Prophetic Word: Get On The Ark Of Safety Before It Rains Brimstone & The Door Of Grace Closes, The Kingdom Is At Hand Beloved
Heyyy my luuvs. I have a word for the body of Christ beloved. And I'm to repinn recent ones connected with this. Test the spirit. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. I may repost it. Plz dad take my words out of my mouth and take my thoughts out of my head. Put only your thoughts in my head and only put your words on my lips. Prophesy what you want to your children. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Feb19/25 I saw 260 which means together, at the same time, along with in strongs concordance. I saw 82 to fly & then I saw 965 which means lightening flash in strongs concordance. I knew the father was referring 2 the rapture in the spirit but I also sensed in the spirit there was more yet. Then I saw 928 which means terror or dread so I waited. Then later that night I was scrolling through shorts and then every time I did I saw 33, then 33 again then 33k then 33 comments over and over and it caught my attention because this was almost every clip. For those of you who don't know beloved. 33 means come!! in strongs concordance. The rapture is coming beloved. I have been getting warnings in the spirit since November2024 I will repinn it yet. As this word is connected. I'm also seeing Jhn3:3 in an open vision and I prophesy for those who aren't yet saved, you will recieve the baptism of the Holy Ghost get saved and born again in the name of Jesus. And then I had an open vision of Mark1:15 my Bible Joel1:15 was highlighted in gold in the spirit which confirmed the numbers of the rapture references. Vs15 reads The day of the Lord is near, the day when destruction comes from the Almighty. How terrible that day will be! 413 near, 13 destruction confirmation. I knew there was more so I waited... Feb20/25 after a lonnng day, I was dozing in and out and just sitting in my abba daddy's presence and then he showed me some things in the spirit and I was no longer asleep because it really woke me up and caught my attention. I was studying the book of Matthew for another word and then I put that on hold when I saw someone in the spirit it looked really dark around me and it looked like the great tribulation because I saw a lady in the spirit who took the mark this wife did, the kids were forced and because the husband wouldn't they shot him dead and the wife that took the mark had no emotions in the spirit. They shot him dead in front of her and she didn't even react to it. It was almost like she was zombie like, gone nobody home, once you took the mark it was like you're soulless have no control of your mind or body everything looked robotic thankyou Holy Spirit yesss zombie like or robotic. 120 human confirmation. Because her kids were forced they didn't make that decision I don't then what would happen to them because they didn't know better and there was no are you going to take it, no in the spirit they just did it to the kids. I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing in the spirit this sentence. Woe unto the mothers with child in those days in the spirit. How terrible it will be for pregnant women and for nursing mothers in those days mm.56 ignorance confirmation. Im getting emotional what I'm seeing in the spirit if ppl only knew what was coming after the rapture happens. They would rather be dead. I'm also seeing in the spirit all these thousands of drones in the sky that almost look like swarming locusts from a distance searching for anyone who doesn't have the mark and kill them. Im seeing in the spirit no one was able to get into restaurants, clothing stores grocery stores gas stations or get a job unless they had it. You basically were not part of civilization and they would hunt you down dead. Ppl are on the run in hiding and there's alot of ppl trying to think of ways to survive because they have no access. I'm seeing in the spirit one of the ladies is using makeup foundation, lip stick and cosmetics to resemble the mark on her hand to try 2 fool them to get in but she got caught and got shot in the head. 59 buy purchase confirmation they won't be able 2 do it. The mark of the beast 666 Satan is the only way to buy or sell or they're dead. Then i saw 500 licence plate which means antichrist confirmation. I'm seeing in the spirit every kind of destruction happens. Alot of riots, fire, smashing windows in cars in streets in houses. I'm also seeing an open vision of Gaston and those ppl saying kill the beast with fire torches in the spirit. 259 capture confirmation. Riots like this. Ppl are zombie ish waxed cold no heart, no emotions. Ppl that were left behind I'm seeing in the spirit in churches ppl were so ticked at their pastor they gave middle fingers and mad at God speaking blasphemy because they only had a religious spirit. They felt entitled to make it but their hearts were unclean and they were decieving themselves in darkness. 