Prophetic Word: Like The Slingshot U Haven't Been Going Backwards Just Pulled Back A Bit Because You Weren't Spiritually Ready Yet, But I Am Getting Ready 2 Reveal & Release U & Release Your Promises & Jaws R About 2 Drop Beloved
Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word for someone beloved. Test the spirit. This word should just serve as confirmation. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Its lonnnng over 26 pages. And I need to prophesy and release this rhema word now & be obedient. Because I saw my envelope emoji and my profile icon in the spirit. Plz dad take my words out of my mouth and take my thoughts out of my head and only put your thoughts in my head and only put your words on my lips. Release a fresh annointing on this word and open their eyes and hearts to recieve this. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Jan20/25 When I woke up btwn the realms, I heard in the spirit Jaws are about to drop let the show begin. Jaws are about 2 drop and then I came back again. Then I saw 360 which means strength might power or it means "to release or to loosen in strongs concordance. Then I saw 717 expose bare uncover and the Hebrew verb "arah" primarily means to uncover or expose. It is often used in contexts where something hidden is revealed or laid bare. This can refer to physical uncovering, such as removing a covering from an object, or metaphorical exposure, such as revealing plans or intentions. I'm hearing in the spirit, the father is getting ready to reveal you, uncover who you really are to him and your gifts he's given. He's getting ready to show the world who you've always been. Hes revealing you to the ppl who treated you with contempt. 960 scorn despise contempt confirmation. Then I saw 105 which means eagle im hearing elevation in the spirit. Then I saw 323 and it means in strongs concordance showing forth, proclamation, appointment. The term "anadeixis" refers to the act of publicly proclaiming or appointing someone to a position or role. It involves a formal declaration or presentation, often in a ceremonial context. In the New Testament, it is used to describe the act of appointing or designating someone for a specific task or office. And this is confirmation. The father is emphasizing this. Same day Jan20/25 I then saw a man hugging this woman and meeting again at a neighborhood trees everywhere and what caught my attention in the spirit, there was still snow on the ground wherever this was what I saw in the spirit, confirming its near then, 413 near confirmation snow in parts of the world is the winter season. That's someone's confirmation for someone im hearing march others april test the spirit. Then I saw 529 which means faithfulness or meeting encounter in strongs concordance confirmation.709 to eat, dine or breakfast. So you and your kingdom spouse, you're reuniting again and going on a date soon I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 688 and it means firebrand or burning stick so I was like ok dad burning stick as in.. so the term "eqdach" refers to a burning stick or firebrand, often used metaphorically to describe something that is kindled or set on fire. Ok so baby get ready to rekindle what was always there beloved. Sparks will fly when you meet again embers making a blazing wild fire you can't put out again. Lol I just saw the laughing emoji emoticon in the spirit. The father cant wait til you reuinte again. Hes excited to release this promise. 626 gathering confirmation.Then I saw 160 it means in strongs concordance love or sudden unexpected. If God said it its going to happen suddenly I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 1222 which means surely; indeed or gold or wealth in strongs concordance, 124 stone gem engagment ring im hearing in the spirit. Then I saw an opening in the spirit. Doors open and in other realms even just an open vision seeing someone in the spirit at the dentist mouth was open. Confirming 1234 I saw break open split open then I saw 616 which means giving birth in strongs concordance. Ok so for whomever this word is for you are about 2 give birth to the kingdom marriage promise that'll then birth the ministry in your union. 258 one flesh unity confirmation. I heard that Holy Ghost multiple births and some of you then you'll birth the promise of your promised land, property and houses to follow yet. It's all happening at once I heard that Holy Ghost. Then my Bible landed to Amos9 & Vs 13 was highlighted in gold in the spirit blessings coming all at once sudden so fast your head will swim I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 913 lightening, flash, sudden confirmation. Then Jan21/25 I saw someone in the spirit the other day who had their shirt on backwards and inside out and yawning and looked exhausted in the spirit and then I came back again. Some of you have felt this. You feel like you're going backwards and made little progress, setbacks, temporary afflictions but the Lord is saying you have grown and made progress and now I want you to rest before I send you out and release your kingdom marriage promise. Then I saw 360 means strength might power or it means "to release or to loosen in strongs concordance confirmation. 