Prophetic Word: And Suddenly There Was An Earthquake Beloved, California & Los Angeles Will Get A Real Shaking Yet, The Wild Fires R Just The Beginning Of Judgement & I Am Exposing The Dark Wicked Practices & Abombinations That Involve Trafficking Innocent Children & Putting An End 2 It

     Heyyy my luuvs. I have a heavy prophetic word for the body of Christ and the nations. God is saying its time 2 check your heart, examine and repent if you need 2 repent. We are in reaping season. We don't do new age or angel numbers here beloved only biblical Hebrew strongs concordance. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. This word is so heavy til I release it. Test the spirit. Prophesy daddy & plz take my words out of my mouth and take my thoughts out of my head and only put your thoughts in my head and only put your words on my lips. Whatever you want out take out daddy and in add in. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Jan15/25 I saw a few numbers and 795 means to err to miss the mark in strongs concordance, straying from the truth. In a spiritual context, it often refers to deviating from the faith sound doctrine. Im hearing seducing spirits in the spirit and seeing it spelled out in an open vision. Ppl walking away from the Lord before the end. Then I saw 795 again, 720 to reject, 463 patient. So the father is saying he has been slow to judgment and given many chances for them to repent. He has been patient and they keep mocking him and rejecting him. Then I saw 95 & it means wicked in strongs concordance. Then I saw 385 to pull up to uprooted. Then I saw someone chopping wood with an axe in the spirit and sawing these trees down in a bush a forest. I saw 513 which means axe in strongs concordance and my Bible landed to Matt3 & vs10& 11 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Even now the ax of God’s judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire. 513 axe confirmation. 385 uprooted confirmation. Judgement. Vs11 I baptize with water those who repent of their sins and turn to God. But someone is coming soon who is greater than I am—so much greater that I’m not worthy even to be his slave and carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. He is ready to separate the chaff from the wheat with his winnowing fork. Then he will clean up the threshing area, gathering the wheat into his barn but burning the chaff with never-ending fire. So this confirms when I heard in the spirit massive deliverance and good will come out of the tragedy yet of LA destruction and many will get saved yet so I prophesy He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire & He is ready to separate the chaff from the wheat in the name of Jesus. Many will get saved yet as a result of losing everything and humbling experience. I'm seeing many ppl bowing their heads in prayer in the spirit. I heard that Holy Ghost many ppl will be humbled for at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and every tongue declare & confess that Jesus Christ is Lord beloved. Then I saw 417 anemos" means wind. It is used in the New Testament to describe natural phenomena, metaphorical concepts, or divine intervention. It can denote both gentle breezes and violent storms, symbolizing change, power, and the unseen forces of nature intervention. 383 to stir up, to shake up. The verb anaseióis used in the New Testament to describe the act of stirring up or inciting people, often in a context of causing unrest or agitation. It conveys the idea of provoking or rousing individuals to action, typically in a negative or disruptive manner. Then I saw 56 mourning, lamentation lack of knowledge ignorance. Then I saw 856 Baal idolatry false gods & im seeing a emmy awards in the spriit these gold idols my God speak Holy Spirit the golden globes mocking God again and again making fun of him thinking there is no consequences because they continue to play with fire, for example saying speeches were on fire hey and now California is on fire right after that and the golden globes happened Mm. I saw things happening super fast in the spirit and this person was struggling to comprehend what do next because so many things happened at once all of a sudden. Then I saw traffic lights in the spirit. Then I saw 913 lightening confirmation sudden. Then Jan17/25 I saw 929 torment torture or beast animals my God speak Holy Spirit hollywood tormenting and torturing trafficking children & harvesting them. 929 torture confirmation then I saw 600 to be angry or restoration. 321 to go up or ascend, God is restoring his ppl, these traumatized children and saving and elevating them but judgement is coming on the wicked I heard that Holy Ghost especially the ones involved in the traffic ring celebritiy status and God is angry with them because they refuse to repent. 75 to refuse to be unwilling confirmation. 