988 blasphemy confirmation. I also saw in the spirit how this mind control thing in their hand or forehead wouldn't even let them take their own life if they wanted to commit suicide they were programmed to not do it. They were so controlled over every aspect. It looked zombie ish. I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing in the spirit you know how you look at someone talking to them but their eyes look a million miles away like nobody is home when you try to talk to them. It was almost like they werent even in their body that's what it looked they were gone when they took that mark. They didn't even react to deaths. They didn't even act human. 120 human, 112 licence plate, godless confirmation. It means godless in strongs concordance.Their soul was now condemned to hell and it was 2 late 4 them. I said all this to say this I beseech thee as God's prophet, plz don't be rebellious and get left behind just repent. Give your heart and life to Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior and repent before this Bible prophecy happens. Ask and cry out 2 Jesus. But if you do get left behind do not take the mark of the beast and just let them martyr & shoot you dead like I saw in the spirit because at least the man that died for his faith was rewarded for it and went to heaven. 287 recompense, reward confirmation. The wife was gone and already condemned to hell for agreeing to do it because she didn't want to die and give up her life and tried 2 save it my God speak Holy Spirit im seeing a salt shaker in the spirit. 217 salt confirmation. Lots wife she didn't want to give up her life in Sodom but those who try to save their life will lose it and those who will lose their for Jesus will save it. Mm. And my Bible landed to Phill3& Vs13 was highlighted in gold in the spirit ...Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, Vs14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Confirmation if you get left behind don't take the mark, accept Jesus finish your race and die instead. And you'll recieve your heavenly prize for losing your life beloved. I'm getting emotional. I'm seeing ppl in the spirit that will get left behind and they will read words like this because they would not repent but they will be martyred and die for their faith in Jesus and still make it. I heard that Holy Ghost dont forget yess dad yess Rev13:17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. Aka satan. This word is so heavy but I'm just relieved I didn't didn't to wait days to prophesy what I saw in the spirit and release it. Plz plz plz don't wait to give your life 2 Jesus and serve Him. It was so dark beloved. Everything even looked dead. The Earth was in rough shape by then. Everywhere you look fires natural disasters earthquakes and tribulation. Soon the door of grace closes. Then I saw 82 again except today it was a licence plate and 82 again it means 2 fly in strongs concordance. 403 truly indeed certain. The rapture or harpazo is coming beloved. The catching away in secret before wrath falls on earth and earthquakes fire and destruction. 128 earth 13 destruction confirmation. Then I saw 806 Secure, safe and certain. Confirmation the rapture is the escape for God's children to be snatched away to safety from destruction. Then I saw 56 ignorance lament, then I saw 115 again and again, joel1:15 & mark115 so the King of Kings Jesus Christ is coming beloved. And over and over the Lord has been saying the kingdom is near at hand and you need 2 repent or you will perish. The rapture is coming beloved. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I prophesy over you beloved no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but there are no words how dark it is during the great tribulation but the kingdom of God is nearer than ppl think it is and if you get left behind and and won't be ready 4 it they'll hunt you down til you're dead if you don't take the mark & worship Satan. So get on the ark of safety before it rains brimstone and the door of grace closes. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Joel1:15 | Rev3:16-17 | 1Thess4:16-18 | 1Thess5:3 | Mark1:15 | John3:3 | Matt24 & 25 | Phill3:13 | 1Pet5:8 | Jhn10:10
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 19+20+21+25=85 & 85 means trouble distress sorrow in strongs concordance and there are no words even close to that how dark it is in great tribulation so don't get left behind beloved!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
Joel1:15 | Rev3:16-17 | 1Thess4:16-18 | 1Thess5:3 | Mark1:15 | John3:3 | Matt24 & 25 | Phill3:13 | 1Pet5:8 | Jhn10:10
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 19+20+21+25=85 & 85 means trouble distress sorrow in strongs concordance and there are no words even close to that how dark it is in great tribulation so don't get left behind beloved!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
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