651 darkness or sending mission apostleship confirmation. Thankyou dad yesss I am seeing a slingshot in the spirit. As the father is pulling you back a bit you feel like theres stagnation and little progress but its intentional beloved. He wants both spouses 2 rest as you're pulled back getting ready to launch you like a rocket. Getting ready to fly when the father releases it. My God speak Holy Spirit like the sling shot hws getting ready 2 release you release the promise. It feels like you're going backwards being pulled back a bit to rest but the father is saying you're going the right direction. You did what I needed. I will order your steps. Then I saw 268 backwards, 304 step confirmation. I am slowing you down and now I want you rest. I have seen all the spiritual warfare, hope deffered and afflictions 590 afflictions and now I am raising you up from the bitter cup of suffering you tasted, being beaten last season. I am raising you up and restoring your strength and joy again. Lean not on your own understanding and trust my timing and trust the process beloved. Then I saw R E S T in caps spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. All that adrenaline and excitement of the ministry and meeting again. You're gonna need it. You're gonna need your energy and strength when it all happens. 360 strength might power or it means "to release or to loosen. I heard that Holy Ghost for some of you moving yet im seeing moving boxes in the spirit. Im seeing a wedding in the spirit. 800 wife confirmation. Im seeing someone else pregnant in the spirit. 616 give birth confirmation. Im seeing others builing houses yet. 123,127, 128 confirmation. Alot of physical movement that requires strength for it so rest beloved. 555 strength confirmation. Then I saw 304 step confirmation. You are almost there and I am so proud of you beloved. I am your dad and I know what you endured and where you've been and you never left me through the inevitable painful process of birthing these promises. I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit fire yess dad yesss I prophesy over you you will come out of the fire and won't even smell like smoke beloved and now comes your promotion in the name of Jesus. You will testify when you come out of it and you wont even look like what you went through or where you been. You'll be brand new again my God speak Holy Spirit im seeing in the spirit brand new furniture at stores and new clothes hanging on the racks with tags on them. You won't have one snag or one scratch beloved. Then I saw today 46 which means renewal garments raw fabric. The term "agnaphos" refers to cloth that has not been processed or treated, specifically unshrunk or raw fabric. In the context of the New Testament, it is used metaphorically to describe something that is new and unaltered, often in contrast to something old or worn. Confirmation. God is making all things new when you recieve your promotion and promises. Im hearing he will even restore memory losses and fatigue that has come over them will dissappear yet. I prophesy a double portion and double for trouble during the wilderness when you were preparing for ministry and kingdom marriage in the name of Jesus. 108 testimony, witness confirmation. Fyi for clarification. Whenever I say the number and confirmation it means I saw the number beloved. Rather than always then I saw then I saw lol less wordy than. Either in the natural, licence plates, or an open vision and I look up what they mean in strongs concordance when I see them and it always confirms what I see and hear in the spirit. The father is so strategic. He knows whose here and who needs it. As small quick words are aleady 13 pages as oppose to 4 back then. The annointing has increased and it can take days to finish them and waiting for confirmations and when im released to release them. So plz be patient. I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing a mother in a hospital in the spirit. What does she do after she gives birth she rests. She looks a bit jaded. Ok so rest you're giving brith beloved. Yess dad yess I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you birthing your promise shall prosper and the promise is coming in the name of Jesus. Jan23/25 I see a light in the spirit and as I pressed in, I saw this ugly anglerfish that tries to eat them. And these fish use light to lure in prey my God speak Holy Spirit kindaaa like Satan transforms as an angel of light beloved. And the father is saying when I send you 2 out, don't be foolish you'll know them by their fruits and discernment. But watch out for wolves in sheep clothing beloved. The devil comes to steal kill destroy and he will use light to do it. He will send counterfeit lights and offers so always confirm with me and I will expose if it's my light or the counterfeit. Then I saw deceive spelled out in an open vision and heard it in the spirit and then I came back again. Then my Bible landed to 1Kings17 And vs21 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Read the passage..Elijah pleaded with God cried out and prayed for the child & he lived again. So im hearing in the spirit fresh annointing and you will make jaws drop by your annointing authority, gifts and miracles that will happen. You're sent and they will know it like the woman widow with Elijah when he prayed and interceded 4 him. Then my Bible landed to Amos9:13 which confirms what I heard and saw in the spirit. Sudden!! 913 lightening confirmation. Then my Bible landed to Exodus 33:& 1 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Where God tells Moses 2 get going to the land I promised. It's time beloved. You are ready, any day now all of a sudden im hearing in the spirit. 