Prophetic Word: They R Watching U Beloved Waiting 4 U 2 fall Holding Their Breath But They Will Wait In Vain & Drown Themselves B4 That Ever Happens Because After They Crucified U Now They Will See My Glory Shine Upon U & Watch U Rise 4 Such a Time As This
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this one's for baby but they're watching you and they are holding their breath. It's over 23 notebook pages lonnnnng so plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Take out what you want out dad and add in what you want in. Take my words and my thoughts out of my mouth and my head. Put only your thoughts in my head and only put your words on my lips. Prophesy 2 your children. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. I give you alone all the glory abba daddy for this word that will produce good fruit and your word that goes forth where it is sent. Dec6/24 My Bible landed 2 Luke 4 Jesus' Temptation when I opened it & rejected at Nazareth was also highlighted in gold in the spirit. Then I saw 108 & it means testimony witness in strongs concordance. Then 413 ans it means unfailing in strongs concordance. Then Dec11/24 I heard in the spirit when Zeresh says, his plans to take out Mordechai will fail. I heard in the spirit you will never succeed in your plans against him. It will be fatal to continue opposing him. Then I saw oppose 480 oppose confirmation. Then I saw & heard in the spirit no Rameses it is only beginng and I got chills when I heard this in the spirit. Destruction is falling on pharaoh and Egypt. I'm seeing the 10 plagues in the spirit. Then I saw 311 which means bring up & then 705 which means forty in strongs concordance. Then I saw 44 and it hit me Luke4:4:Matt4:4 dad!!! And 40 days tempted!! Confirmation. Then my Bible landed to Jhn17 & vs14 was highlighted in gold in the spirit and it caught my attention because Jesus refers 2 his kids the world hates them. And Jesus was also rejected in Nazareth. But satan was also trying 2 take out Jesus in the wilderness before his world wide ministry started So I waited.. Then Dec21/24 I saw 321 anagó which means bring up elevation. The verb "anagó" primarily means to lead or bring something or someone up to a higher place. In a nautical context, it is used to describe the action of setting sail or launching a ship. This term is often used in the New Testament to describe physical movement, particularly in the context of travel or transportation. Then I saw 506 which means to learn; 2 teach or rebellious in strongs concordance. I heard yelling and screaming in the spirit realm and it sounded so real I went to see if it was a movie or video game with the kids but they didn't hear anything so I knew it was in the spirit but sometimes when I hear sounds in the spirit it sounds just as real as in this world is just more definition, I hear someone talking in the spirit and it sounds like I'm in this world hearing or talking 2 them. The yelling was the sound of defeat defeated, very deep voice very agitated and then I came back again. Then I saw 23 which means angry or indignant confirmation. The enemy is mad & defeated beloved. The black magic some of these witches and warlocks that are trying to cast spells on you is not working and they are frustrated. Because a curse without a cause will not stick and has no affect I prophesy in the name of Jesus. so then Dec25/24 I saw Mario levels someone playing hours and hours in the spirit not giving up on this level hard for him in the spirit realm he looked focused eyes were glued so determined so I waited.. why was this boy so so focuses on this game and determined 2 win. And then I made the connection that the yelling I heard in the spirit was connected to this obsessive boy I saw in the spirit. Dec26/24 I heard in the spirit the witch is dead which confirms the yelling & screaming of defeat I heard in the spirit.Then today Dec29/24 when I woke up btwn the realms transitioning out of my sleep, I saw someone in the spirit at an indoor swimming pool who went underwater trying to hold their breath and in competition with 2 others also trying 2 hold their breath and then they couldn't hold it no more and gasped for air and breath and then I came back again. Then I saw someone in the spirirt holding a pair of binoculars looking through them, dropped them and then I heard what is this in the spriit and they looked a little surprised and looked through them again and then I came back again. Kindaaa like the obsessed boy with that video game I saw in the spirit hitting the controller so hard and mad because he couldn't win and spent hours trying but nothing and felt defeated. Kindaaa like 3 days before that when I heard yelling and screaming in the spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. They are watching they are watching you from a distance these jealous envious monitoring spirits. They are mirroring you and they are holding their breath waiting for you 2 fall or fail hoping you're stupid enough to come back crawling 2 them I heard that Holy Ghost because they know their liars & treated you like trash im hearing in the spirit and they have to much pride to even apologize and admit so they are going to falsely accuse you & play the victim 156 accusation confirmation and they will spend hours trying 2 stalk you study you watch you trying 2 win, trying 2 get back in your good graces again. 