Prophetic Word: U Will Recieve Land & Your Kingdom Marriage Promise Will Come 2 Fulfillment But Its Been Alot Of Spiritual Warfare Beloved & Lonnnng Wait & Process Because You're Being Blessed & Prepared 2 Do Ministry Together 4 The Nations

     Heyyy my luuuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word for someone beloved. This word may connect with the other 2 words I just released & prophesied about land and engagement yet or it may be a stand alone word beloved, test the spirit. You'll know the father will confirm if it is. I will know 2 yet as the spirit of prophecy enters the room in his presence. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Ok I heard that Holy Ghost that was fast so the other 2 words are for more than one person however im hearing in the spirit whomever this word is for beloved those 2 words are also connected to this. So again although this word started Dec16/24 I will recap a couple things I saw in the spirit. I did see someone in the spirit purchase land and shook hands with either a contractor or a real estate agent someone connected to purchasing land and then I came back again. I saw 128 and 123 confirming land and property transactions. Because it means land earth shore in strongs concordance. I also saw an engagement ring in the spirit and I saw 306 which means amethyst in strongs concordance which a gem and I heard engagement in the spirit when I saw it confirmation. It also means delay and I mentioned in the other word the father said the delay was intentional in the spirit because he has been preparing both of you for a bigger kingdom purpose in your union for the nations. Then I saw 733 prolong or lengthen confirming its been a lonnng process for a reason. Stay with me baby don't miss this because this detail will be significant yet. I also saw 1246 desire; request petition & 59 to redeem, 2 buy; 2 purchase. 154 to ask request. The double rainbows I saw driving with my kids represents double blessing portion and covenant so I prophesy over you double blessings for every trouble in the wilderness and double honor and the Father has not forgotten you in the name of Jesus. My Bible also landed to Isa55:11 & Matt28 the other day when I opened it confirming His word does not return void beloved and ressurection of promises and making disciples [ministry] in the nations. I did see 386 which means strong, enduring, ressurection. Confirmation. I decree declare & I prophesy over you beloved all the forces of darkness cannot stop what God has ordained for your life in the name of Jesus. Then I also saw 393 which means to rise, to spring up in strongs concordance. Now this is how you'll know this word is yours beloved and for sure the other 2 the father has confirmed 2 you you're coming full circle again with your kingdom spouse yet and you either have or will yet buy & recieve land for your new home beloved and engagement ring I prophesy in the name of Jesus. You will get married and be established in kingdom marriage and nothing will stop it im hearing in the spirit. I saw 80 which means brother in strongs concordance. I saw 222 again. Then Dec27/24 Today I saw the month February spelled out in an open vision in caps in the spirit so I waited.. and then I saw a birthday cake and candles in the spirit. And then I saw in the spirit cinderellas wedding and then I saw Ariels wedding than Tianas in the spirit and then I came back again. So for whomever this word is for your birthday is in February and you are a beloved man of God waiting well & patient for the father to open doors to marry your wife/rib and you will get married yet and the father will present her 2 you and come full circle again I prophesy in the name of Jesus. 104 letter, 212 wheel, 800 wife woman confirmation, 783 greeting, 33 come, interaction confirmation. Im seeing a window in the spirit that is open and air is blowing the curtains so the father is saying a window of opportunity and it will blow your mind yet as he pulls back the curtain and the show begins. Then I saw 699 which means window or lattice in strongs concordance. Confirmation by what I heard in the spirit. Then I saw 120 means man and it also means disheartened to be discouraged. Another confirmation. I'm hearing in the spirit. It's been hard long & weary and a bitter cup of suffering through the process but if Jesus had to go through it what makes you think you won't beloved. I heard that Holy Ghost. Jesus had 2 go through the process til it is finished and he ressurected. So I prophesy because you went through the season of waiting enduring suffering & the painful process, now you'll be restored and renewed again as the father ressurects promises and answers your petitions & requests for his glory and brings your promises and purpose 2 fufillment in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 600 means to restore confirmation. You did it!! I am hearing in the spirit well done my good and faithful servant, this is my beloved son for whom I am well pleased. Mm. The process you and your wife went through was preparing you 4 ministry beloved. I'm hearing in the spirit it will be a public ministry with an audience. I'm seeing microphones in the spirit. Ppl getting healed and delivered from sickness demons and diseases. 