717 uncover I am revealing you and your gifts confirmation. Then I saw 827 which means quiver in strongs concordance. The term "ashpah" refers to a quiver, which is a container used for holding arrows. In the biblical context, it is often used metaphorically to describe preparedness for battle or the readiness of a warrior. The quiver is an essential part of a warrior's equipment, symbolizing strength and readiness. Or dawn brightness radiance. So riise shine your light has come beloved another confirmation you're ready now but back then you were not quite there spiritually for the task ahead. 532 unprepared unready confirmation. My God speak Holy Spirit im seeing Philemon1:12&15 in an open vision in the spirit. Yesss You would have been crushed I'm hearing in the spirit and it was protection. They werent good use 2 you just yet for the kind of ministry coming with them. They needed to grow in their gifts and power, & authority first, exousia and dunamis. But now you can have her/him back forever 126 forever confirmation and never be seperated again when you're reunited. Then I saw 105 and waited for confirmation. I saw workers with shovels in the spirit. I'm also seeing snow white & 7 dwarfs hearing hi ho its off 2 work we go, they are working in the mine the caves and then I came back again. Then my Bible landed to Matt10:5 105!! Vs5 was highlighted in gold in the spirit which reads Jesus sends out the disciples my God speak Holy Spirit confirmation by the slingshot I saw in the spirit getting ready 2 be released any moment. Vs5 Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with these instructions: “Don’t go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans, but only to the people of Israel God’s lost sheep. Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. 413 near confirmation Vs8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received! Confirmation. He is getting ready to release you into your kingdom marriage for this assigment doing it together beloved. 360 strength might power or it means "to release or to loosen in strongs concordance confirmation. 651 darkness or sending mission apostleship confirmation. Then my Bible landed to Matt9 & 35-38 Also highlighted in gold in the spirit ..need more workers in the fields. Vs35 Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. pause im hearing in the spirit you will do greater works than I did beloved. You will also heal the sick and cast demons out of them. Vs 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” pause im hearing have compassion like your abba daddy beloved. They need a leader who will guide them and help them not a wolf leading them astray beloved. Ive been seeing 16, 213 and 123, 321 often and waiting for confirmation. 321 im hearing countdown in the spirit. 123 steps completed for ministry's mission and when I saw 333 twice I heard completion each time in the spirit. When I saw it. Then I saw 105 again. Then my Bible landed to Mark 16 & vs15-18 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Where the Lord Jesus says: And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. im seeing someone shaking mud off their shoes in the spirit so if they dont listen sjake the dust off your feet beloved. Vs17 These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. Pause im hearing many will recieve spiritual gift of tongues yet. Vs18 They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.” ok so the father is saying be courageous when you go out into the world and get sent he is with you wherever you go and be fearless. Nothing will harm you because if God is for you they can't be against you or stop your mission or they will go down trying to touch God's annointed. Ok so again you will do miracles signs wonders like the disciples of Jesus did and even the ppl were amazed by them. God will do signs miracles and wonders through you when you're sent out yet because you are annointed 4 such a time as this to deliver souls from spirits and bring them in all for God's glory 4 his kingdom. You are annointed to set the captives free beloved. When Jesus did miracles, they ridiculed him they even called him a demon and accused him. They even accused him of blasphemy on several occasions when Jesus claimed 2 be the Christ, the son of God. When Jesus said the paralytic mans sins were forgiven, when Jesus called himself God, the I Am, when Jesus was called friend of sinners and accused of commiting sin. 157 accusation confirmation my God speak Holy Spirit im seeing Acts2:13 spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. Vs13 But others in the crowd ridiculed them, saying, “They’re just drunk, that’s all!” in other translations the word says made fun of or mocking them. 213!! Ok so again I heard that Holy Ghost expect them to mock you accuse you of being a sinner and try to gaslight your identity and assignment/purposes. I heard that Holy Ghost Anyone that does is sent by the devil because the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy and he wants to stop it but I hear the spirit of the Lord say they will have to go through me first if they wanna stop you beloved and the enemy is already defeated. The persecution is increasing because prophetically we are in the book of acts beloved. I heard that Holy Spirit im seeing the python spirit in the spirit the girl with divination spirit, she wouldn't shut up so Paul took action and commanded the demon serpent to come out of her and it left. Notice paul didnt argue with her the spirit he didnt have a conversation with the spirit. He cast it out and freed her from it. Some of you are about 2 see these things and encounter even. 529 