212 pride boastfulness arrogance, 320 end, 128 earth. Its coming 2 an end. Then Jan18/25 After I finished praying, I was just sitting in my rocker and closed my eyes in the Lord's presence. And as my eyes were closed I began to hear alot of screaming in the spirit and in the spiritual realm it sounded like screams you would hear from hell just agonizing and echos and disturbed my spirit because there was alot shrieking like screaming and panic and I just listened and then it left and I came back again. And a few minutes later I saw a small crack in the road pavement looking on a street and as I was there in the spirit, the crack kept getting bigger it kept cracking further along the road and I felt a rumble a huge shaking under my feet and then I saw palmtrees and then I came back again. so I waited.. then my Bible landed to Matt28 and Vs1& 2 was highlighted in gold in the spirit Vs1 Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb. suddenly there was a great earthquake.. My God speak Holy Spirit kindaaa like the other day I saw 383 shake up 417 wind and didn't know yet why the Lord showed me this confirmation by what I saw in the spirit and my Bible landing to the passage suddenly there was an earthquake confirmation by the crack and shaking I saw in the spirit and felt this. Then I heard the exact words I heard when I released the word about judgment for LA hollywood its only going to get worse, more lamentation as the birthpains begin. Then I saw 746 arché to rule rule or begin "arché" primarily denotes the concept of "beginning" or "origin." It is used to describe the starting point of something, whether in time, order, or rank and in this case God's order and birthpains and sorrows and lamentations because Los Angeles, California will not repent. I heard that Holy Ghost. I'm hearing in the spirit no more time to repent. I heard these exact words in 2024 in the spirit and im hearing it again no more time 2 repent. And I'm feeling this grief sadness and righteous anger in the spirit. The father is not playing and he is bringing his own back 2 him and those that reject him will go through even more wrath, no more time 2 repent. Mm. Many ppl will repent and come 2 Christ but no more time 2 repent as in cannot avoid the natural disasters and judgement currently & 2 come yet They still have to lose everything beloved and go through it so they will know I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, I am the God of the living, not the dead, the creator of all humanity and the heavens and the earth and I will not be mocked. I, the Lord have spoken. I saw 927 behal to terrify, to be dismayed to hasten. The Hebrew verb "behal" primarily conveys a sense of being dismayed or alarmed. It can also imply a hurried or panicked response, often due to fear or terror. The term is used to describe both physical and emotional states of being overwhelmed or disturbed by sudden events or threats. My God speak Holy Spirit kindaaa like when I saw this crack in the road split open and I felt this panic in the spirit. Then I saw 746 to rule rule or begin confirmation when I heard birth pains begin in the spirit. 212 pride irrogance boastfulness, 795 To miss the mark, to deviate, to err straying from the truth. In a spiritual context, it often refers to deviating from the faith or sound doctrine. Then my Bible landed to Jonah and 1vs1 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. And I was hearing this loud stern voice in the spirit announce my judgement!! Then I saw 74 agony anguish, 946 abomination. Then my Bible landed to Jhn16 & Vs8-13 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Then I saw 1212 manifest evident. Then I saw a white screen in the spirit and as I pressed in I had an open vision of my stat page on my blogger website and I heard in the spirit go to it so I did and one of them said 2012 and then I saw the 2012 movie in the spirit the earthquake my God speak Holy Spirit the cracks in the road the mom shopping and in the grocery store there was a huge crack in the ground and ppl screaming for their lives and then I came back again which is confirmation when I saw a crack in the road hours before in the morning in the Lord's presence and heard ppl screaming in the spirit felt the shaking under my feet and felt a panic in the spirit realm just ppl running everywhere confused by it. I have been seeing 911. Then I heard San Andreas in the spirit and saw it spelled out in an open vision.. so I asked my daddy what are you trying 2 tell me concerning this. During prayer & intercession I then heard collapse in the spirit collapse was spelled out in an open vision. The father is emphasizing this. Then my Bible landed to Isaiah13 when I opened it and Vs13 was highlighted in gold in the spirit where the Lord says: For I will shake the heavens. The earth will move from its place when the Lord of heavens armies displays his wrath in the day of his fierce anger. God's judgment. Collapse means crumble disintegrate fall 2 pieces and collapse also means 2 cave in and cave in means break and suddenly fall in, my God speak Holy Spirit California first burns then will shake & collapse fall in the ocean. Confirmation 383 to stir up, to shake up 417 wind. in the New Testament to describe natural phenomena, metaphorical concepts, or divine intervention. It can denote both gentle breezes and violent storms, symbolizing change, power, and the unseen forces of nature intervention. Confirmation. I saw 33 come 438 without mercy I saw the crack again in the spirit. I have been seeing 13 everywhere often which means destruction in strongs concordance. Then I saw 222 Daniel 2:22 confirmation God is revealing what's hidden in the darkness then I saw 312 To announce, report, declare, make known. This term is often used in contexts where divine truths or significant events are being disclosed to others news revelation. I'm also hearing in the spirit God will make an open mockery of his enemies in the nations. Then my Bible landed to Isa30 & vs9-11 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. 