and trust the fathers timing beloved. Knowing that suffering is for a little bit and God will never give you more than you can bear by it. I heard that Holy Ghost the suffering is meant to prepare you for what God has for you because through the suffering the dying of the caterpillar becomes the butterfly through the inevitable transformation. Someone's confirmation. Recieve it. Then I saw 310 to cry out shout & 319 to recognize; end. So recognize suffering is temporary for a bit and I prophesy over you relief and shouts of joy are coming yet, strength renewed again to keep holding on trusting him til you see it in the name of Jesus. I'm seeing someone preparing different events in the spirit and even caterers and tables being set and then I came back again so I prophesy God is preparing a table in the presence of your enemies in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 392 in strongs concordance means to arrange to set in order ok so the father is preparing this. Then I saw 709 & in strongs concordance means to dine eat a meal ok confirmation by the caterers & tables I saw being set up in the spirit. Ok so for someone I'm hearing in the spirit this is a gift and you don't need 2 worry about how it's going 2 come together yet. 866 gift wages confirmation. And I saw 400 twice & in strongs concordance it means provision. Ok so His will his bill 2 pay & who that part is for beloved, take that back to the father and pray on it & I prophesy the father will perfect all which concerns you in the name of Jesus. Then I saw a couple at their wedding reception in the spirit slow dancing and taking it all in. Someone's confirmation. Your wedding date has been set. That Parr od the word may be only for one or 2 persons. Nov25/24 I saw in the spirit a lady getting ready for her date and she has 2 kids, she's doing her make up in the mirror and expecting him. Shes dressed up and he rings the doorbell & he walks in talks 2 the kids and then I came back again. So for someone a date is coming with your kingdom spouse when you come out of separation and the father is orchestrating it. He doesn't need your help 2 reunite again. Then I saw 844 automatos & it means automatic. The Greek word "automatos" refers to something that happens by itself, without external influence or intervention. It conveys the idea of spontaneity or self-movement. In the New Testament, it is used to describe actions or processes that occur naturally or automatically, beloved. so the father doesn't need human intervention im hearing in the spirit. Then I saw 392 to arrange to set in order confirmation. 147 threshing floor confirmation. Then I saw 32 which means in strongs concordance angel ok so again no human intervention. Then my Bible landed 2 Prov6:31 so I prophesy over you the enemy theif will return 7fold everything he ever stole from you in the name of Jesus. Ok so for someone else you're recieving land or property yet I prophesy in the name of Jesus. I saw 123 land shore, 59 redeem or purchase I heard that Holy Ghost for some of you'll redeem Ruth yet because for some of you im hearing in the spirit Ruth works hard but going through a dry season. 723 plow confirmation. 723 plow, nakedness shame im also hearing in the spirit don't be ashamed when you're vulnerable with them. 620 to leave behind; Ruth did leave Mobab, Abraham did. 68 a stone 759 palace so I prophesy upgrades!! & you're going from the pit 2 the palace in the name of Jesus. I decree & declare you are royal priesthood and you are the head not the tail beloved in the name of Jesus. 414 & 66 wild meadow of water beloved. Ok so for someone else or many persons, a proposal is coming yet. I saw 5067 & my Bible was at further confirmation. So they called Rebekah. “Are you willing to go with this man?” they asked her. And she replied, “Yes, I will go.” was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Someone's confirmation. She will go beloved. Then I saw 718 & in strongs concordance means To join, to fit together, to betroth in marriage.160 love sudden unexpected. 781 To betroth, to engage also beloved. The father is emphasizing kingdom proposals left and right yet. Then I saw 1146 finger-ring; ring also represents signet ring n the New Testament, it is used to denote a signet ring, which was a symbol of authority, identity, and status. Rings were often used to seal documents so I prophesy honor and vindication as well as proposal engagements are coming in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 717 to gather; a harvest. 212 wheel full circle again. 222 [Gen2:22] 546 faithfulness. Then my Bible landed to Song of songs 6 lovers reunited for someone's confirmation gathering coming together again. 