Prophetic Word: Your Enemies Will B Under Your Feet Defeated & You'll B Unstoppable Beloved, As Angels Encamp Around U Bullet Proof Armored Up Titanium Preparing 4 The Battle Ahead, I Will Restore Everything 2 U Again & When U Enter Kingdom Marriage, Your Union Will B Divinely Protected

      Ok my luuvs. Heyyy beautifulz!! I told you today as I release them these prophetic words they all connect so I will be backtracking and then somewhat repetitive out of obedience. It's lonnnnnnng over 40 notebook pages. It connects with you're almost there beloved. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Test the spirit. Take what's yours and get confirmation. Go back to the other word and re-read it over again. Prophesy what you want to your children. Plz dad take my words out of my mouth and take my thoughts out of my head. Put only your thoughts in my head and only put your words on my lips. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Again Feb9/25 I saw that bear in an open vsion in fox and the hound the fox is little and I mentioned in the other word you have been fighting with those bears and lions you have been fighting and wrestling in the wilderness and it was training you David. It was preparation for the battle ahead. Feb21/25 I saw 158 licence plate which means love in strongs concordance, 893 plate true truthful, 124 stone gem confirming kingdom marriage. Feb24/25 around midnight I heard in the spirit the song playing I am titanium I'm bullet proof nothing to lose in the spirit. And I heard Joshua in the spirit. Joshua the ark of the covenant crossing Jordan was heavy they were prepared what you're calling warfare is actually the preparation for the promise David!! What if the bears and lions you wrestled with since you were a kid was preparing to slay Goliath to receive the wife, the crown and promise. Mm. 178 plate without condemnation, 111 joy confirmation. Feb23/25 I heard in the spirit the song unstoppable by sia in the spirit. If the devil wanted to do everything he wanted to do to you beloved, he would have done it, if he wanted to take you out he would have, but he can't because hes powerless and defeated!! He wanted to take you out with that sickness. He wanted to take you out with their spells but guess what?? He's powerless. He needs permission from God to do anything and God will allow a sickness or an affliction or feel the spells for a bit for training purposes to increase your strength and authority in the spirit realm and to go through a process of building faith and transformation. I heard that Holy Ghost I'm seeing in the spirit pigs in an open vision in the spirit thank you, dad.Yes because the evil spirits they couldn't even enter the pigs without Jesus' permission. But believe me the devil can't touch you without God's permission. That's someones confirmation. With Job, God gave Satan permission. That's what I heard in the spirit and even now I am seeing in the spirit the enemy is trying, too as an intimidation tactic, forming all these weapons and trying to plot against you beloved. But it's not working even witchcraft doesn't penetrate the way he would like it. The armor is 2 strong and you may feel a bruise from the hit but he won't take you out with it in the spirit. You are titanium I'm seeing a bullet proof vest in the spirit my God speak Holy Spirit im seeing Richie rich when lawrence tries to shoot him but he didn't know richie was wearing a bullet proof vest. Little did the enemy know he had his armor on when he tried to shoot him. Whoo!! It didn't work and I prophesy over you the weapon forming will not prosper in the name of Jesus. Get on your bullet proof vest. Get in the word and prayed up before you go out there beloved. I heard that Holy Ghost baby you're in this world in your work environment but you're not of this world so keep your armor on you have a supernatural shield of protection. This part. For someone nothing is working 4 them so now these ppl are going 2 different spiritualists. Guess what? They're losing more money now even. Because those spells aren't working that spiritualist is aware of this but it is their paycheck. 178 in the Hebrew strongs concordance refers to a medium or necromancer, someone who communicates with the dead or familiar spirits. Confirmation Saul went to a medium. But what they don't tell their client is they can't do it. The spiritualist can't take them out because they don't have permission because you're under the blood of Jesus Christ beloved and satans a liar & he is defeated in the name of Jesus. 129 blood confirmation. 12 abyss bottomless pit. Then I saw 613 and I saw a warrior's armor in the spirit and I saw them pull a sword heard the sound of it coming out of the sheath and then I came back again. Then I saw Eph6:13 spelled out in an open vision. Get your bullet proof vest on beloved. Then I saw 640 licence plate which means to bind or gird, often in the context of preparing or equipping oneself beloved confirmation Eph6 armor!! And 724 plate healing health restoration therefore, the devil is mad that he can't take you out because you're titanium you're unstoppable and protected my God speak Holy Spirit made the connection and now the song unstoppable is playing in the spirit again. Yesss dad i'll pull up the lyrics. Unstoppable I'll put my armor on my God speak Holy Spirit armor!! Armor its connected. Sia unstoppable Lyrics: I put my armor on, show you how strong I am