911 confirmation!! Vs9 that these people are stubborn rebels who refuse to pay attention to the Lord’s instructions. They tell the seers, “Stop seeing visions!”They tell the prophets,“Don’t tell us what is right. Tell us nice things. Tell us lies. Forget all this gloom. Get off your narrow path. Stop telling us about your ‘Holy One of Israel.’” Then I looked at my phone and it was 2:13 and 213 means aggorant person. Comfirmation. so the father is saying many ppl don't want to hear it. Then I saw 959 bazah despise contempt. The Hebrew verb "bazah" conveys a strong sense of disdain or contempt. It is used to describe an attitude of scorn or disrespect towards someone confirmation. They want to be ignorant & continue living in their sin. I'm hearing Sodom and Gomorrah in the spirit. They want to carry on with their wickedness and get away with it. But it rains fire and brimstone and comes 2 an end. 946 abombination, 320 end confirmation. The Lord is saying California is coming 2 an end. Im hearing in the spirit. Get out while you still can even if your house is still standing and survived it. Don't go back or you'll turn to a pillar of salt and go down with the ship. Hollywood is coming 2 an end. 320 confirmation. 454 foolishness. 459 wicked lawless confirmation. I just saw 75 again when I looked up at my phone and it said 75% and again 75 means to struggle or refuse and be unwilling confirmation. Hollywood is going down with the ship because they refuse 2 repent and I prophesy more and more ppl are coming into the kingdom of God as a result of the natural disasters and judgement as they become transformed by the renewing of their minds born again in the name of Jesus. I prophesy no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but earthquakes are increasing yet, and suddenly there was an earthquake & the San andreas collapsed & California will fall in and sink like the titanic, even now the ax of God’s judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit.  Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Matt28:1-2 | Matt3:10-11 | Jonah1:1 | Isa13:13 | Gal6:7,8,9 | Jhn16:8-13 | Daniel2:22 | Isa30:9-11 | 2Tim3:1 | Haggai2:19,21 | Jhn10:10

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 15+17+18=75 & 75 in strongs concordance means 2 struggle refuse 2 be unwilling 2 deny to reject. The Hebrew verb "abas" primarily conveys the idea of refusal or unwillingness. It is used to describe a deliberate choice to reject or decline something, often in the context of moral or spiritual decisions. The term can imply a strong, resolute decision not to comply or agree with a particular action or command. & this word is connected to LA fires and judgment because that word was released Jan11 so if you add that 11+15+17+18+25= you get 86 & 86 in strongs concordance means bow the knee and hades the realm of rhe dead. It is often understood as the equivalent of the Old Testament "Sheol," a place of waiting for the final judgment. Hades is depicted as a place of both comfort and torment, depending on one's relationship with God also confirming the word prophesied sudden deaths sudden changes. No more time 2 repent so get right with God all celebrities and ppl of Los Angeles and repent from your sins because earthquakes are coming and it's only going to get worse yet and then Nov7/24 when I prophesied and said I hear you Holy Spirit in 1 year you're shaking the earth and heavens and overturning demonic agendas & turning it upside down for the wicked ppl & nations that won't repent. I'm also hearing in the spirit Hollywood will sink like the titanic yet. I heard this Nov7/24 in the spirit before LA fires started. If you add 7 to 11+15+17+18+25= you get 93 which means injustice & unrighteousness in strongs concordance but if you add 7/24 now u get 117 which means Mighty, Noble, Excellent, Majestic. The Hebrew word "addir" is used 2 describe something or someone possessing great strength, nobility, or majesty. It often conveys a sense of grandeur & excellence, whether in reference to God, ppl or objects. In the context of God, it emphasizes His supreme power &  majestic nature. When applied to ppl or nations, it denotes nobility or prominence. So these prophetic words are all connected & it's only a matter of time til the earthquakes hit yet & sinks hollywood like the titanic because its going 2 get worse beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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