866 Gift 33 come, 708 weaving a braid so I prophesy your 3 strand cord when you come together again won't be easily broken in the name of Jesus. And what I love about the father, is my Bible can land to the same scripture reference but when I read it I see something else in the spirit realm depending who it's for & their situation. For you beloved I also saw 413 and my Bible also landed 2 Ruth 4:13 but for this person he slept with her & she got pregnant was highlighted in gold in the spirit. So yes you wait til marriage but the father is saying you will pregnant instantly when you marry him. Test the spirit that part may not be for everyone confirm with him. Then my Bible landed to Matt7:7-8 so that confirms you have been desiring a marriage & kids right away not waiting a long while yet. And this is for your confirmation and I prophesy when he sleeps with you, the Lord will enable you 2 get pregnant and give you the desires of your heart in the name of Jesus. Mark it down you're gonna get pregnant if you have faith to believe it and don't forget 2 thank him. Nov25/24 I saw all these numbers & in strongs concordance means 33 come, 212 wheel disc full circle, 618 to receive back, 402 to depart, 709 to dine eat a meal. So for someone you are getting ready 2 be surprised & the father will reunite you 2 again. There will be a hot date to dinner & communication. Stay celibate im hearing in the spirit because the attraction will be reciprocated & intense when your eyes lock and you don't take your eyes off them. 394 to communicate, 624 gathering collection, 31 message confirmation. Nov26/24 Then I saw 183 & in strongs concordance means to desire longing for crave for, unrestrainable untameable & then I saw fire starting small in the spirit and then it went wild, in seconds and then when I came back again, I heard the words fire and desire in the spirit. 16 desire confirmation. First and foremost your kingdom marriage union is your ministry for Jesus Christ for the kingdom but the father is saying don't focus so much on ministry in marriage that you neglect eachothers needs in the marriage bed. Keep it pure holy and undefiled a place of rejuvenation but always remember 2 keep Christ first and remember sex with your kingdom spouse is pleasing to the Lord and should always be a priority on the top of the list in your marriage. 1200 burning fire 800 wife, fire confirmation they are burning4 you beloved. 102 love confirmation. 717 gather, 77 without cost and 704 lamb I saw so the father is saying I will provide the lamb the sacrife beloved. You have passed the test. Without cost I am giving you your kingdom marriage promise and now that I know I can trust you Abraham i'm making your name great in the nations and blessing you so big it'll bless your generations. 128 land confirmation. Then I saw 100 abundance and then my Bible landed 2 Jhn10:10 and life more abundant was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Then within one hour I saw 10:10. Then I saw 33 means to come 748 To arrange, set in order, prepare again. Then I saw 4:13 & 33 back to back again. 33 in strongs concordance means come and Ruth4:13 reads So again Boaz took Ruth into his home, and she became his wife. When he slept with her, the Lord enabled her to become pregnant, and she gave birth to a son. Ok and she became his wife was highlighted in gold in the spirit. And for some you im hearing in the spirit Boaz will take you into his home move in Ruth before wedding because of the distance. Test the spirit. Ask the father if that part of the word applies 2 you beloved. I'm kizf being obedient. Nov28/24 I saw all these numbers today and they all mean in strongs concordance 33 come, 111 joy, 31 message 107 letter 107 again 35 desire longing 123 land shore beach, 126 eternal forever 16 desire again. Ok so pretty straight forward beloved. Communication with your kingdom spouse is coming yet when you reunite again I prophesy in the name of Jesus. And fufillment of promises. Then I saw 4:13 again & heard Ruth 4:13 in the spirit confirmation for someone else yes and amen 2 the kingdom marriage. The Lord has spoken. 126 eternal and the father is really emphasizing this. Then I saw 35 again & in strongs means desire; longing The concept of longing is integral to the Hebrew understanding of faith, reflecting a deep-seated yearning for communion with the divine and the fulfillment of God's promises.Then I saw 717 which means in strongs concordance 2 gather beloved. Then I saw 12:12 & 1212 in strongs concordance means manifest; evident. Then my Bible landed to Mark10:9 when I opened it so I prophesy what God has joined together no one can put asunder or seperate in the name of Jesus. You 2 will be reunited yet!! I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom spouse/ marriage and purpose and promises shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release the annointing for strength renewed again for those who need it. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but keep knocking & asking & wrestling like Jacob til you see it because all the promises are coming beloved & he will faithfully reward his ppl for their suffering & will surprise them with fulfillment of promises but when you do get married prioritize eachothers needs and don't get so caught up in ministry you neglect them and her/him. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Gen2:22-24 | Isa61:7-8 | Phil1:15 | Ma10:9 | 1Cor7:5 | Ps37:4 | Ecc4:9-12 | Ps84:11 | Matt7:7-8 | Lu4 Jhn10:10 | Jer29:11
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant.24+25+26+28+24=127 & 127 ground, husbandman ry, land, country, earth which represents promised land and promises are coming beloved!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
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