156 to thresh or accusation, 480 to oppose confirmation. Disguising as an angel of light and really fake deception but they forgot who they dealing with and they will suffocate if they hold their breath or try 2 dunk your head below the surface I heard that Holy Ghost. Drown trying 2 win. Notice the ppl I saw in the spirit holding their breath couldn't do it anymore and needed 2 reach 4 the surface. Let them hold their breath. I heard that Holy Ghost They're gonna drown first before they see you fall like they always wanted. Let them suffocate beloved. They're double minded. They need serious help and prayer intervention because they are filled with unclean spirits and they know if they get near you you'll cast those demons those entities outta them. I heard that dad yess their demons are terrified of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in you beloved who dwells within. See they have been watching well then they should know by now how powerful you are & have increased in the spirit walking in holy fire and they will get burned because you are holy fire that should not be touched, played with or messed with. 248 power or thresh confirmation. They only want what they can benefit from you and your blessings, your annointing and your gifts. Mm. But they cant have it. They called you crazy kicked you down when you were already down slandered your name and reputation but they love you and miss you and want you back again my God speak Holy Spirit because they are prideful & embarrassed they know they did you wrong they know you're being elevated. They know you're worth more than them. Whoo!! I heard that Holy Ghost they know!! Then I saw 12:14 when I looked up and it means get unjust gain, greedy; covet confirmation. They envy and covet what you have and want 2 reap off your blessings but they refuse 2 change and put the work in. I am hearing in the spirit. Can anything good come out of Nazareth but now they know beloved. Just like ppl he grew up with showed contempt in his home town with Jesus. Oh hes just the carpenters son in Nazareth. My God speak Holy Spirit is he who he really says he is mm. He couldn't do the miracles and healings he wanted becauze of their unbelief beloved so he shook the dust off of his feet, kept going & didnt let them stop him. They didn't believe him mm. 480 oppose confirmation. but now they know who they crucified and who you are in the kingdom, confirmation now they found out your rank your kingdom status. 343 to unveil 2 uncover or disaster confirmation 248 power, 853 to destroy to vanish. They messed around and found out when you have risen 4 such a time as this!! Whoo!! They found out who you truly are & they touched the wrong one and now they are headed for destruction & reaping repercussions and paying for it because they touched the apple of daddy's eye beloved and I prophesy touch not His annointed and do his prophets no harm in the name of Jesus. They can't even reach you they know because they are watching and holding their breath and the father is revealing your true identity & humbling them. Im seeing in the spirit hot apple pie in the oven in the spirit. They are eating humble pie & being burnt in the oven 4 touching you and because you dotn take revenge the father keeps blessing you insteadand they are bothered by it. Revenge is sweet success, humble pie tastes delicious and the father is handling it. Mm. Yesss dad yess Iyour elevation and them watching you elevate without them is their judgment. Just pray for them. They need you, you don't need them. They took pleasure watching your persecution and crucifixion. Then I saw 1108 & it means knowledge or without in strongs concordance confirmation. They are broke busted & disgusted. 142 To lift, to take up, to raise, to remove confirmation. The father removed them. My God speak Holy Spirit the disciples couldnt go to where Jesus went when he ressurected kindaaa like they cant go with you where you're going beloved. The father wont let them and he has exposed them and know you know who they are in the spirit. Game over im seeing spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. It is finished and I prophesy now you are rising 4 such a time as this in the name of Jesus. They watching you fly & soar like an eagle and all they can do is watch and hold their breath. 