I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am. I'm unstoppable. Pause because your armor is the Word of God which is Jesus meaning your enemies have to 2 go through Jesus 2 even get 2 you beloved. I'm a Porsche with no brakes. I'm invincible. Yeah, I win every single game. Pause invincible the word of God in the spirit realm acts as a bullet proof vest I heard that dad yesss. You win!! I'm so powerful, I don't need batteries to play. Pause even now I'm seeing a car fly passed in an open vision love bug movie in the spirit I'm also seeing in another realm that car from a cinderella story wow cincerella again mm in the spirit the breaks don't work lol they are screaming trying to beat Sam but Sam beat them at their own game beloved. Cinderella made it and then I came back again. Lyrics I'm so confident. Yeah, I'm unstoppable today. Pause powerful because he has given you all power and authority to trample on snakes and scorpions. You don't need AA batteries to play because your daddy gives you power and you are one with him and he deals with them. I'm hearing post it on pinterest but it's the only secular song I'll post because the father says. It is very prophetic. My daddy God will remind me of that and I'll hear it playing in the spirit even when I'm going through spiritual warfare and picks me up again. I feel his hugs in the spirit especially if I'm up praying in the spirit in the middle of the night intercession for his ppl at 4th watch or very sleepy out of obedience beloved. You got this!! The Sia Unstoppable YouTube video that caught my attention and posted is 394M views and wow 394 means cruel or ruthless and that's exactly what it is. And the enemies will be dealt with confirmation. Then I saw angels encamped around someone in the spirit. Someone just sitting in a chair and I saw a circle of angels with swords encamped around them and then I came back again. Then I saw 404 licence plate and it means 2 surround encompass to revive refresh, licence plate 32 angel confirmation. Feb22/25 my Bible landed to Mark12 & Vs 36 footstool enemies was highlighted in gold in the spirit and I was seeing 511 which means upper higher elevation. Vs36 For David himself, speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, said,The Lord said to my Lord, Sit in the place of honor at my right hand until I humble your enemies beneath your feet. 511 higher confirmation. Feb23/25 I'm seeing in the spirit a palace like cinderella It's massive, it's tall, it's luxurious and i'm even hearing her say I still can't believe I am going to live in a palace. Are you sure this isn't just a dream My God speak Holy Spirit. It will be like a dream beloved im hearing in the spirit bigger than you expected exceedingly abundantly because cinderella had no idea that night at the ball that the prince was planning to marry her yet. I prophesy God will turn again the your captivity like zion and you'll be like those that dream mouth filled with laughter and singing in the name of Jesus. 103 sing confirmation. You're not staying in that pit forever beloved. 320 end confirmation, 553 eagerly wait, strong courageous. 603 eager expectation. 319 licence plate means end, latter time, to recognize im doing a new thing do you not see it!! Isa43:19 mm future outcome beloved. 298 blameless you haven't done anything wrong Cinderella or David. They threw you Daniel in the lions den but I prophesy your daddy is rescuing you from them and shutting the mouths of the lions in the name of Jesus. The sauls and eliabs are just jealous. 100 abundance, 007 licence plate completion confirmation. You're going from the pit to the palace You're gonna be queen and king yet. Praise you Jesus!! it looks bad now trying to attack you in every way beloved. No matter what it looks like trust him because Almighty God has the final say and david becomes king yet and Cinderella meets kit again becomes queen and lives in a palace. Thats prophetic. That's confirmation. Cinderella and David were used abused and mistreated by the ppl closest to them but the tables turned yet and God pulls them out of the pit and redeems them from death and destruction. Then I saw Luke 6:38 in an open vision shaken down pressed together.. read the passage. They reaped songs of joy for sowing tears and kindness. Whoo!! and then I saw harvest 103 sing gather collect and then Psalm 103 & Vs3-5 was highlighted in gold in the spirit Vs3 He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. Vs4 He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!! 