Prophetic Word: Lukewarmness Is Not The Food U Eat, Your Garments Or Outward Appearance, But Not Walking By The Fruits of The Spirit Pursuing Holiness & Righteousness Is Lukewarmness Beloved

         Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this ones for beloved but I gotta be obedient and prophesy and release this. l'll be transparent, I was fighting my flesh to wanna release this because I already saw some of the persecution that will happen in the spirit hmm almost as if the enemy does not want the body of Christ to know this because enemy would be exposed yet and I already knew it would come with backlash and persecution but then I saw it. And then I saw my envelope emoji and my profile icon in the spirit. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. I decree declare and I prophesy no weapon formed against this word or me shall prosper and every tongue that rises against me or this word in judgement, I condemn now in the name of Jesus. Plz dad take my words out of my mouth and take my thoughts out of my head. Put only your thoughts in my head and only put your words on my lips. Prophesy what you want to your children. Let it be all of you & none of me and decrease me 2 nothing so you increase all within. Annoint your words and open their eyes and hearts 2 recieve it. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Feb14/25 I saw 640 which means confusion in strongs concordance then 342 enmity hatred 587 pleasing acceptable and 95 which means wicked in strongs concordance and it caught my attention. Feb15/25 I saw 166 which means 2 shine be bright or to be clear and then I saw 636 surely indeed only yes. Yes what dad?? so I waited and then Feb16/25 I saw Lukewarmness spelled out in an open vision so I waited again. 166 be clear?? Bright?? mm light exposes darkness. A metaphorical punch get ready 4 it. Then I saw 2140 which means pure innocent, 156 accusation, 26 love, I've been seeing 169 often but waited and 111 but didn't know yet why I was seeing these 2 yet. So someone here in God's eyes is innocent but the pharisees disagree and they have false accusations but they will go through judgement if they don't repent. Then I saw an open vision spelled out in the spirit when Jesus knew what was in the hearts and thoughts of the pharisees in the spirit. God looks at the heart and men are so quick to condemn based on the outward appearance. Then I saw a filthy cup in the spirit inside of it is still some residue of caffeine in it, it's stained at the bottom my God speak Holy Spirit sin had a left a crimson stain im hearing in the spirit but the outside of the cup clean ish kindaaa like a stain represents sin. Mm. But he what?? With his blood, Jesus washed us white as snow beloved. I'm hearing the father say be more concerned about heart posture & character than outward appearance. That's someone's confirmation. My standard of godly and lukewarm is not based on mans ideas and outward appearance. It is based on my standards of holiness and walking in the fruits of the spirit. I know who are my kids beloved and outward appearance has nothing to do with being godly or chosen. I chose you before you were created no matter what you like on the outside beloved. I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control & there is no law against these things!! Beloved!! Your outward appearance has nothing to do with the fruits of the spirit. The pharisees were lukewarm because they operate in pride and they were jealous of Jesus. Lukewarmness has nothing to do with the outward appearance but you are lukewarm if you call yourself a Christian and you slander and attack other Christians. Then I saw 145 flock confirmation. I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit and 1Samuel16 and seeing it spelled out in an open vision. Vs6-7 The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart beloved. My God speak Holy Spirit for someone here does your mom or dad care what you look like beloved. No if they really love you and they are Christian or not they will always love you unconditionally no matter what you look like on your outward appearance. I'm seeing an open vision of Ezekiel16:9 spelled out in the spirit 169!! Now I know why I saw it dad My God speak Holy Spirit jewellery necklaces earrings makeup oils for the skin self care products are all gifts!! And have nothing to do with lukewarmness because your standards of lukewarmness is if we aren't being obedient walking in love walking in the fruits of the spirit!! Whoo!! I heard that dad yesss Ezk16:V9 reads Then I bathed you and washed off your blood, and I rubbed fragrant oils into your skin. I gave you expensive clothing of fine linen and silk, beautifully embroidered, and sandals made of fine goatskin leather. Vs11 I gave you lovely jewelry, bracelets, beautiful necklaces, a ring for your nose, earrings for your ears, and a lovely crown for your head. 685 Bracelet anklet confirmation. Vs13 And so you were adorned with gold and silver. Your clothes were made of fine linen and costly fabric and were beautifully embroidered. You ate the finest foods choice flour, honey, and olive oil and became more beautiful than ever. You looked like a queen, and so you were! Your fame soon spread throughout the world because of your beauty. 