105 eagle confirmation. I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing in the spirit when flint got famous from his food invention and they wouldn't let Brent in and he had 2 watch flint eat beloved. Whoo!! I heard that Holy Spirit yess that's prophetic for someone and confirmation. He had to watch Brent go in and eat through that window at the restaurant. My God speak Holy Spirit because the father is elevating you and I'm seeing in the spirit someone at a restaurant waiting 2 be seated the table being arranged and set. and I prophesy over you a table is being set and prepared in the presence of your enemies in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 304 anabathmos and it means step ascent. The term "anabathmos" refers to a step or a series of steps, often used in the context of ascending or climbing. In the biblical context, it is frequently associated with the "Songs of Ascents" (Ps 120-134), which were sung by pilgrims as they ascended to Jerusalem for the feasts beloved. Baby you're feasting and they will watch you elevate & be blessed. Im seeing someone wearing high heels in the spirit crushing a bug on cement. The father has a sense of humor beloved. I heard that Holy Ghost the father is mocking your mockers in this season because your enemies are his enemies beloved. I'm seeing a celine dion concert in the spirit and the tickets were all sold out and these ppl couldn't get in and they were up set by it. Your enemies those monitoring spirits all they can do is watch from a distance but like the famous Celine dion she is unreachable, untouchable on a big stage my God speak Holy Spirit and they cant touch her they can't get in all they can do is watch clips of YouTube somebody posted and watch her be a sensation. Mm. I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit like Abraham I'll make your name great and famous beloved. I don't know who this one's for but you'll know because this happened. And still is. They watch you and think you can't see it my God speak Holy Spirit let the show begin this word may be connected but God is just getting started. They wanna watch?? I'll give them something to watch im hearing in the spirit I'll give them a show then. They wanna watch you so bad let the games begin let the show begin because the father will let them the father will elevate you I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit front row seats im seeing a theater in the spirit ppl sitting in the front row make sure they get a good view and the father is giving them front row seats make usee all those who did you dirty didn't even have the decency to apologize to you for it make sure all those who slandered your name with false accusations snd judgment making sure all those who cheated on you abused you and mistreatment are watching front row seats as the father elevates you and takes you higher young celine dion as you become famous and they watch wishing they treated you better back then. They are watching and holding their breath hoping you fall flat on your face so they can be the one reach out their hand only 2 stab you in the back again. I saw 311 achar which means following or behind & the The Hebrew word "achar" is primarily used to denote a position in time or space that is behind or following something else. It can refer to physical positioning, such as being behind someone, or temporal sequencing, such as events occurring after one another. In the context of biblical narratives, "achar" often signifies succession or consequence. Confirmation so succession in this context wpild be like celine dion high position on a stage and they are behind or under her watching her performance. It represents your title your succession your postion and them behind you liek satan is under your feet beloved and the witches snd warlocks are even under satan. Whoo!! They suffocate holding their breath waiting for you 2 drown or fall because it'll never happen I prophesy the father is in you and you cannot fall or fail beloved in the name of Jesus. You will only go up from here and all they can do is watch from a distance. I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing someone in the spirit posting a picture on their social media who is hugging them but has a dagger in the other hand an image of betrayal and deception. I heard that Holy Ghost but just like Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, your enemy will do the same hoping you fall for it. But know the difference between a Peter and a Judas. And you don't need 2 do anything 2 Judas because he hangs himself beloved. From betraying you and cant life with the guilt and regret. Then I saw 519 which means hang oneself in strongs concordance and I saw 717 2 gather; To uncover, to expose confirmation. So keep shining like the light you are and let them suffocate holding their breath becauze you will never fall and judas has bad intentions and the father sees it. They are only watching you because the devil has sent them on assignment and plotting to bring you down looking for an opportunity like Judas was looking 4 one 2 betray Jesus. If you sow apples you're not gonna get oranges. If someone tries to take you out what do you think sowing that seed will do to them. This is why you pray for their salvation because you cannot stop the justice of God and their harvest. Then my Bible landed to Matt4 temptation of Jesus when I opened It so flipped it again and it landed to Mark1:9 temptation of Jesus. Kindaaa like Dec6/24 when my Bible landed also to the temptation of Jesus in thd Like passage. Ohhh they have bad intentions of