153 flock heard confirmation. I am hearing in the spirit. I am doing a quick work and finishing the good work in you I started. I am increasing your annointing & using your union 2 save the family bloodline generation. I will bless you & make your name great in the nations. I'm hearing acceleration again in the spirit. God is moving and the time has come for swift sudden changes. 913 lightening confirmation. Im seeing someone in the spirit a tug of war with rope is starting 2 form yess 2 ppl I'm seeing in the spirit it feels like you're being pulled and then you pull and they pull then I saw that stretchy nutty putty in the spirit someone pulling it your faith is being stretched you are being stretched like a baby stretched the uterus I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing a baby in the spirit growing so big the womb just pops out and makes room and stretches. Mm. The pull and stretch and delay is intentional to overcome get stronger & 2 get your faith to level it needed for ministry with your union. It's big that's why you're waiting lonnng 4 it. I'm also hearing in the spirit both of you went through it and the spirit of discouragement & dissapointment which I rebuke & bind now in the name of Jesus Christ & send back 2 hell nowww in the name of Jesus!! 57 mourning confirmation. So I prophesy no eye has seen no ear has heard and no mind has conceived or imagine what the father has prepared 4 you who loves him in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 950 which means make firm secure to confirm to establish so its coming beloved. Then I saw 951 which means morning a confirmation & establishment. Ok so again this confirms the rainbows I saw in the spirit. He hasn't forgotten you beloved or his covenant. Keep meditating on daddy's word day and night and I prophesy before you know it, you'll be ready 4 ministry with your kingdom wife and success in the name of Jesus. I heard that Holy Ghost you will also mentor and counsel other marriages and set an example for other marriages to be a success. I'm hearing in the spirit you will lead many to Christ through your kingdom marriage and example you set. My God speak Holy Spirit like a domino effect im seeing a line of domino's being knocked over and it affects all of them. Im seeing a match being lit in the spirit and starting a fire through all of them. Whoo!! God is just getting started. So keep praising Him and thanking him like it's done til you see the manifestation because it's already done in the spirit. Then I saw 806 which means secure or certain in strongs concordance confirmation. You may have doubted at moments and been discouraged but I prophesy the father will heal your heart from hope deffered beloved from the lonnng waiting process needed and not put you 2 shame and give you the desires of your heart in the name of Jesus. Thankyou dad yess you will see it beloved. You will testify and witness your kingdom marriage. The enemy has been trying to convince you its impossible that it won't happen but I hear the father saying watch what I do nexted!! and I'll put your enemies 2 shame as I do what I promised. 153 shame confirmation. Then I saw 181 which means confusion or to testify or 2 witness in strongs concordance. Confirmation. Your wedding will happen. I'm seeing lights everywhere lit up and it's an evening sunset wedding beloved. Theres a canopy of beautiful panels of material draped at the reception. This wedding is almost fairy tale like in the spirit. I can't describe it. I'm seeing your kingdom wife walk down the aisle in the spirit and the back of the dress is open illusion and it's a v neck. You're emotional in the spirit and the happiest you've ever been because you're both in love and overcame all the spiritual warfare you endured til that moment and then ai came back again & I'm hearing in the spirit relief from your enemies is coming yet. 111 joy 20 joy confirmation. Then I saw 899 beged and means garment, clothing, raiment confirmation by what I saw in the spirit. Then I saw 552 which means truly indeed certain in strongs concordance which confirms when I heard in the spirit nothing can stop it!! So be encouraged because the father wants you 2 keep hoping for the outcome you want beloved which is faith because you see it even though you haven't seen it happen yet. That's faith beloved. I