Prophetic Word: First Comes The Testing, Opression & Afflictions Of The Fiery Furnace Then Comes Elevation & Promotion Beloved

      Heyyy my luuvs. I have a word for someone beloved. This word connects to daniel interpreting the dreams by the spirit and none of the sorcerers could do it which was prophesied recent. Test the spirit. Take joy when you're thrown into the fiery furnace, then comes the sweet taste of promotion and you won't even smell like smoke baby when you come out of it. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Ok so the way this word happened was I thought it started on Jan28/25 but it was actually Jan25/25 without my knowledge yet and then it came together beloved so I will start with what happened Jan28/25 then Jan25/25 because of the order I recieved it. Again a continuation of the word the other day beloved. Regarding Daniel interpreting the dream then I heard in the spirit He is working everything for your good and I saw someone getting a promotion in the spirit a higher position there was more responsibility that came with it. But they were in a position to help more ppl and then I came back again. Then my Bible landed to Daniel 2, except this time verse, 47 and 48 were highlighted in gold in the spirit where the king appointed Daniel to a high position and gave him many valuable gifts. He made Daniel ruler over the whole province of Babylon, as well. As chief over all his wise men.  And a Daniel's request, the king appointed shadrack meshack and abednego to be in charge of all the affairs of the province of Babylon, while daniel remained in the king's court so because of daniel, his request, the king also promoted mount Shadrack. Meshack and abednego nm. I saw 113 today again like yesterday except this time it wasn't a licence plate beloved. Then I saw 861 plate which means furnace in strongs concordance confirmation firery furnace. I'm also hearing in the spirit angels will revive you again like they did 4 Jesus in the wilderness. 32 licence plate means angel confirmation. Some of you feel weary beloved but the Lord is saying I didn't bring you this far just 2 leave you in that downtrodden condition afflicted in a firery furnace, down trodden is not a word I use in my vocabulary beloved and the father was very specific. Downtrodden means treated unfairly, badly, trampled, oppressed. Ok so for some of you I'm hearing persecution in an isolated season in the wilderness. Your abba daddy had to prune you from old ppl old habits. I heard that Holy Ghost. The father is doing a new thing and he had to remove some things and ppl first because old wine would burst the new wine skins my God speak Holy Spirit because bad company, unequally yoked corrupts good character beloved. So he had to throw you into the fiery furnace to refine you for the next level promotion and operating in purpose with your spiritual gifts but now that you're coming out of it my God speak Holy Spirit not smelling like smoke and walking in your gifts, kindaaa like the king was amazed by daniel when he was able to do what no magician can. Mm. Im hearing in the spirit confound the wise. God is getting ready 2 shock everyone 2 the confound the wise beloved because they wouldn't have made you their first pick but the father did and he says thats my beloved that's my chosen bride elect. That's my beloved child and now the last shall be the first as I elevate them & shame their enemies that tried to come against them. Only you would be able to do what I called you 2 do beloved for this position. I, the Lord have spoken. Mm. I heard that dad yesss because only daniel could interpret the dream and none of the magicians because God will shamed the wise and his enemies beloved while you are highly favored and chosen. 113 Lord, master authority position confirmation. Then I saw licence plate 108 which means testimony or witness in strongs concordance. I also saw licence plate 535 & twice labor toil sorrow or perfection completion and 320 end confirmation. 73 struggle conflict. Which confirms you're coming out of this firey furnace and affliction I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus. You went through it but now I prophesy a higher position and promotion is coming in the name of Jesus as the father works everything for your good and revives you again from the fiery furnace. Now Jan25/25 my Bible landed 2 Daniel 2 where his gifts are used and noticed what was highlighted in gold in the spirit is when Daniel interpreted the dream to the king and nobody else could do it. None of the magicians. No one on earth was highlighted in gold in the spirit except daniel was chosen. 