yess oh they will try to come back and tempt you in the wildenreness being used by the devil to try to take you out again. I rebuke & bind those monitoring spirits and I curse the enemys assigment ans cancel with the superior blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus. I heard that Holy Ghost but they will fall instead. You are untouchable and unreachable and they will come 2 their demise if they dont repent. Because you are highly annointed and daddy Jesus don't play about you beloved. First the enemy tempted him and then Jesus was rejected in Nazareth. Ring a bell?? first they played games with your head then rejected you and falsely accused you and crucified you beloved. And now they wanna come back and go where you're going because you're rising 4 such a time as this. You are a new creation. Wake up beloved and slam the door on them. They dont deserve you, they dont deserve to be in your presence. 5637 stubborn or rebellious confirmation you are unequally yoked with them. They will humbly watch you eat & rise instead. Then my Bible landed to Mark12 & vs10 was highlighted in gold in the spirit the stone the builders rejected & blessings for persecution so I prophesy as they watch you will eat and be blessed for persecution and the last shall be the first and the stone the builders rejected shall become the corner stone in the name of Jesus. I just heard it again in the spirit let the games begin, let the show begin. The father is excited 2 bless you beloved and increase your spirtual gifts and all they can do is watch as the father mocks them now for mocking you at your crucifixion. It is finished beloved. You are going from glory to glory rising for such a time as this I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus. You were spit on and dragged in the mud and now you will be elevated like kings and queens in the name of Jesus. I heard that Holy Ghost your name will demand respect when they see what the father does nexted!! And they will know God has the final say and the last word what happens 2 his annointed child not them. Whoo!! If they wanna kill me they're gonna have to kill my daddy Jesus first if they wanna destroy me they're gonna have to destroy my daddy Jesus first. They can't beloved!! Who is more powerful than holy spirit tell me who is!! Because if God is for you then could ever be against you beloved & no enemy is more powerful than you because It's you and daddy Jesus!! Whoo!! 413 unfailing confirmation. 320 end confirmation the end of them if they dont repent. Because you have Holy spirit inside you and you are annointed and in you is the exact same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead Whoo!! why do you think they feel threatened. It's on you, its in you and they cant cancel the annointing or stop it and I prophesy the more of Jesus you have the greater the power and authority within because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world in the name of Jesus and he will do exceedingly abundantly more than you can think ask or imagine by the power!!..At work within beloved. 1Jhn4:4Theres that 44 again whole!! But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. Then I saw 837 which means 2 grow, increase, become greater in strongs concordance confirmation. I just saw in the spirit in monsters an aliens when galaxar says if you wanted 2 stop me you should have done it when you possesed the quantonium. Because you are unstoppable with Holy Spirit beloved and revelation who you are you cant unsee it and you wont be fooled again. The annointing increases and I prophesy you are unstoppable in the name of Jesus because you are his. And the ship self destructs yet that may be confirmation kindaaa like Judas hangs himself for betraying Jesus. 853 destroy, 519 hangs oneself confirmation. I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but they are watching you waiting for you 2 fall holding their breath but they will wait in vain and suffocate or drown themselves before that ever happens because after they crucified you now they will see my glory shine upon you & watch you rise 4 such a time as this. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Luke4:4 | Matt4:4 | 1Jhn4:4 | 1Chron16:21-22 | 2Cor11:14 | Jhn17:16-18 | Ma12:10 | Zech2:8 | Lu10:19 | Eph3:20 | 1Jhn4:4 | Isa10:27 | Jhn2:27 | James3:16 | 1Pet5:8 | Jer17:9 | Jhn10:10
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 6+11+21+25+26+29+24=142 & 142 in strongs concordance translates 2 airó and it means to take up, 2 raise, to remove; 2 lift mm. And 142 also translates 2 adar & it means 2 be noble; 2 be glorious, to be majestic and It is often used to describe the splendor and majesty of God, as well as the nobility or grandeur of certain individuals or objects. The term emphasizes the inherent dignity and honor associated with the subject ao because they took pleasure in your crucifixion, now they are holding their breath and they will have 2 watch you eat & rise for such a time as this beloved!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
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