128 earth confirmation. I dressed you in my splendor and perfected your beauty, says the Sovereign Lord. Oooh Jesus!! Mm. Then I saw 685 which means anklet bracelet in strongs concordance confirmation. I want my sons and daughters to look their best & take care of their temples and walk in confidence. I want my children to look like royalty and walk in the power and authority I have given them. I know the pharisees will be jealous of your beauty and light within. They will envy that I chose you to carry my glory for all to see beloved. They will preach against the rituals of self care, nice garments and outward appearance in the synagogues of Satan. Their cups are filthy with stains on them. But they're more concerned what the cup looks like on the outside beloved. Pursuing holiness and righteousness is walking in the fruits of my spirit. The pharisees like to control ppl & do things their way beloved. They like to gaslight and weaponize scripture and come in my name and attack my kids but I won't have it. I know in the spiritual realm whose are mine who are satan's. He has his decoys in the churches. He has his warlocks and his witches that try to attack my kids but they appear like they are my kids based on their outward appearance because my kids have been taught in the religious dead churches that only if they look a certain a way they are Christians and if they look a certain way they are not mine and living in sin and lukewarmness and Satan transforms as an angel of light beloved but its deception. The dirty cup on the inside who are religious who won't repent and walk in the fruits of the spirit are not my kids. Do you not you know I created all things beautiful garments and ornaments for your temple and oils for your skin because I love my kids. I want you 2 have the best. What kind of dad do you think I am beloved. The pharisees don't know me or want to know me because my word and my truth offends them. They have a religious spirit. That's why I will say to many that day depart from me I never knew you, you who are unholy not walking in the fruits of the spirit practicing sin because you have no desire to because you are not my kids. But my kids will walk in the spirit because they have been born again. They want 2 please me and not their flesh. Then I saw 338 which means innocent and blameless in strongs concordance confirmation. 587 Pleasing acceptable confirmation. Lukewarmness is when you're not operating through the fruits of the spirit. Lukewarmness is hating on the Christians and slandering them because you are jealous. 655 hatred confirmation. Lukewarmness is not having piercings or cutting off split ends to make your hair grow healthier beloved. Lukewarmness is men causing strife & division. 914 divide seperate, division confirmation. Lukewarmness is not earrings and a little bit of cleavage. Before the serpent came in, Adam and eve were naked and they didn't know they were naked. I created them. I  know every motive. I know my kids. Then I saw 587 which means pleasing or acceptable in strongs concordance. Confirmation. I'm seeing 4 inch heels in the spirit and someone trying to walk in them and can't do it. I heard that Holy Ghost. They wouldn't last 2 seconds yet alone walk a mile in your shoes and where you been. Lukewarmness is not Christian rap music and wearing make up & heels that are 3 inches. Come up higher beloved. Come out from among them. I will reveal 2 you the secrets of the kingdom and what is hidden and what is important. 52 ignorance. Then my Bible landed to Isa1 & Vs18 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Even though your sins are like scarlet, they will be white like snow; even though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.  Through the blood of Jesus Christ beloved. It's the only way to wipe out your sins and transgressions. Put your trust and faith and him and seek Him and you will know the truth that will make you free beloved. Then I saw 129 which means blood in strongs concordance confirmation. Then my Bible landed to 1Cor11& Vs31 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do. Do it all for the glory of God. Beloved. Then I saw 1213 & the verb déloó is used in the New Testament to convey the act of making something clear or manifest. It involves revealing or declaring information that was previously hidden or not fully understood. This term is often used in contexts where understanding or revelation is brought to light, whether through teaching, prophecy, or divine revelation. Confirmation. The father is tired of his kids getting slandered and attacked and lied on by the pharisees with religious spirits who don't even know Him. They're 2 busy hating on everyone instead of seeking Jesus and getting deliverance from the Cain spirit. I heard that Holy Ghost they're wise in their own eyes with their head knowledge. Then Feb17/25 my Bible landed to Phillipians1 &Vs11 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Vs11 May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ for this will bring much glory and praise to God.111 dad made the connection!! So the father is saying your character is built by the fruits of the spirit. Because you have his spirit within my God speak Holy Spirit because He is the vine and we are the branches which now produces the fruits of the spirit mm. Without him its just a dead religion so concerned with mans tradition and image trying to dictate who is chosen by their outward appearance or the jealousy in them. Mm. I heard that dad yessss im seeing a spotlight on stage in the spirit. They starve for attention. They want it and they hate that it's on you beloved. You just shine you don't mean 2 but it can't be hidden because I prophesy you are the light of the world like a city on a hill that can't be hidden in the name of Jesus. Its your spirit. 