128 earth confirmation. And the interpretation came from God beloved. Stay with me baby don't miss this. This is prophetic for someone right now in this season. I pray dad you'll order their steps to see this and recieve this in the name of Jesus. Whomever this word is for beloved you have a gift but you had to go through the fire first for refinement and be tested and the world will marvel im seeing it spelled out in an open vision hearing in the spirit marvel they will marvel at God working through you through your gifts. Mm. But first you had to endure the heat of the fiery furnace and affliction. I'm seeing affliction spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. For whom this word is for beloved. You know what that is or what it's been. Then my Bible landed to Isaiah25 & Vs4 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. But you are a tower of refuge to the poor, O Lord, a tower of refuge to the needy in distress. You are a refuge from the storm and a shelter from the heat. For the oppressive acts of ruthless ppl are like a storm beating against a wall, or like the relentless heat of the desert. Pause so you've been oppressed then I saw licence plate 73 & it means struggle conflict, 120 to lose heart in strongs concordance. Confirmation. But the father is saying its coming 2 an end as you come out of the furnace and recieve promotion. 113 lord Master authority position confirmation. 320 end confirmation then I saw 535 twice and licence plate and it means perfection and completion which is also confirmation. Whatever that fire or affliction in your life looks like down trodden hope deferred distressed, it's coming 2 an end I prophesy in the name of Jesus. And I take authority I rebuke every spirit of depression, trauma, rejection and discouragement that's been attacking you and I bind you In the name of Jesus Christ & I cancel your assignment & I send you back 2 hell in the name of Jesus. I release joy peace and strength beloved. Then I saw 103 gather collect harvest so I prophesy for every tear you sowed and prayer in secret I see you beloved, yes smiling in public crying in secret I prophesy a reward is coming and uncommon harvest and answered prayers in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 405 and it means consequence or reward end in strongs concordance confirmation. Then I saw 33 means come in strongs concordance its coming stay strong beloved. 566 strength confirmation. And Jesus was in the fire with them, I heard that Holy Spirit yess he hasn't left, hes with you in it. 223 Yahweh is my light or flame of Yahweh confirmation. Mm. The gifts you will walk in will make the world marvel when you recieve your promotion. 510 upper higher, 11:17 High place confirmation. Daniel2 and vs46-49 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Vs46 Then King Nebuchadnezzar threw himself down before Daniel and worshiped him, and he commanded his ppl 2 offer sacrifices and burn sweet incense before him. The king said to Daniel, “Truly, your God is the greatest of gods, the Lord over kings, a revealer of mysteries, for you have been able to reveal this secret.” Then the king appointed Daniel to a high position and gave him many valuable gifts. 113 Lord Master authority confirmation. Jan30/25 I saw 134 aineó to praise, delight or commend. The Greek verb "aineó" primarily means to praise or extol, often in the context of giving glory to God beloved so the reason for your gifts and purpose is to win souls and make King Jesus famous, give him all glory and build his kingdom and edify the body of Christ beloved. Then I saw 537 feeble weakness confirming what I heard in the spirit many are weary from this but it's coming to an end. 320 end confirmation. So the father is serious. He's getting ready to honor you right in front of them. He's going to put them to shame when they see the signs miracles and wonders He will do through you beloved. Be of good cheer in the affliction because its coming 2 an end. I'm seeing a diamond in the spirit. The diamond goes through alot of heat and pressure beloved. These trials will show that your faith is genuine beloved. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold though your faith is far more precious than mere gold and I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but promotion doesn't come without testing, and afflictions in the firey furnace but your abba daddy will work all things for your good when you love him & when you come out of it then elevation comes and the world will marvel at your gifts and promotion all for the glory of Elohim. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Romans8:28 | Daniel2:46-49 |  Isa25:4 | Rom8:31 | Ps66:10 | Eph2:6,10 | 1Pet5:10 | 1Pet1:7 | Heb11:1,6 | Jhn10:10

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 25+28+30+25=108 & 108 ed in strongs concordance means testimony or witness. The affliction is coming 2 an end now comes the promotion. Get ready 2 testify beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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