encounter confirmation. This is why you needed to increase spiritually in the Lord's presence. You needed to spend more time fasting and praying because you become more known in the spirit as you do whether it's a 40 day fast 21 day daniel fast 3 day Esther dry fast and if you are consistent pretty soon its instant when they obey you beloved. I saw 21 alot recent. That could be someone's confirmation. I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit Jesus I know, Paul I know but who who are you ok I heard that dad yesss so the father is saying he needed both kingdom spouses to be a certain level spiritually before He releases the promise & brings you together again and sends you out there because your ministry of deliverance will require you to be at a level of power and authority that wasn't there yet and fasting prayer and meditating on the word day and night has increased you beloved. Another translation is but the evil spirit responded and said to them, “I recognize Jesus, and I know of Paul, but who are you?” in the NLT Vs15 one time when they tried it, the evil spirit replied, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?” tried what?? beloved. The 7 sons of sceva they tried to cast them out but they got beaten. The Lord is protecting you getting you prepared first before you get sent. Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house bleeding and naked. Mm. So the father is saying you needed to get stronger and increase in authority before you're sent out with your kingdom marriage ministry and assigment. So now because you are where I need you to be spiritually beloved, I am going to use for the nations. I am going reveal my glory through your ministry and bring massive deliverance. Family bloodlines & generations. I am going to shake the earth and nations. Jaws are going to drop when they see my love for you on display beloved. Jaws are going to drop when they see how I use you for the nations because I chose you 4 such a time as this. And I am just getting started. I the Lord have spoken. Also when it said 321 on my oldest game at the tip of the tv it caught my attention. Then my Bible landed to Haggai2 & 21 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Vs21Tell Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, that I am about to shake the heavens and the earth. Confirmation. No time to waste I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing in the spirit how quickly President trump is taking action. Rest beloved because you're going to need it when the father releases the promise. So many things will happen all at once because there are souls 2 get saved yet. Time is short and everything is being accelerated. 913 lightening confirmation. And as I am finishing this lol daddddd i look at my phone and it said 3:21, so 3-2-1 get ready like a slingshot being reelased beloved. I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom spouse/ marriage and promises shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I decree, declare & I prophesy over you what God has joined together no one can put asunder or seperate in the name of Jesus. And I release the annointing for joy and strength renewed again. I don't know who this is for baby but like the slingshot you haven't been going backwards just pulled back a bit because the father is getting ready 2 reveal and release you and release your promises and promotion. You weren't ready back then and like the sons of sceva you would have been beaten so it was protection but now you have increased in power and authority and known in the spirit and now jaws are about 2 drop when the father reveals who you are in the nations and your purposes and that you were always chosen 4 such a time as this. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Matt10:5&16 | Acts19:15-16 | Isa66:9 | Am9:13 | Acts2:13 | 1Kings17:21 | Ma16:15-18 | Phil1:12,15 | Matt9:35-38 | Haggai2:21 | 1Cor2:9 | Jer29:11 | Jhn10:10
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 20+21+23+24+25=113 & 113 translates 2 adon in strongs concordance and it means Lord, master, owner & the Hebrew word "adon" primarily denotes a person of authority and power, often translated as "lord" or "master" in English. It is used to refer to human lords or masters, as well as to God, emphasizing His sovereignty and authority. The term conveys respect, submission, and acknowledgment of the authority of the one being addressed and you are walking in power and authority by the Holy Spirit and needed you at a certain level spiritually before you're released and sent out beloved!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
Matt10:5&16 | Acts19:15-16 | Isa66:9 | Am9:13 | Acts2:13 | 1Kings17:21 | Ma16:15-18 | Phil1:12,15 | Matt9:35-38 | Haggai2:21 | 1Cor2:9 | Jer29:11 | Jhn10:10
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 20+21+23+24+25=113 & 113 translates 2 adon in strongs concordance and it means Lord, master, owner & the Hebrew word "adon" primarily denotes a person of authority and power, often translated as "lord" or "master" in English. It is used to refer to human lords or masters, as well as to God, emphasizing His sovereignty and authority. The term conveys respect, submission, and acknowledgment of the authority of the one being addressed and you are walking in power and authority by the Holy Spirit and needed you at a certain level spiritually before you're released and sent out beloved!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
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