216 light confirmation. Then my Bible landed 2Romans14 & Vs1-2 the danger of criticism of highlighted in gold in the spirit. Vs1 Accept other believers who are weak in faith, and don’t argue with them about what they think is right or wrong. For instance, one person believes it’s all right to eat anything. But another believer with a sensitive conscience will eat only vegetables. Pause what you do is between you and your abba daddy not them. Don't quarrel with them. Vs3 Those who feel free to eat anything must not look down on those who don’t. And those who don’t eat certain foods must not condemn those who do, for God has accepted them. 587 pleasing acceptable confirmation. Vs4 Who are you to condemn someone else’s servants? Pause its a relationship always take everything back to abba if you have questions. He will reveal 2 you who someone is and what is hidden. So if you touch them or slander them thinking they are lukewarm by their outward appearance now you're in a dangerous situation because lukewarm is contentious which is not operating in the fruits of the spirit but now they could be his and you won't know it but you put your mouth on them because you think they are lukewarm based on your ideas of what godly is when the father says lukewarmness is not outward appearance but it is when you're not walking in the fruits of the spirit. 95 wicked, then I saw 342 which means enmity or hatred in strongs concordance confirmation. God looks at the heart beloved. My God speak Holy Spirit Could it be that you hate that someone is so cute and blessed that you hate on them based on outward appearance and slander them because you're that jealous. Chosen ones ain't average. They royal baby and not 2 be messed with. Then I saw 454 foolishness confirmation. Then I saw a beautiful pearl inside a clam in the spirit. Don't throw your pearls before swine beloved. Swine are pigs and they are regarded as the most unclean of all animals representing spiritually dead and the gospel is foolish 2 them. Don't give holy things to dogs, don't throw your pearls to pigs, lest they trample them under their feet and, turning, tear you to pieces. They don't want 2 hear it they can't recieve spiritual truths beloved. For someone it's family who treat your wisdom and annointing with contempt. For others it's religious ppl in churches. Don't waste your time on them.584 to prove to show to demonstrate confirmation. Your abba daddy will prove you're his kid. Let him show them. They worship me with their lips but their hearts are far from me beloved. Then my Bible landed to 1Cor1 & Vs18 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Confirming what I heard in the spirit. Even now I'm seeing 2 different trees in the spirit. One is producing fruit the other one looks dead. My God speak Holy Spirit an evil tree cannot produce good fruit and a good tree cannot produce bad fruit beloved. And if you are a good tree pursuing holiness and righteousness attached to the vine walking in the fruits of the spirit, you will always be growing and prosperous. But the bad trees don't want to hear it because they haven't been converted to a good tree yet and 1Cor Vs18 reads The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God. Vs19 As the Scriptures say, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent. 454 foolishness confirmation. Pause confirming its all head knowledge because they attack God's kids. Their Heart isn't wirh the father or they wouldnt do it. The father is saying they can't recieve spiritual truths because they aren't born again and still walking in the flesh. It won't make sense to them. They like control like the pharisees and they like to appear like they are his but they have darkness & hate in their hearts towards Jesus and his kids and they don't know him therefore they don't know his kids and if they come after one one of his kids, then your abba daddy don't play about you and will come after them. Vs20 So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world’s brilliant debaters? God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish. I'm hearing in the spirit spirit searches all things beloved. I heard that dad yesss. 1Cor2:10 But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets. When my Bible landed to 1Cor1 Vs 27-28 was also highlighted in gold in the spirit. Where it says: Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. Vs28 God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. So he chose you beloved to teach the pharisees and their man made religion and religious spirits a lesson. I prophesy touch not his annointed and do his prophets no harm in the name of Jesus. Because your daddy knew you would be a target. Did you not know I knew they would attack you before you were even created. You are mine beloved. Let me handle them. Mm. I prophesy over you beloved no weapon formed against you shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but lukewarmness is not the food you eat or your garments, its not the song you listen 2, earrings or your outward appearance, God looks at the heart within and lukewarmness is when you're not walking in the fruits of the spirit pursuing holiness and righteousness. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Phill1:11 | 1Cor1:18,27 | Matt7:6 | Gal5:22-23 | 1Chron16:21-22 | 1Cor2:10,14 | Ezk16:9-14 |1Sam16:6-7 | 1Pet2:9 | Romans8:1 | 2Cor11:14 | Matt22:14 | 1Pet5:8 | Jhn8:44 | Jhn15:14-16 | 2Cor2:11 | Hosea4:6 | Jhn10:10

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 14+16+17+25= 72 & 72 agógé in strongs concordance means conduct leading guidance. In the New Testament, it is used to describe the way in which individuals are led or guided, often with a focus on spiritual or ethical development beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie


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