105 eagle Confirmation. Then I saw in an open vision of Psalm 119:126 spelled out and I heard in the spirit it is time for me to act for those ppl have violated my instructions and they refused to repent and it sounded like thunder a stern loud thunder to his voice in the spirit When I heard they refused to repent. Enough is enough and he is stepping in. Then Feb 23/25 my Bible landed to Proverb 16 and vs 7 was highlighted in gold in the spirit When ppls lives, please the Lord even their enemies are at peace with them and verse18 was also highlighted in gold in the spirit where it says Pride goes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall confirmation. They fell because they touched one of God's anointed and their pride made them refuse to repent. Then Prov17 and vs13 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. If you repay good with evil evil will never leave your house My God speak holy spirit, your house, your temple, i'm hearing in the spirit your temple & this is why your enemies are suffering with calamity and sickness. Pray for them if they only knew who you were in the spirit, they would leave Cinderella alone and evil wouldn't come to them, but it has because they reaped what they sowed In that season. Licence plate 51 ignorance confirmation. I heard that Holy Ghost and some of them are even still sowing seeds of evil and wickedness and the harvest has still to come yet 103 confirmation If they would just change they're sowing, it would change their harvest but they refuse to repent and now once again it's time for the Lord 2 act beloved and I just heard in the spirit It is a fearful thing to be in the hands of the Lord 13 destruction confirmation I feel the shift and the chills In the spirit. It doesn't look good for them and I just saw Nebuchadnezzar spelled out in an open vision. He was humbled by God for boasting about his achievements lost his sanity and lived like an animal for 7 yrs beloved my God speak Holy Spirit kindaaa like pride goes before destruction and when you sow to your flesh you reap corruption because your flesh is at enmity with God hence why you need to be born again. I decree declare and I prophesy touch not my annointed and do my prophets no harm in the name of Jesus. Then My Bible landed to the same scripture Mark12:36 passage again. I prophesy The Lord is going to humble your enemies and use your enemies like a footstool and put them under you beneath your feet in the name of jesus. I just heard in the spirit I'm leading you 2 greener pastures beloved. Hallelujah green pastures & I'm seeing in the spirit very, very green grass beloved. Grass grass grass, soooo green represents prosperity abundance never lacking again promise, overflow blessing, it's coming I prophesy It's coming in the name of Jesus. You may think the grass is greener over there, but you're gonna go through a process. My God speak Holy Spirit. I heard that Holy Ghost, but I've been watering your grass You've been going through a drought but Ive been watering your grass in the wilderness. You're growing in me, you're growing in me when you get in the Word, you pray. You fast. You're growing, your grass is growing and greener than its ever been greener pastures you're almost there & the grass is not greener on the other side beloved. I just needed you to go through a process. I just needed you to go through a transformation. I just need you to water your grass A little bit, I am the vine you abide in,  and you are the branches my God speak Holy Spirit I am the supernatural source of living water your branches needed how I've been preparing you and now you're ready for the promotion and palace. You're ready for elevation in that small beginning humble passing the test. You're ready for what's coming I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Psalm 23 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Whomever this word is for beloved. Read the whole passage. And I prophesy you will never lack again and the father is preparing a table and feast beloved in the presence of your enemies in the name of Jesus. Then my Bible landed to Matt 5 & Vs 11 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. 