Prophetic Word: You're Almost There Beloved 4 Your Kingdom Marriage & Purposes & It Was All Training 4 you David, Wrestling With Bears & Lions Was Not Meant 2 Make U Perish But It Was Preparation 4 The Battle Ahead

       Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word for someone beloved. Test the spirit. Always ask your abba daddy if it's your word if you think it is and get confirmation. Don't just run with it. There is another one coming and they may be connected. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. If it's really bad the next day when I notice it like this last one, I'll just repost it. Plz dad take my words out of my mouth and take my words out of my head. Put only your thoughts in my head and only put your words on my lips. Prophesy what you want to your children. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Feb9/25 I saw a bear in fox and hound in an open vision and the fox is little and then I came back again. You have been fighting with those bears and lions in the spirit, you have been fighting and wrestling in the wilderness Hallelujah but I hear the spirit of the Lord say that was training, it was all training 4 you David, it wasnt meant 2 destroy or kill you but you were being strengthened. It was preparation for the battle ahead. Mm. It was preparing him 2 obtain courage within so that when he faced the giant Goliath, by now he was fearless. The bears and the lions when he was younger in the wilderness was preparation. My God speak Holy Spirit you've been looking at your life years back even saying why was it always a battle so bloody I could hardly breathe even im hearing in the spirit you sometimes question why it was always you had to go through more than most even as a kid. I heard that Holy Ghost but you were ordained by God for an assignment. You were chosen to defeat Goliath!! Whoo!! You were chosen to be the generational curse breaker in your bloodline beloved. The Lord led me to 1Samuel17: 34 where it reads And when there came a lion, or a bear, and took a lamb from the flock, I went after him and struck him and delivered it out of his mouth. And if he arose against me, I caught him by his beard and struck him and killed him. But little David didn't know there was an even bigger bear to defeat ahead. My God speak Holy Spirit as im fixing spelling errors and reposting this. I just recieved more revelation and saw something in the spirit. Delivered the the lamb out of the mouth of the lion. You were chosen David to save with ppl and win them!! Whoo!! I heard that Holy Ghost Eliab was jealous. Thats prophetic confirmation. You're set apart David. Remove the garments of heaviness & put on the garment of praise beloved. 56 ignorance mourn lament confirmation. Put on our worship music, dance sing & get into the spirit & worship Jesus in spirit & in truth beloved. Then I saw 708 which means garments in strongs concordance. I'm hearing come higher david, I'm hearing in the spirit come higher David. You are annointed 2 be king but you weren't ready then 4 your assignment when you were younger in the wilderness. But you are trained for this. I prophesy you are stepping into your rightful position for such a time as this in the mighty name of Jesus. Feb18/25 I saw a flash of a picture in an open vision of a guy digging for diamonds in the spirit & the guy didn't realize how close he was 2 hitting his target. One more hit he would have had the diamond!! Whoo!! & I also saw in the spirit a tree off it's roots on sand just hanging on by a thread still standing my God speak Holy Spirit you're still standing on His word 4 your promise. You may be going through the raging storms & fiercing winds but nothing shakes this tree im seeing in the spirit & then my Bible landed to Matt7 & Vs24 the foundation was highlighted in gold in the spirit. So the father has you being equipped going through a process because he knows everything you endured back then & he is setting you up 2 win on a solid foundation!! I'm hearing ministry in the spirit. I'm hearing kingdom wealth and nations. I am setting you up 2 win. Beloved this is bigger than marriage. This agenda has always been about my kingdom. I am using you 2 do what I want in the nations. I am setting you up 2 win. You will no longer beg at the mercy of others to help you pay rent. You will own your own propertids and live life 2 it's fullest. You will be married & owe no debt. Houses & cars will paid off & there will be debt forgiveness. Then I saw 311 & I heard in the spirit purpose 4 every season under the heavens. David you're being prepared 4 a giant bigger than bears & lions & you're being spiritually equipped through the process til completion & promoted. I prophesy promotions & rewards are coming 4 putting the work