Prophetic Word: Help Is Coming & Recompense, So R Rewards & Promotion So Don't Give Up Beloved While You're In The Wilderness, Say Goodbye 2 Where You've Been & Tell Your Heart 2 Beat Again

         Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved but over and over I kept seeing a peticular number confirming I need to release it. I dont even think I can count on both hands how much I've seen it. You need this encouragement. And you will know because you are weary and waiting for the relief on its way yet. I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit like angels revived and helped Jesus in the wilderness. 32 angel confirmation. Test the spirit. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Feb17/25 I saw 40 and 44 and both 40 and 44 caught my attention but I did not know yet why I was seeing them so I waited.. Feb18/25 I saw 44 again then my phone battery happened to be exactly 44% when I looked at it and I noticed it's following me everywhere beloved. Then 911 what's your emergency I heard this in the spirit and my Bible landed to Matt4:4 and that was confirmation why I kept seeing 40 and 44 beloved. Because Jesus fasted 40 days and attacked by satan where Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness. Im paraphrasing. Read the passage but he's tempting Jesus to eat, and jump off a cliff and bow down to him. Ok so when I heard 911 what's your emergency in the spirit. I then saw someone battling a sickness and a hard time breathing it looked like pneumonia in the spirit. So for someone 911 what's your emergency is also confirmation God is about to do a miracle for you yet. Then I saw 769 which means infirmity or weakness confirmation. I heard that Holy Ghost Like Lazrus he's not late but don't give up on Him. Dont throw in the towl and quit. I prophesy you shall not die but live and proclaim what the Lord has done in the name of Jesus. If someone is battling any health battle or sickness then lift up your hands 2 heaven other hand towards me through the screen beloved and recieve this. There is no boundary or limit in the spirit. The annointing is through the screen if you believe it. Now I just speak healing to your body and command your body to come into kingdom order in the name of Jesus. Spirit of sickness and infirmity come out of the body now I cast you out in the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke you I bind you and command you to go back 2 hell in the name of Jesus and I cancel your assignment. I command you to never return to this person again. I decree declare and I prophesy by Jesus stripes you are completely healed in the name of Jesus. I speak that prophetically over you beloved. Recieve it in the name of Jesus. Don't quit, God is getting ready to do something massive and your wilderness is coming 2 an end. My God speak Holy Spirit your 41 is coming mm hang in there beloved. 1212 manifest evident confirmation. before the attack, Jesus was preparing and getting ready for his world wide ministry beloved. I heard that dad yesss. You were attacked and it was attempt because you're being promoted and going next level in your spiritual gifts. Stand on His word baby because God's word cannot return void back to him. He's not a man that He should lie beloved. If he said it that settles it tell the devil to shut up and get under your feet in the name of Jesus. I'm seeing in the spirit someone whispering in someone's ear mm. When the devil whispers in your ear using someone negative you rebuke that baby and keep it moving and believe what God said. It is written!!!!! And I prophesy if you don't quit, the devil will in the name of Jesus and angels will revive you again and help you like they did with Jesus in the wilderness. Then I saw someone being tempted to steal someone's jacket. It's blue in the spirit. That may be confirmation. You have been feeling blue and tempted in the wilderness to just throw in towel and go back to an Egypt mindset. 125 Egypt confirmation but the Lord your daddy God is saying if you keep the course you will come out of this and then promotion for passing the tests I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then my Bible landed to Daniel2 & Vs48 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Then the king appointed Daniel to a high position and gave him many valuable gifts. He made Daniel ruler over the whole province of Babylon, as well as chief over all his wise men. Confirmation. The enemy has been attacking you beloved because if you don't lose faith in God or quit then I prophesy over you beloved you will recieve gifts, a high position and promotion in the name of Jesus. Then when I was doing dishes One of my little plastic snack bowls kept knocking over and falling back into the sink and then I would pick it up again and then it would fall back into the sink again and I just laughed and then I picked it up again and then again and I knew it was a word for someone because, it kept falling to get my attention and as this was happening, I was seeing in the realm of the spirit someone was helping someone get up from the ground holding them then they fell on the ground again and this person was lifting them up in the spirit. Kindaaa like I was picking up the bowl each time it fell in the sink over and over again. My God speak Holy Spirit and then it fell again and I would pick it up out of the pit again. Mm. Whoah unitentionally the word pit came outta my mouth that someone's confirmation. Then I saw 43 which means arm, embrace, bosom an arm, especially as bent to receive a burden in strongs concordance confirmation by what I saw in the spirit. The person extended their arm and reached out to them and lifted them up in the spirit. You have felt like you're in a pit and can't get out of it but I'm hearing the word rescue in the spirit. 