511 dad made the connection!! Vs11 God blesses you when ppl mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. Confirmation. Rewards are coming cinderella  daniel and david. Blessings for persecution. They know who you are now Daniel because your gifts have been exposed by God and no longer hidden. Those guys were in competition and threw Daniel in the lions because they felt threatened. That's someone's confirmation. Again I heard in the spirit it's about 2 look good it's about 2 get good so this is further confirmation how these words are connected 413 near into, 511 upper again. Then Feb24/25 I saw an open vision in the spirit from the Prince of Egypt movie, where the israelites are taking a lamb and they are spreading the blood upon the door above it went in and then I came back again and I heard in the spirit. What could touch you?? What could take you out what could harm you beloved. Tell Me, what could possibly take you out when you're under my superior blood and protection absolutely nothing beloved, so why do you worry about it. Cast all your cares upon me beloved. If the devil wanted to take you out. He would have, but he can't. He's powerless   403 refreshing relief rest also truly indeed certain confirmation, then I saw 524 licence plate which means callous ppl or nation Pharaoh's heart was hardened 28 to perish 448 licence plate without mercy, 763 plate ungodlineess wickedness confirmation. My God speak Holy Spirit the blood they used on the door post was God's protection. The death angel could not touch them. The spirit of death cannot touch you or cross the blood of Jesus. They may try to take you out with witchcraft and spells and hexes but the blood of Jesus Christ keeps you safe and protected. Whoo!! It will only bounce back on them even worse with no shield of protection. The blood covered them in Egypt. The blood of Jesus Christ covers you beloved. Then I saw licence plate 656 which means to come 2 an end in strongs concordance and I heard in the spirit oppression is coming to an end. 320 end confirmation. Then I saw 448 Eliathah and the name Eliathah means "God has come" or "God has arrived." It is used as a personal name in the Hebrew Bible, signifying a recognition of God's presence or intervention. Confirmation because God!! intervention and delivered the israelites out of Egypt to safety pillar of cloud by day pillar of fire by night as they crossed the red sea as it parted. 461 plate to restoration 155 request petition, 230 truly indeed certain. The israleites cried out requested deliverance and God heard their cries beloved. That's confirmation. That's prophetic. God is delivering you 2 beloved I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then Feb25/25 my Bible landed to Psalm78& Vs 52 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. But he led his own people like a flock of sheep, guiding them safely through the wilderness. 153 flock herd confirmation. He kept them safe so they were not afraid; but the sea covered their enemies. Vs 54 He brought them to the border of his holy land, to this land of hills he had won for them. He's setting you up 2 win beloved. I prophesy The Egyptians you see today you will see no more ever again in the name of Jesus. Then at a grocery store still Feb24/25 I saw a licence plate 123 and when I saw it I heard 123 by michael jackson in the spirit and it caught my attention. Dad what are you trying 2 tell me with this so I waited. I couldn't just look up the lyrics. I was shopping and in the middle of it. Ok the lyrics. You went to school to learn girl things you never knew before like "I" before "E" except after "C" and why 2 plus 2 makes 4 now, now, now I'm gonna teach you, teach you, teach you all about love girl, all about love sit yourself down, take a seat all you gotta do is repeat after me. Pause im hearing in the spirit girl you're about be so loved on and this king is not playing about you beloved. He's going to show you how much he loves through action. Your husband!! and husband your wife will 2 beloved. A B C, It's easy as 1 2 3, as simple as do re mi, A B C, 1 2 3 baby you and me girl pause this love will be like no other because you're connected to the same 3 strand cord as one flesh. The only one who will understand you, get you, tailor made love you for you unconditionally God sent and you're both selfless and produce fruits of the spirit because your daddy you abide in him. Then I saw 140 which means to choose to prefer in strongs concordance and I heard king xerses in the spirit. He chose Esther out of all the women and loved her so your kingdom spouse will pick you first and you will never be rejected. And that goes for husbands. Esther said yes, Esther was obedient. 413 Ruth 4:13 he accepts Ruth beloved and she says yes 2 him. I heard that Holy Ghost Ruth is very loyal and committed and she is not going anywhere waiting faithfully beloved. Esther is rising 4 such a time as this. The king wanted Esther and requested her in the palace. 155 request petition 154 plate to ask demand of request. Confirmation. It's you beloved. They only have eyes for you and they are committed and waiting in faithfulness during seperation. 333 observe watching from a distance confirmation. Then I saw an open vision of John Smith aboard the ship in the spirit. He's walking up the plank ready for his next adventure and I saw a licence plate 589 which means to go away to depart and a truck that said Smith on it. Confirmation John Smith is soon going 2 meet Pocahontas and it will catch him by surprise yet. You're unstoppable John Smith. You will get to your destination when your training in the wilderness comes 2 completion and your wait comes 2 an end. 319 licence plate end confirmation. Then I saw plate115 and saw Philemon1:15 in an open vision in the spirit. Vs15 It seems you lost Onesimus for a little while so that you could have him back forever. Your wife/husband. 