heard that Holy Ghost faith is confidence. Trust his timing, trust the father beloved. Believe what your abba daddy said. He moves by your faith in him. And like Jesus in the wilderness, the devil has to leave you alone yet for a season to enjoy your wedding celebration and first year in your kingdom marriage. I heard that Holy Ghost so I prophesy the season of non stop spiritual warfare will come 2 an end for relief to heal again in the name of Jesus and you will comfort eachother & heal eachother with your love & support & this unending love the father has put in you because he's the middle strand of the 3 strand cord that's not easily broken. You are one flesh. You are already married and one in the spirit before this world yet. It took Jesus 30 years 2 prepare 4 ministry I heard that Holy Ghost but it wont take that long because the father is doing a quick work in the last days & theres no time 2 waste when you come together again. You will win souls together yet. So although you are weary & exhausted, keep going & stay in the Lord's presence to be fueld to persevere in the wilderness & grace 2 get through it because seasons for a purpose & are temporary and each one expires yet and I decree delcare and I prophesy over you the father is doing a new thing beloved establishing your kingdom marriage going from the pit 2 the palace as he changes the times and seasons and you feast at the table prepared 4 you in the presence of your enemies in the name of Jesus. Then my Bible landed to Psalm45&46 and Ps46 vs 10 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Where the Lord says be stil and know that he is God honored throughout the world & every nation. And Psalm45 Vs10-17 passage was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Starting at vs10-17 Listen to me, O royal daughter; take to heart what I say. Forget your people and your family far away. For your royal husband delights in your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord. Pause so you think your wife is beautiful outside and inside and your wife will go with you like Rebekah did and say yes and you are her master so she will respect you beloved and be submissive. And Christ is the head. Vs12 The princess of Tyre will shower you with gifts.The wealthy will beg your favor. The bride, a princess, looks glorious in her golden gown. Pause which confirms the wedding I saw in the spirit so fairy tale like like cinderella and grand and luxurious. Vs14 In her beautiful robes, she is led to the king, accompanied by her bridesmaids. What a joyful and enthusiastic procession as they enter the king’s palace! Your sons will become kings like their father. You will make them rulers over many lands. I will bring honor to your name in every generation. Therefore, the nations will praise you forever and ever. Pause sons so there will be plural children through this union and your children will all be blessed and the father will bring honor to your name I prophesy in the name of Jesus. I'm also seeing I love you spelled out in an open vision in white capital letters in the spirit. She's in love with you and loves you unconditionally and so does the father beloved. Because its God sent & ordained by Him. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom spouse/ marriage & promises and purposes shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release the annointing for joy and strength renewed again in the name of Jesus. Recieve this word beloved in the name of Jesus. Its coming yet. I don't know who this is for baby but you will recieve land and your kingdom marriage promise will come 2 fulfillment but its been alot of spiritual warfare & lonnnng wait and process because you're being prepared 2 do ministry together for the nations. I am always interceding you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Eph2:6,10 | Isa60:22 | Isa66:9 | Amos9:13 | Ps45:10-17 | Ps46:10 | Gen9:13 | Gen2:22-24 | Ma10:8-9 | Ecc4:9-12 | 1Chron4:10 | Gen12:1 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11 | 1Cor2:9 | Prov6:31 | Isa61:7 | Jer29:11
Dec16,17,22 24,25,26,27/24

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 16+17+22+24+25+26+27+24=181 & 181 in strongs concordance translates 2 akatastasia in strongs concordance which means confusion and the enemy has been confusing you but now you know the truth beloved. Preparing for public ministry and Its still coming yet!! It's already happened first in the spirit. 181 also translates 2 uwd which means 2 testify or bear witness!! My God speak Holy Spirit it is finished!! and no one can stop it i'm hearing In the spirit. It is often used in contexts where a formal declaration or testimony is given so get ready 2 celebrate beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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