600 cry out shout confirmation. Then I saw 108 which means testimony and witness in strongs concordance confirmation. You will witness a miracle I prophesy in the name of Jesus. The father is going to turn the tables yet and deliver you from the pain and wilderness I prophesy the righteous fall 7 times but get back up again in the name of Jesus. You may be down beloved but get back up again, you may have hard days but dont stay there get up again praise your way through it I heard that Holy Ghost encourage yourself in the Lord like David. You're an overcomer and conquer through Christ Jesus. Then I heard In the spirit tell your heart to be beat again. Lyrics Beginning Just let that word wash over you. It's alright now. Love's healing hands have pulled you through. So get back up, take step one. Leave the darkness, feel the sun. 'Cause your story's far from over. And your journey's just begun Tell your heart to beat again. Close your eyes and breathe it in. Let the shadows fall away. Step into the light of grace. Yesterday's a closing door. You don't live there anymore. 304 step confirmation. Say goodbye to where you've been. And tell your heart to beat again. Then I saw 320 which means end in the strongs concordance so I prophesy miracles and restoration and God will finish in you and your life what he started in the name of Jesus. Feb19/25 I saw young kids seeing gifts under a Christmas tree in the spirit running down a stairs screaming and getting them and seeing wrapped presents in the spirit and then I came back again. Then I saw 711 which means gifts in Mattt7:11 reads so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him. Mm. Then I heard In the spirit beloved you know your kids and you know what they like and their preferences, how much more I who created you beloved. I know your dreams because I gave you them and I want to make them happen because as your father I want to put a smile on your face and exceed your expectations. Then I saw 992 to confirm support trust believe confirmation. Then I saw 9:11 just now again. Another confirmation. So I prophesy gifts rewards, blessings snd recompense is coming for all your suffering for a little while and now established in the name of Jesus. Feb20/25 I saw licence plate 814 which means reward gift or present in strongs  concordance. Confirmation by what I saw in the spirit. Then I saw torn drapes and curtains then I saw someone tearing paper and this sheet of looseleaf paper being torn in half in the spirit. Then my Bible landed to Matt28 Vs51 was highlighted in gold in the spirit where it reads at that moment the curtain in the sanctuary of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. Sin seperated us from him but the tearing of the curtain represents no longer seperation btwn man and God in his presence. I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing in the spirit a road blocked with boulders and its a dead end. Jesus' sacrifice was a way to make a way so you are no longer blocked from being in the Lord's presence because now you are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ through him and he no longer sees you as a sinner once you repent and become born again. I know you're weary but just hold on beloved. 555 strength courage, 248 strength power, 680 set apart or to touch; to take hold of confirmation touch the hem of Jesus' garment. It's going 2 be ok beloved. 349 cry out confirmation 600 also is. 60 lament, 977 to help to assist, 287 recompense. So it's coming beloved. 72 licence plate means stone of help or guidance so help is coming beloved I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 1234 which means split open or break open. Then  Feb22/25 I saw 1234 and then again so I prophesy a karios red sea moment for complete restoration and redemption in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 911 again and a few hours later my Bible landed to Zechariah9 & Vs 11 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. And it was more confirmation made the connection with 911 and Vs11 reads. Because of the covenant I made with you,sealed with blood, I will free your prisoners from death in a waterless dungeon. Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles. 129 blood confirmation. Do you hear what your daddy is saying baby he hears your cries in your secret places. And I prophesy over you double for your trouble and 2 blessings for each trouble in the name of Jesus. You're getting payday and recompense. I prophesy over you beloved that the father will turn again your captivity and you'll go from the pit to the palace and I prophesy it'll be like a dream with your mouth filled with laughter and singing in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 103 which means singing or collect or harvest confirmation. I saw 32 which means angel confirmation when I heard in the spirit angels revived Jesus again in the wilderness and I prophesy angels are being dispatched and will help you 2 in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 44 again, Matt4:4 again. Then j saw 111 joy and 1234 split open break open again. 100 abundance. Then I saw 321 and heard countdown in the spirit. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I prophesy over you beloved no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but help is coming and recompense and so are rewards and promotion so don't give up while you're in the wilderness. Say goodbye to where you've been and tell your heart to beat again. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Matt4:4 | Luke4:4 | Phill1:6 | Daniel2:21,48 | Zech9:11 | Isa43:19 | Matt7:11 | Luke11:11 | 1Cor2:9 | 1Pet2:24 | Isa53:5 | 1Pet5:8 | Jer29:11 | Jhn10:10

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 17+18+19+20+21+22+25=142 & 142 means to remove or lift up, to raise up, to lift and glorious majestic so restoration is coming beloved and so is promotion, rewards and recompense!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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