126 forever confirmation. Then I saw 278 Irrevocable, unregretted, without repentance Meaning: not to be repented of, about which no change of mind can take place, not affected by change of mind confirmation Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever beloved. The promise still stands no matter how lonnng its been. It's still coming to pass I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Licence plate 158 love, 319 plate means end, latter time future outcome, to recognize. Do you not see it!! I am giving you an expected end. Im hearing in the spirit they recognize you and call you their future spouse or wife/husband. 319 to recognize confirmation. I am giving you desires of your heart beloved because I gave you them. 553 eagerly wait, strong courageous confirmation. You're unstoppable beloved. Feb25/25 I went into an open vision in the spirit of a tunnel like dark cave tunnel ahead with a pierce of light at a distance 215 light confirmation. And this person was taking steps, but hesitant 2 take other steps but If you stop, you're in that place, you're in that dark place staying there. 651 licence plate darkness gloomy confirmation if you just keep moving, the darkness goes behind you the closer you get to the end whoo!! The light at the end but if you just keep walking, take another step. Eventually, there is light at the end of the tunnel beloved. If youjust keep moving, you will reach the other side you will see the light yet. Do not stop moving go through the process that God has you in. No matter how dark it is, it is refining you it is preparing you beloved My God speak Holy Spirit. You need it David 2 defeat bigger giants in new dimensions. Mm. Just keep moving don't stop moving & don't stay stagnant, keep growing in the Lord & keep going through what you're going through for the inevitable transformation. Ask your abba daddy to strengthen you through it. And eventually there will be light at the end of the tunnel when I saw this in the spirit. I got emotional because I knew this was for somebody that desperately needed to hear this but I didn't know then it was all connected to every single thing I heard & I saw in the spirit. Don't stop taking steps. Don't try to get around the process. I heard that Holy Ghost. Don't try to go around it. Sometimes you have to go the lonnnnnng way and endure a few things and suffer a bit. But it's all working out for your good beloved. Remember the person I saw in the spirit almost hit the car very little distance and I saw the mirror in the spirit objects in mirror are closer than they appear confirmation. Then my Bible landed to Zech9&10 pages for Chapt9 Vs 11 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. My God speak Holy Spirit 911!! This word is connected 2 that one 2 then. Mm and I'm hearing sirens in the spirit. Rescues and God's divine intervention are coming beloved 2 restore 2 you all your promises I prophesy in the name of Jesus. For chapt10 Vs5 &6 were highlighted in gold in the spirit. Vs11 Because of the covenant I made with you, sealed with blood, I will free your prisoners from death in a waterless dungeon. Confirmation Cinderella and David saw redemption and were redeemed from death. Vs12 Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles so I prophesy over you beloved double for your trouble in the name of Jesus. Chapt10 Vs5 They will be like mighty warriors in battle, trampling their enemies in the mud under their feet. Since the Lord is with them as they fight, they will overthrow even the enemy’s horsemen.I will strengthen Judah and save Israel. I will restore them because of my compassion. It will be as though I had never rejected them, for I am the Lord their God, who will hear their cries. Confirmation he heard your cries I prophesy now restoration & recompense in the name of Jesus. Then I closed my Bible and when I opened it, it landed to the exact same passage in Zechariah again. Your restoration is coming beloved & vindication and deliverance. Then I saw a fedex truck and then I saw licence plate225 and I heard Joel2:25 in the spirit. Then I saw licence plate 200 and wow 200 means locust in strongs concordance so I decree declare and I prophesy double restoration and redemption of years stolen that the locusts and cankerworm has eaten and the locusts shall eat no more beloved in the name of Jesus. Going back to Feb24/25 I don't know if I was in my body or outside of it but by midnight it felt like I was flying in the spirit in a circular motion that when you're on a ride almost that sensation, somewhat thrill of those butterflies & dizziness the thrill of it, my stomach felt funny and I heard in the spirit higher heights than you've ever been higher heights than you've ever been. 511 plate upper higher confirmation. Then I heard a bunch of bees in the spirit And saw 321 & then I was smelling honey in the spirit. Then I came back again and heard in the spirit I am taking you to a land flowing with milk and honey beloved. Your wilderness has not been in vain waiting through the process. 