Prophetic Word: There Will B Immediate Creative Miracles Of Healing & Deliverance Of The Deficits & Afflictions The Enemy Used 2 Afflict My Children With, I Will Deliver Them Yet 4 My Glory When It Looks Impossible & Hopeless

       Heyyy my luuvs. I have a word for someone beloved. This applies 2 more than one person. I saw many ppl sick in the spirit realm in sick beds, in hospital beds young old all ages and then I came back again. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Then I saw many numbers and licence plates that confirmed what I'm seeing in the spirit. Dec6/24 I saw a black and white checkered little flag in the parking lot and it was so random. Then I saw licence plates 365 which means in strongs concordance to renew to make new again, 588 to recieve or accept, 83 uncertain, 311 & heard [Ecc3:11] in the spirit. Then I saw 588 to accept to receive again. Then 47 mighty strong powerful, 108 witness testimony. 20 joy, 412  God, mighty one beloved ok so for someone that illness you're going through is about 2 leave your body and you will made new again I prophesy by Jesus stripes you are healed in the name of Jesus. and the father wants you accept and receive your healing beloved. Do not accept that condition. Right now it looks bad im hearing in the spirit and a hopeless situation but keep confessing your healing and trust him and you will testify yet for nothing is impossible with him I prophesy in the name of Jesus. 102 impossible; love confirmation. The woman with the issue of blood it looked impossible but she believed and reached Jesus in faith and touch the hem of his garment & I prophesy because you believed and touched Jesus, your body will be made whole again in the name of Jesus. 131 2 suffer from a flow of blood confirmation. So keep trusting the father beloved. I'm seeing in the spirit the reason you have been attacked with an unusual sickness is because the enemy has seen your annointing beloved and you have a bigger purpose. You are going 2 do big things yet for God's kingdom I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then Dec9/24

I saw 857 & it means to come to arrive in strongs concordance. It is used in the context of movement towards a place or a person. so I waited for more confirmation. Then Dec13/24 I saw 240 which means ear in strongs concordance and 111 meana joy then I saw 911 and I remember seeing an ambulance. Which confirms help is coming yet. Then 536 weak weakness 133 praise so praise your daddy through it beloved worship music in his presence and there is fullness of joy in His presence and it will help when you're feeling weak beloved. Then I saw 2677 & it means to heal to renew to restore in strongs concordance and then my Bible landed to Isaiah53 & vs5 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Then I saw 998 help assistant discernment. Then Dec14/24 I saw 998 again and my Bible landed to the exact same passage of Isaiah53 again and again vs 5 was highlighted in gold in the spirit so the father caught my attention. Then Dec16/24 I saw 469 recompense, 131 to suffer from a flow of blood again, 21 to rejoice greatly ok so for someone just like Jesus arrived 2 save Lazarus from the dead I prophesy he's about to restore you again in the name of Jesus. I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit you're worried you think it looks impossible and hopeless but the father is saying I specialize in bringing things back from the dead and shocking my ppl when all looks impossible and hopeless. You've already accepted your condition but the father is saying just watch what I do yet because I am not finished and I am about 2 send a message loud and clear to the kingdom of darkness touch not my annointed!! Mm. So I prophesy over you by Jesus' stripes you are healed beloved in the name of Jesus. My God speak Holy Spirit the black and white checkered flag in the parking lot I saw it is finished!! I get it dad yesss!! Confirmation earned you cross a finish line it is finished!! Whoo!! 20, 111, & 21 I kept seeing though, caught my attention they all mean joy rejoice in strongs concordance so you've cried alot of tears going through these afflictions but I prophesy the father will turn your mourning into dancing & trade your ashes in for beauty beloved 4 weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning in the name of Jesus. Then today Dec18/24 I saw someone in the spirit holding a child in their arms, much darker skin and as I pressed in, onto the spirit realm I noticed the boy had no eyeball sockets and as he was being prayed over, eyeball sockets started to miraculously appear and grow bigger and bigger til he had eyes to see and the mom was crying over him and then I came back again. And then I saw another child in the spirit that was delivered from a mute spirit and he began to talk again and then I came back again. Then I saw 216 which means mute speechless in strongs concordance confirmation by what I saw in the spirit. So for someone I prophesy Luke1:37 miracles for you and other ppl in the body of Christ & children who are blind, deaf or need arms, legs, ears, eye sockets in the name of Jesus I heard that Holy Ghost and even for conjoint twins im seeing in the spirit. A miracle to be seperated and the flesh to close up again I prophesy in the name of Jesus. 240 ear confirmation. Then I saw 309 recovery of sight confirmation. Then I saw 111 today again & again it means joy in strongs concordance. 347 job [passage] 525 to release Luke5:25 confirmation. Then 75 to struggle & Then my Bible randomly landed to Luke6 when I opened it and vs24&25 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Vs25 says: So I will prove to you that the Son of Man has the authority on earth to forgive sins.” Then Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and said, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!” And immediately, as everyone watched, the man jumped up, picked up his mat, and went home praising God. 26 Everyone was gripped with great wonder and awe, and they praised God, exclaiming, “We have seen amazing things today!” so confirmation from seeing 111, 20, and 21 over and over again which means joy in strongs concordance!! and I prophesy many will testify and shall live and proclaim what the Lord has done & praise God in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. 525!! My God speak Holy Spirit the passage of the woman with the issue of blood is also Mark5:25!! And further confirmation why I was seeing 525 often. And in the passage healed immediately was highlighted in gold in the spirit so I prophesy over you a touch of Jesus will make you immediately healed & whole again because of your faith like the issue of blood woman in the name of Jesus. The sickness was a demonic assignment 2 get you scared & discouraged to take you out with premature death but there will be joy and rejoicing because the Lord thy God is not finished with you in the earth yet. I rebuke and curse the spirit of premature death and I break it off you, I denounce and cancel it in the name of Jesus and I bind that demonic spirit in the name of Jesus Christ & I send it back 2 the abyss into hell in the name of Jesus & I command it to never come back again. I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit that same affliction will not rise up a second time I prophesy in the name of Jesus because you have a kingdom assigment to fulfill yet. Then Luke6 crowds following Jesus & Vs18&19 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. It immediately caught my attention when I picked up my Bible again. Where it reads: They had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases; and those troubled by evil spirits were healed. Everyone tried to touch him, because healing power went out from him, and he healed everyone. and this was the confirmation by what I saw & heard in the spirit. So the father is saying there will be many miracles of healing and deliverance for his glory yet I prophesy in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but there will be immediate creative miracles of healing and deliverance of the deficits & afflictions the enemy used to afflict you with and even children I saw in the spirit but the Lord your daddy Jesus is showing up on time 2 deliver you yet 4 His glory even when it looks impossible & hopeless. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Isaiah53:5 | Luke5:24&25 | Mark5:25 | Luke6:18&19 | Jhn11:43-44 | Luke8:47 | Ecc3:11 | Matt19:26 | Luke1:37

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 6+9+13+14+16+18+24=100 & 100 in strongs concordance means abundance so the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy but the father is turning the tables yet and he will heal many and give them life more abundant!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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