in 4 diligently seeking him in the name of Jesus. Then I heard someone say were almost there in the spirit and then later I was watching a cool YouTube short of a hidden room climbing up a stairs and in the video it had a laughing emoji and this said seriously almost there. Whoah!! Kindaaa like I heard it once before and then in the spirit but it caught my attention same words and I snapshotted and the time I took it said 9:44 and 944 means outgrowth produce, or frog in strongs concordance and then I heard the song I'm almost there from princess in the frog in the spirit when she's planning to buy a restaurant & then I came back again. That's confirmation. Youre planning a future homestead. Then I saw 944 which means  frog in strongs concordance confirmation. Then It had 363k likes and 363 means to remind 2 call 2 remembrance. 94 agur gather or collect. Then I saw 944 again, 724 healing health restoration. Ok so you're almost there and you will collect and recieve your promise I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 104 letter, 108 testimony or witness 107 letter and my Bible landed to Daniel2 intrepreted dream, promotion or changing times & seasons so I prophesy contact is coming yet & the times seasons are changing in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 43 arm, embrace, bosom confirmation. Then I heard in the spirit say yes 2 the dress. And I was seeing a bunch of brides to be in fhe spirit looking for the dress walking through the store aisles pulling them. My God speak Holy Spirit walking through the aisles walking down the aisles thats prophetic. Mm. Yes I was seeing them walk through the aisles just shopping in the spirit but then they'll walk down the aisle yet. Many of God's daughters and sons are preparing for kingdom marriage. Yes beloved it's coming quick. Keep preparing in advance for it. Then I saw 801 wife woman 251 brother 965 lightening flash. Then I saw 1260 & it means consider reason or question in the strongs concordance. In the New Testament, it is used to describe both positive & negative forms of reasoning, including thoughtful reflection & skeptical question. Confirmation so you have been questioning if you heard God correct. Are they the one yet. Or is it all in my head because I want her/him. But the father is saying in the future they are your wife/husband & you will marry them sudden I prophesy in the name of Jesus. I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing a book in an open vision in the spirit. Beloved it is written!! You heard God correct. God is not the author of confusion and I silence every Goliath that is speaking negatively in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 639 confusion confirmation. Then I saw someone in the spirit knocking at someone's door step & the door opened and I heard Jacob in the spirit then I saw it spelled out in an open vision. 157 to love request petition. Confirmation Jacob wanted Rachel beloved and worked for her 7 years waiting in faithfulness. Keep contending in prayer you're almost there beloved. Then my Bible landed to Matt7& Vs7-8 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Read the passage beloved and I prophesy because you asked and kept knocking now you will recieve and the door will be opened unto you in the name of Jesus.
Feb21/25 I saw 158 licence plate means love, 893 licence plate true truthful, 619 benefit, pleasure or enjoyment ,378 to fill up to complete, completion. Its true love beloved. Then I saw 107 letter, 822 window lattice, 1234 split open break open and 917 grievously so they are watching you from a distance and yearning and longing for you again but cant awaken love or reunite til the father says. im hearing they miss you in the spirit. They miss you beloved but its not time yet. seeing in an open vision spelled out.. and Jacob kissed Rachel and he wept. And I just heard in the spirit don't awaken love before it's time beloved. They desperately want to tell you how they feel about you beloved. I'm even hearing they go to the father and cry out to have you back again. But they're coming back one day beloved. 124 stone gem 400 cry out confirmation. 