603 licence plate eager expectation confirmation Then I heard the song endless love in the spirit. Yess dad yess. Ok Lyrics: My love, there's only you in my life. The only thing that's right. It's you or no one else beloved. They are waiting for you and obeying the father til the light is green again. Then I saw 215 light or inexpressible I'm hearing in the spirit your kingdom spouse doesn't even know how to describe or put in words how to tell you how much they love you when it's time for the love confessions. They love you beloved. All in im seeing spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. Remember in the other word that is connnected the father said your person wife/husband misses you beloved. Back to the Lyrics My first love You're every breath that I take You're every step I make pause im hearing in the spirit they look at you as their first love because you are the only one who got them,  who had a deep spiritual connection only 2 find out later during seperation you're one flesh. They consider you their first and last and only love, true love no one else beloved. Lyrics And I, I want to share. All my love with you. No one else will do confirmation!! And your eyes, your eyes, your eyes. They tell me how much you care Ooh, yes. You will always be. My endless love. My God speak Holy Spirit now I know why I was seeing the 179 licence plate yesterday it means endless in strongs concordance. Two hearts Two hearts that beat as one Our lives have just begun is highlighted. Pause you are one flesh already in the spirit before it's offical in the natural when you come together again. Lyrics And, yes You'll be the only one 'Cause no one can deny, This love I have inside, And I'll give it all to you, My love, my love, my love My endless love. Wow whomever this word is for beloved I'm feeling someone in the spirit this almost ecstasy like feeling of bliss. They cant even deny it. You are madly in love with them. And they are madly in love with you both kingdom spouses your wife and your husband. And I just heard and saw in the spirit in the dungeon tent when Pocahontas says 2 John Smith I can't leave you and touches him and John Smith says you never will no matter what happens 2 me, I'll always be with you forever and then I came back again. The truck that said smith on it confirmation and I just saw 222 Gen2:22 you're his rib and he knows it!! 319 to recognize confirmation. You're it beloved. It's reciprocated madly in love and committed. 126 forever confirmation. Then my Bible landed to Jer39 &Vs18 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Because you trusted me, I will give you your life as a reward. I will rescue you and keep you safe. I, the Lord, have spoken!’” 111 joy confirmation. Wow what a word over 40 pages lonnnng so you may have 2 re-read it over 2 times again 2 get it all in your spirit. Some parts may apply or all of it. And it's 2:12 as I finally look up and finish this. 212 means wheel in strongs concordance and I prophesy you 2 are coming full circle again in the name of Jesus. 748 arrange or set in order prepare confirmation and your abba daddy has already prepared and ordained this in the spirit realm and it's still coming beloved. I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom spouse/ marriage and promises and purposes shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I decree declare and I prophesy over you beloved Psalm91 protection in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but your enemies will be under your feet dealt with defeated and and you'll be unstoppable, angels encamped around you because you're bullet proof armored up titanium preparing 4 the battle ahead and the father is restoring everything 2 you again and when you enter kingdom marriage, your union is divinely protected. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Gen2:22-25 | Ma10:8-9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Isa14:27 | Ps139:16 | Mark12 & Vs 36 | Zech9:11 | Prov16:7 | Ps103:3 | Zech10 | Joel2:25 | Prov6:31 | Phil1:15 | Daniel2:21 | Ecc3:1-11 | Esther2 | Jer29:11

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 9+21+22+23+24+25+25= 149 & 149 means shame and the father is putting your enemies to shame and defeating them and 149 also means adrazda with care" or "diligently The term "adrazda" is used to convey the idea of doing something with great care, attention, or diligence. It implies a thoroughness and conscientiousness in the execution of a task and you're titanium and unstoppable beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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