Prophetic Word: My Ppl Perish 4 Lack Of Knowledge Beloved, But I Am Rescuing My Ppl From Witchcraft & Darkness and Bringing Deliverance
Heyyy my luuvs. I have a word for someone beloved. It is either for a teenager reading this or their parent. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Test the spirit. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Nov22/24 I was doing dishes & an image started to form in front of me and as I pressed in, into the realm there was a boy I saw a younger teen in the spirit sitting on the floor legs crossed & the hair was like bangs and longer, light brown hair, and it looked like there was a book in his lap he was flipping pages it was open, but in the realm I looked close & this book looked very similar to a witchcraft book looking just ancient ripped pages & then I came back again & then I saw an image in another realm of the snow white queen witch and her spell book in the spirit. Then I saw bedknobs and broomsticks in the spirit when it was very ripped confirmation, Old looking very rustic, ancient and as I look closer it was a book how to do spells and then I came back again and then I asked the father, what am I seeing? & why are you showing me this? What are you trying to tell me? Is this a word for somebody now?? or when. As I felt very disturbed in my spirit. Then the father revealed 2 me release 2mrw not today yet. So I waited. The father didn't give me a name or an age to protect him but his height he looked like he could be about 12-13 ish. I felt melancholy in the spirit. He had thoughts of sorrow & sadness. And then later I saw the word library form spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. So if you're the teen coming across this, you need 2 renounce it, stop, throw the book in the garbage, and repent and cry out 2 Jesus. I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I come against what is trying 2 come against you beloved & I rebuke & curse the demonic agenda and assigment and cancel it and destroy it with the blood of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus. Right now dad I ask you 2 have mercy on him/the parent and I cover this precious soul with the blood of Jesus. He's so young father and I plead the blood of Jesus over this situation and ask you 2 rescue him in the name of Jesus & use him for your glory yet!! I decree declare & I prophesy this family & this teen is coming into the Kingdom of God being born again transformed by the renewing of his mind in the name of Jesus for it is not your will for him 2 perish. The devil is exposed defeated and it is finished!! Now a heed & warning for all parents beloved!! I beseech thee as God's prophet, watch what your children are feeding on, into and reading and use discernment. If you are a parent reading this then intercede 4 them and always cover your children. The Lord showed me library spelled out in an open vision. Check their bags and rooms what they bring home than. Because I am seeing different schools in the spirit that have witchcraft in it they sneak it in seems innocent my God speak Holy Spirit but satan transforms as an angel of light which is really deception and darkness. He comes 2 steal kill destroy beloved. Watch your kids. Don't be ignorant of satans devices. Then I saw 52 & 56 ignorance confirmation. Later when I came back again, I heard in the spirit my ppl perish from lack of knowledge. Nov23/24 My Bible landed to 1 cor16:13 which reads Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love. Be on guard was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Do everything in love & be their safeplace when you talk gently with your children. Be on your guard" is from the Greek root word blepo. Literally, it means 2 see to watch and it's your responsibility as a parent to watch your kids beloved & cover them in your absence. Then I saw 70 & in strongs concordance it means vigilance wakeful watchful confirmation and then I heard 1Pet5:8 in the spirit Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour confirmation. Then I saw someone eating meat in the spirit. Then I saw 1035 & in strongs concordance means eating food consumption. If you ever eat especially meat in a dream its witchcraft its someone into the occult trying to cast a spell ritual on you & you rebuke & cancel it in the name of Jesus as soon as you wake up from it. I heard that Holy Ghost do not delay or wait because everything starts in the spirit and could manifest in the physical if you don't stop it and cancel it. You won't feel all of it but you may experience headaches, some nausea upset stomach. Now if you are covered in the blood of Jesus in covenant with him,121 man or innocent. Confirmation you're blameless, ..then you will never die from their spells or witchcraft but you may experience mild symptoms and the father allows it for wisdom, revelation and training purposes so you are not ignorant of satans devices, so you know how to fight and come against it and so his ppl don't perish from lack of knowledge because as a seer, body part In the body of Christ I am the most misunderstood and ppl are ignorant of the spiritual realm and what happens. Yes they call me crazy becauze I see things before it happens. I heard that Holy Ghost Because the battle is not in this world its in the spirit its fighting principalities and spirits of darkness in the realm in the heavenly places not humans, 120 man human confirmation. I'm seeing in the spirit when spirits are walking through the walls and it appears haunted. It's not haunted beloved. They are demons and evil spirits that have possession of the house I heard that Holy Ghost and of their bodies their home their temple and demons live in them. 444 means in strongs concordance humans or it can also mean doors open my God speak Holy Spirit portals, walls are doors in the spirit. Then I saw 444 again. Then I saw an open vision of a goat started to take form in the spirit a goat head then from there I started to see a needle syringe in the spirit. Then I saw the word Sacrifice spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. Then I saw 122 & in strongs concordance means red or goat like confirmation. Then I saw 911 & in strongs concordance means dip immerse confirmation. 129 blood confirmation. 689 a wild goat confirmation. Then I saw 398 & in strongs concordance means make appear or to eat consume devour my God speak Holy Spirit seeking someone to devour dad I just made the connection. Then I heard 1Pet5:8 again in the spirit and when food appears in dreams and you eat it its connected to the witchcraft occult rituals & ppl are ignorant of it. That's why they feel headachy or sick. My God speak Holy Spirit im seeing the word "spell" spelled out in an open vision in the spirit I heard that Holy Ghost Because life & death are in the power of the tongue beloved. Spells and curses start with words spoken. Mm. Baby catch it!! That's why you notice family patterns for generations until it stopped with you beloved. Then I saw 77 and waited. Then my Bible landed to Michah 7:7 when I opened it which reads As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me. Rescue confirmation im getting emotional baby he's comin to get ya, you're chosen & it's gonna be ok I prophesy healing, deliverance and rescue is coming & you shall not die but live & proclaim what the Lord has done in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I decree declare & I prophesy no divination against Israel or Jacob in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but God's ppl perish 4 lack of knowledge but he is rescuing His ppl From witchcraft & darkness and bringing deliverance. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Hosea4:6 | 2Cor2:11 | Num23:23 | 1Cor6:13 | Prov18:21 | Ps91 | Eph6:11-12 | 1Pet5:8 | Michah7:7 | Jhn10:10@Jesus'Girl8188♡
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 22+23+24=69 & 69 in strongs concordance translates 2 agrupneó & means being spiritually alert and vigilant. It implies a state of readiness To be watchful, to stay awake, to be vigilant beloved!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
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