Prophetic Word: When The Timing Is Right Beloved, I The Lord Will Make It Happen & Split The Red Sea Open 4 You & Your Wife/ Husband 2 Meet & Reunite Again
Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word for someone beloved. Test the spirit. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. I may re-post if it's many I miss. I just want to prophesy and release this. There are so many prophetic numbers I saw that were repetitive but I need 2 be obedient because when God repeats himself he means it & you better pay attention. Plz dad take my words & my thoughts out of my mouth and out of my head and only put your thoughts in my head and only put your words on my lips. Whatever you want out take out daddy & in add in. Prophesy 2 your children. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Dec8/24 I saw 186 & it means unwavering in strongs concordance so God is saying he wants you 2 walk in unwavering faith and keep believing 4 this. Passage of time going by can be weary but im hearing in the spirit like Abraham and Sarah its still coming yet no matter how long it's been. The promise still stands and the father wants you both 2 keep standing for your God ordained kingdom spouse promise. Then I saw 403 truly indeed certain. Then I saw 551 which also means truly indeed surely in strongs concordance so the father is emphasizing its still coming beloved. 555 strength so the father is giving you grace and strength to get through this and he is saying the victory is already won and it's still coming yet. I'm also hearing in the spirit my grace is sufficient. Mm. So I prophesy over you beloved you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you in the name of Jesus because His strength is made perfect in your weakness. And how do you get this. In his presence is fullness of joy and the joy of the Lord is your strength therfore you can do all things through Christ beloved because his strength is within his power works best in weakness because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world beloved because the same power in you is the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. The joy of the Lord gives you physical strength for your body beloved. Recieve this. That's not in my notes so that part was for someone beloved because I was going another direction I didn't intend 2 just flowing with Holy Spirit because he knows who this word is for and who needs it. Then I saw 529 encounter meet, 70 wheel; disk or vigilance, 414 such a time as this ok so the father is emphasizing you meeting your kingdom spouse again is truly going to happen. I prophesy It is certain & it is coming yet and you will come full circle again with your wife/husband in the name of Jesus. 4 such a time as this. 111 joy confirmation. Its coming beloved. Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then my Bible landed to Ruth1 & Vs16 was highlighted in gold in the spirit Vs 16 But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your ppl will be my ppl, and your God will be my God. 186 Unwavering confirmation your kingdom spouse is all in and they love the Lord as much as you do and committed 2 you and Him. Wherever you go they will go beloved. They are in love wirh you because its the love of father in this uniom even during seperation and you are already one flesh even during temperol seperation. Dec 9/24 my Bible landed to Ruth again except it was chapter 4 instead and when Boaz takes Ruth in and marries her was highlighted in gold in the spirit and they had Obed. So for some of you, she will move in with him before wedding day and then when you get married later you will get pregnant I prophesy in the name of Jesus. 26 love confirmation. Dec10/24 Then I saw 1717 & in strongs concordance it means manifest visible evident, then 414, 72 wheel, 33 come, 321 lead or bring something or someone up to a higher place; elevation. Then my Bible landed to Matt28 and ressurection of Jesus Christ was highlighted in gold in the spirit. 321 higher place my God speak Holy Spirit in 3 days Jesus ressurected. I prophesy countdown is on til day of ressurection of your promises in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 128 land so owning a property is part of your inheritance. Then I saw 20 joy and my Bible landed to Hagai2 & 19 & 20 was highlighted in gold in the spirit so I prophesy over you a great shaking is coming sudden for his perfect will to be done and you'll be blessed so quick your head will spin in the name of Jesus . 913 lightening confirmation. I'm seeing someone in the spirit who was swinging and twisted the swing instead and they were spinning so fast that their head was spinning and they were dizzy trying to stand up getting off of it. And then I came again. Then my Bible landed to Amos9:13 so I prophesy one blessing after the other sudden so quick it'll make your head spin in the name of Jesus. Its going to be that overwhelming beloved. Then I saw 123, 31, 126, 103 so I prophesy over you beloved you'll recieve a message from your kingdom spouse after this shaking happens, a harvest and even land it will fill your mouth with laughter and singing like a dream in the name of Jesus. Dec 30th/24 I heard part of your world in the spirit. Then it popped up on my feed sudden then I learned to play it. And I heard the reprise version in the spirit where she sings I don't know when I don't know how but I know something is starting right now watch and you'll see someday I'll be part of your world and shes watching eric. Shes watching him so that confirms they are watching you beloved in love with you from a