Prophetic Word: The Annointing & Spiritual Gifts I Put In U Within Cannot B Taken By Any Witch Warlock Or Demon Because Its A God Given Gift & It Belongs 2 You Beloved
Heyyy my luuvs. I have a word for someone beloved. Someone is falsely accusing you of being a witch and trying to taint your image, they know you're not yet trying to compete with your gift but God is vindicating you and they will be punished. Test the spirit. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Jan22/25 I saw someone in the spirit that was taping this person's mouth shut in what looked like a lux hotel as I pressed in and trying to silence them and hide them in a closet and then they stole things in this hotel room before they left and then I came back again. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Whomever this word is for beloved, they are trying to steal what rightfully belongs to you but they cant have it because it's in you, on you & you'll always have it, it won't work the attempts are humorous. They hate that you have it. Then later I saw 64 agreuó and it means ensnare catch and The verb "agreuó" is used in the New Testament to describe the act of catching or ensnaring, often in a metaphorical sense. It implies a deliberate attempt to trap or capture, typically through cunning or deceit, deception. This term is used to describe the actions of those who seek to entrap others, particularly in a moral or spiritual context and it's confirmation what I saw in the spirit. The enemy was trying to make them dissappear silence them, hid them in a closet, which represents trying to take your gift trying to shut you up in competition. Then I saw 236 which means dissappear in strongs concordance. Some of these ppl have so much jealousy and hate for you that your very existence bothers them. They secretly want you 2 be punished. I'm hearing in the spirit demon possessed. They are being controlled by an evil spirit because they give them permission for the evil spirits to come in and now they are tormented mentally with them and hate you for it but they forgot that its not them that hates you beloved its the spirits in them and the battle is spiritual & their demons know your Holy Spirit which is why many ppl hate you and don't even know why because they are being mind controlled by these evil spirits and influenced by them. It was never personal!! I heard that Holy Ghost they are in bondage given themselves over to reprobate mind instead of repent. Then Jan26/25 I saw someone in the spirit accusing someone that is a christian of being a witch and this is what they said well if they can see in the spirit than I can. So they are trying to learn this through crystal balls and tarot cards and witchcraft and they still can't do it and they were furious not realizing the person they were accusing had the gift from God but hated them 4 it because they didn't have it and then I came back again. Why them im hearing in the spirit. Why her why him. Why not me then. I'm also hearing in the spirit confusion. There's confusion in the enemy's camp how you do it and they cant because they don't have the gift because it's God given. 410 blameless confirmation. Its sent by him. Theres confusion why you?? Why are you chosen. 640 bind, gird or confusion in strongs concordance. Confirmation by what I heard in the spirit. Your heart is pure and wants to use it for good 2 help them, help the father build the kingdom and I prophesy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God beloved in the name of Jesus. And my Bible landed to Daniel2 & vs27 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Daniel replied, “There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians, or fortune-tellers who can reveal the king’s secret. Pause so notice these warlocks and witches could not see in the spirit none of them but daniel the prophet could becauze the gift to see in the spirit was given to him. He had the spirit of excellence. He was chosen. The dreams & visions came from God and the interpretations. Mm. but satan likes to copy God and compete with him but his sorcery & witches are the counterfeits. They can't see the future, Satan doesn't even know what yours is my God speak Holy Spirit. He doesn't get to decide the outcome of your life and what happens. He can't even cancel what God ordained and promise. He's powerless I heard that dad yessss who can command things to happen without the Lord’s permission? Somebody needs to hear this the devil is so powerless. Hes under your feet beloved and the witches are under satan. Lol why are you afraid of them. He can't even touch you without God's permission. I heard that Holy Ghost why do you think the witchcraft isnt working on you beloved yet alone the president. I heard that dad yesss. Divine protection. I'm seeing in the spirit a witch approaching a Christian and saying if you only knew your power you possesed. If you only knew how powerful you were and you dont even know it. Satan doesn't even have the keys to his own house that's waiting for him. Mm. The warlocks and witches only know what the devil tells them, he's the father of lies beloved. Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. Saul died because he was unfaithful to the Lord; he did not keep the word of the Lord and even consulted a medium for guidance.. Seeing in the spirit is a gift that comes God and you can't learn to see in the spirit through the kingdom of darkness. God gives you the ability and it comes from him. Seers don't decide to just be seers and learn to see and hear in the spirit, God gives them that spiritual gift and they grow in it & every perfect gift comes from him. He decides who get its. He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness.. I heard that Holy Ghost the reason they don't have the spiritual gift is because they want it for the wrong reasons. They are in darkness. They sow 2 their flesh. They have the wrong motives. 