distance til you come together again. And they believe what the father said you will reunite again. I've always loved the song and sang it since I was a kid. It was playing so loud in the spirit realm when I heard it. Then I saw a road appear out of nowhere in the spirit and I heard in the spirit I will make a way where you see no way beloved and then I came back again. Now we know Ariel goes to a witch to go on land 128 land confirmation to help her meet the prince and yes witchcraft is wrong beloved but God will use anything so don't limit him and he is saying I will make a way for it to happen. You don't need a witch. You dont need 2, I will reunite you and your prince. I will shake those waters and help you so you can meet again. Eric will notice Ariel and she will stand out 2 him kindaaa like Esther when she stood out from all rhe other women who was chosen. Mm.104 letter aka contact confirmation. Then I saw 346 and it means to sum up, to bring together, to unite confirmation Then I saw 416 anemos" means wind. It is used in the New Testament to describe natural phenomena, metaphorical concepts, or divine intervention. It can denote both gentle breezes and violent storms, symbolizing change, power, and the unseen forces of nature. Kindaaa like the divine intervention of the power of ressurection of promises. Kindaaa like the red sea supernaturally splitting open. Mm. I heard that Holy Ghost I don't need help making anything happen. I will do it. Did I not say all things are possible beloved. 102 impossible confirmation yiu cabt do it. Don't worry but walk by faith and trust me to do it. My God speak Holy Spirit Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the Lord opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. 416 wind confirmation. The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land. 123, 127 land confirmation. I'm seeing an ocean in the spirit. So for whomever this word is for you have reached the sea beloved and done all you can do and been obedient and the Lord is pleased beloved and the father is saying you have reached the seas edge now wait on me to split the red sea open. Wait for me because I share my glory with no one and when the timing is right, I alone will make it happen. 155 glory confirmation. Then I saw 412 aneklalétos which means God mighty inexpressible comfirmation. The term "aneklalétos" is used to describe something that is beyond the capacity of words to convey. It refers to experiences or emotions that are so profound or divine that they cannot be adequately expressed through human language. Confirmation it's going to be so supernatural and so miraculous your head will spin kindaaa like the person on the swing I saw in the spirit. Then I saw 996 and it means help, assistance. The term "boétheia" refers to the act of providing help or assistance, often in times of need or distress. It conveys the idea of coming to someone's aid, offering support, or providing relief. In the New Testament, it is used to describe both physical and spiritual assistance. Confirmation so the father is saying this is supernatural and he doesn't need your help to split the red sea open so the Israelites can cross over into their promise. He will shake the waters and make a way for it 2 happen. 455 to open, 155 splendor glory confirmation. Then I saw 32 angel, 1212 manifest evident 33 come 913 sudden 212 full circle again. Baby I hope you're catching this in the spirit. Your red sea will suddenly split open. Then I heard favor and miracles beloved in the spirit. And while I was traveling, I also I forgot to charge my phone the night before and it was 33% but on the road somehow even listening to music it wouldn't drain my battery like it would in most phones, most cases however I knew it was supernatural because I told my oldest look an hour goes by and it's stil 33% and I knew the father waa keeping my battery from draining incase I needed it because I forgot to charge it and I needed to buy another car charger replacement. Mm. The 33% on my Phone caught my attention because I kept seeing 33 everywhere before this. Then I saw Ruth 3:3 spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. My God speak Holy Spirit 33!! It also means come in strongs concordance Ruth3:3 and Ruth 3:3 says Vs3 Now do as I tell you—take a bath and put on perfume and dress in your nicest clothes. Then go to the threshing floor, but don’t let Boaz see you until he has finished eating and drinking. in NIV translation it says best clothes beloved so the father is saying after this shaking happens suddenly you will go on a date with her/him your wife/husband so be ready for it. 399 to eat confirmation. I heard that Holy Ghost Prepare because you never know when. You never know when it could happen. You never know when God moves and you wanna be ready 4 it. Then I saw 346 and it means To sum up, to bring together, to unite in strongs concordance confirmation. You never know when God's timing is so stay expectant. Then shortly you'll be engaged which will lead to kingdom marriage. 124 stone confirmation. Some of you will move in before wedding because of distance. Test the spirit. I'm hearing that in the spirit for someone beloved. I'm hearing colors of the wind and seeing Pocahontas and John Smith meeting in the spirit. 417 wind confirmation. 529 encounter meet confirmation. Then I saw 822 lattice window ,321 to lead up to bring to set sail, 833 to be happy blessed or palace,123 land, 72 wheel, 228 true genuine or to be strong so be strong beloved, your red sea will split open yet 455 to open confirmation and you'll meet again going from the pit to the palace I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 1111 and heard Luke 11:11 gifts and seeing a present in the spirit. Jan8/25 I saw a vehicle in the spirit and as I pressed in I saw the driver mirror and what stood out was objects in the mirror are closer than they appear and it caught my attention and then I came back again. So this confirms 913 sudden beloved. Then I saw 213 labor, to be close, hasten and I heard ressurection power in the spirit and saw it spelled out in an open vision. Ok so again the father is emphasizing this. You've done all you can do beloved and he does the rest so rest and stay expectant. 2222 life confirmation. I also heard five foolish virgins in the spirit in morning so dont fall asleep while waiting for your promise. 69 stone; be watchful awake, 33 come,31 message 103 gather collect harvest sing,72 wheel. It's coming beloved. Jan9/25 I saw 29 to compel to press into service so you and your kingdom spouse will start a public ministry together yet. 455 to open confirmation. 311 delay 320 ends. Delay is coming 2 an end I prophesy in the name of Jesus.31 message, 401 outpouring 111 joy, 55 wrestling 16 desire, 26 love confirmation & I prophesy over you for delighting in your daddy and wrestling with him, he will give you the desires of your heart and bless you in the name of Jesus. Jan10/25 I saw 33 & 212 again. Then my Bible landed to Matt28 again & earthquake was highlighted in gold in the spirit the earthquake was the shaking the stone rolled away my God speak Holy Spirit the Hagaii 2:19 great shaking the, great shaking and karios red sea moment is coming at the appointed time I prophesy in the name of Jesus. 111 joy 321 get ready countdown begins.. 552 truly indeed 616 giving birth, giving birth to your promise. 124 engagment ring stone confirmation. 123 land and 31 message confirmation. Then my Bible landed to 1Cor2 & Vs 9 was highlighted in gold in the spirit so I prophesy the father has already prepared this past tense and no eye has seen no ear has heard and no mind has conceived or imagine what the father has prepared for you beloved in the name of Jesus because you love him. Then Jan11/25 I saw 616 to give birth again and I'm seeing contractions spelled out in an open vision in the spirit I'm also seeing someone in the spirit saying its time and shes waddling out the door taking deep breaths and then I came back again. I saw 413 and heard Ruth 4:13 in the spirit so beloved read the passage. Then I saw 127, 31 123 land message again.102 impossible and love confirmation. You are birthing this promise and then God will split the red sea open. 16 desire he knows you want this he won't let you down beloved. 26 love, 33 come, it's coming beloved. Then Jan12/25 I saw 31, 124 stone 104 letter again and also 80p wife Fite or woman and then my Bible landed to Matt28 again!! Then later my Bible landed to Luke6 & vs 48 was highlighted in gold in the spirit so you will build with them and it will be a solid home built on the rock Christ Jesus I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Jan13/25 I saw 555 again,103 which means gather collect and I'm seeing in the spirit a field ready for harvest. It's ready beloved. Then my Bible landed again to Ruth then Song of songs 6 when I opened it so you are reuniting again when the great shaking happens and the red sea splits open I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus. Jan15/25 I saw the same numbers again and heard suddenly in the spirit. Then I saw things happening super fast in the spirit and this person was struggling to comprehend what do next because so many things happened at once all of a sudden & then I came back again. Then I saw 33 Ruth3:3 and my Bible landed to Amos 9:13 as confirmation so fast your head will swim beloved. 212 full circle suddenly 321 again. Then my Bible landed to Gen25 vs 58 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Where Rebekah says she will go with him. Confirmation. She will say yes beloved. Then my Bible landed to Ruth 4:13 again when I opened it so I knew I had to release it and Boaz takes Ruth in marries her and they have obed. And notice they cross paths by God's doing and everything fell into place the way it all happened. Trust his timing beloved. Wait at the seas edge patiently for him 463 patience confirmation. I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom spouse/ marriage and promises and purposes shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I decree declare & I prophesy what God has joined together no one can put asunder or seperate in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but when the timing is right the Lord will make it happen and split the red sea open for you and your kingdom husband/ wife 2 meet and reunite again. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Ruth1:16 | Ruth3:3 | Ruth4:13 | Matt28 | Haggai2:19,21 | Amos9:13 | Gen24:58 | Exo14:13,14,21 | Ps46:10 | Gen2:22-24 | Ma10:8-9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Isa60:22 | Isa66:9 | Gen12:1 | 1Chron4:10 | 1Cor2:9 | Prov6:31 | Jer29:11@Jesus'Girl8188♡
Dec8,9,30/24- Jan8,9,10,11,12,13,15/25
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 9+30+10+11+12+13+8+15+24+25=157 &157 in strongs concordance means love beloved. To love; friendship 2 romantic; deep affection; marital covenantal love; emotional connection and before you know it the red sea will split open to rekindlee the fire & cross over into your promise beloved!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
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