265 sin. Confirmation. They would use it for harm not good and they are competitive. Notice the person taped up and thrown in the closet who I saw in the spirit was trying to be silenced and the thief tried to take from them. The father knows all about them. He knows their hearts and what's in them from the beginning to the end. Last days there will be false christs false prophets leading them astray divination secucing spirits. Warlocks, witches!! I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit they have pride and im seeing a tree root in the ground in the spirit. They are envious and where you find jealousy, envy and selfish ambition there you will find disorder and where evil practice my God speak Holy Spirit envy is the root of the tree of wickedness yess and Satan lucifer was envious of God and it led to pride and he wanted to be higher and more powerful than Him. He was in competition. And then he was in darkness. He had gifts but it wasn't enough for him. Nope he uses earth as his domain to pervert creation and compete with God in the spirit. God has his seer prophets and Satan competes with warlocks and witches. God uses numbers in the prophetic. Satan uses angel numbers to try 2 deceive the very elect. My God speak Holy Spirit because he shape-shifts transforms as angel of light appearing harmless kindaaa like he entered into serpent and tempted eve to eat the fruit that was forbidden. Seemed harmless just one bite right and now death entered in because of deception and disobedience and contaminated God's perfect creation. 265 sin confirmation. Because he twisted God's word mm and got her 2 believe him kindaaa like wolves in these last days following new age and doctrine of demons. They were ashamed because Adam and eve knew they were naked. Their eyes were opened. 1132 nakedness confirmation. And satan stole from them my God speak Holy Spirit because the thief comes to steal kill destroy beloved. Kindaaa how the person I saw in the spirit, an enemy a thief was trying 2 silence them and take what belongs 2 them kindaaa like God gave you those gifts and you get false accusations by the same ppl in competition because they are spiritually obsessed. They can't compete and your very existence bothers them but those enemies trying it are now God's enemies and He promises to bless those who bless you beloved and curse those who curse you and treat you with contempt. I heard that Holy Ghost and im hearing in the spirit that even includes hidden secret thoughts of hating and contempt in their head. Mhm. I said it. I see it and I break every form of witchcraft I curse every spell at the root of it, I declare every word curse nullified and void and I cancel with the blood of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus for I decree delcare & I prophesy no divination against Jacob or Israel 4 a curse without a cause will have no affect in the name of Jesus. I rebuke every witch warlock demon and evil spirit I bind you In the name of Jesus Christ and I send you back to hell in the name of Jesus. I decree, & I declare over you touch not my annointed and do my prophets no harm in the name of Jesus and those that do are touching the apple of daddy's eye beloved and I prophesy there will be consequences if they try it for I decree & declare If God is for you could ever be against you beloved in the name of Jesus. Anyone pursuing you wirh harmful intentions I release a combat angel of the Lord of hosts to purse them. Father plz send a message loud and clear to the kingdom of darkness they touched the wrong one & touch not your annointed. I give you alone all the glory abba daddy for all you've done for children & duvune protection. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I prophesy over you psalm91 protection & no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but the annointing and spiritual gifts put in you within cannot be taken by any witch warlock or demon, because its a God given gift & they will try to learn your gift and try 2 take it in the spiritual realm with divination but it will never work because its from Him & you can only see and hear from the throne room in the spirit when it is God given. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Daniel2:22,27 | James1:17 | James3:16 | Luke11:11 | 1Pet5:8 | 1Samuel15:23 | 2Cor11:14 | Jhn10:10 | 1Chron10:13 | Lev19:31 | 1Pet4:10
Jan 22,26/25
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is 22+26+25=73 & 73 translates 2 agón and it means struggle, race, conflict or contest my God speak Holy Spirit kindaaa what I saw in the spirit when they were so competitive they wanted their gift and tried to learn what they do but only you have the ability when it is God given becauze it's a God given spiritual gift beloved!!
Daniel2:22,27 | James1:17 | James3:16 | Luke11:11 | 1Pet5:8 | 1Samuel15:23 | 2Cor11:14 | Jhn10:10 | 1Chron10:13 | Lev19:31 | 1Pet4:10
Jan 22,26/25
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is 22+26+25=73 & 73 translates 2 agón and it means struggle, race, conflict or contest my God speak Holy Spirit kindaaa what I saw in the spirit when they were so competitive they wanted their gift and tried to learn what they do but only you have the ability when it is God given becauze it's a God given spiritual gift beloved!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
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