456 to rebuild; God of harvest, 100 abundance, 500 God is exalted. God is still going to do it!! And no one will be able to deny the favor of God on your life beloved. Then I  saw 56 ignorance lament. Then I saw 44 Matt4:4  I heard in the spirit if you don't quit the devil will beloved. So for someone of you that word may be connected. Test the spirit ask your daddy if it is. Then I saw 33 come in strongs concordance. Feb23/25 I heard in the spirit it's not what it looks like beloved. Then I saw through someone's lenses glasses in the spirit and it was blurry but it was clear for them because they were the only one that could see clearly through those glasses and it was blurry for me in the spirit when I tried to look through them then the next scene shifted in another realm and I saw objects in mirror are closer than they appear then I saw someone in the spirit was trying to parallel park lol and forgive me for laughing I'm not laughing at them but when I saw this in the spirit it reminded me of me when I first did. So they were in reverse then shifted forward again then reverse again then trying turn more in. Ah then I saw they got out of the car in the spirit the door was still open checking to see if they hit the car behind them but there was still distance but the object in mirror was closer than it appeared and then I came back again. So for someone you are in seperation. There is distance til light turns green again 215 light confirmation but object in mirror is closer than it appears beloved. Yes it feels further than it is. But the driver I saw in the spirit thought it was far off yet so hesitant and got out to check so there's been confusion but the father is saying you're about to hit it!! My God speak Holy Spirit you're about to hit your goal hit your next level you are entering kingdom marriage. It's closer than it appears beloved. You're looking around your surroundings thinking you're so far away and there's so much distance left til kingdom marriage but your abba daddy is saying objects in mirror are closer than it appears beloved. It's closer in the spirit realm than you realize it is. It's going to manifest when it's time to park and reunite again. Mm I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing and seeing a celebration in the spirit. All things celebration!! Music, food, decorations, cake gifts yesss dad I'm even seeing extravagant fireworks in the spirit and that's prophetic. Wedding kingdom marriage boom the fireworks go off that night beloved. The father has such a sense of humor. You're so funny Holy Spirit. You make me laugh dad luuvvv it. Then I saw 616 which means give birth in strongs concordance. Confirmation some of you will get pregnant on your wedding night others it won't be long before it happens. And for some of you I'm hearing it'll be within the first year of your kingdom marriage. Produce and multiply I'm hearing in the spirit it's part of your inheritance. Recieve that in the name of Jesus. Celebration is coming beloved!! 333 822 window lattice again confirmation. Romeo is watching you juliet from a distance and admiring your beauty, heart and character within. Then I saw 1234 again 33 to come!! 414 for such a time as this. Its coming beloved. God meant what he said!! Feb23/25 I just heard. In the spirit it's about to look good. It's about to get good. It's about to look good. It's about to get good in the spirit and then I saw someone in the spirit that was being professionally dressed makeup, earrings, jewelry necklaces put together getting ready to go on a stage professionally dressed ooh, Jesus Hallelujah. Right now I'm seeing also seeing backstage A performer a singer she is singing song to song and she's changing costumes and she's being professionally dressed and ready for her next. For her performance and then I came back again. That's prophetic for someone you're getting ready to be revealed beloved!! You're getting ready to be professionally dressed, your wardrobe is changing yet. You're going from the pit to the palace. Things are changing & It's about to look good beloved. It's about to get good Hallelujah to the lamb of God & the transformation was not for nothing beloved glory!! Keep going through the process. You're about to be revealed yet. The stage is set. I heard that dad yesss. I'm hearing in the spirit. The stage is set the stage has lights on it. I'm seeing in the spirit that all of these spotlights everything is ready to go. Everything is prepared for your arrival for you to be revealed for your purpose. A prophecy written!! before you were even created I prophesy in the name of Jesus and God will finish what he started. 413 near confirmation and I heard Ruth4:13 in the spirit. When Boaz takes Ruth in. Marries her and she becomes his wife beloved. Feb23/25 Im seeing in the spirit, someone so down and then turning on some music. And starting to tap their foot a little bit and dancing to the music. And then I came back again. I don't know who this is for baby but you need to get moving a bit, you need to get up and start dancing and praise your way through that birthing process through that opposition push through that temporal depression. That's not depression. That's an evil spirit that has put a spirit of heaviness on you beloved. And I rebuke that spirit, I bind that in the name of Jesus Christ and I send it back to hell in the name of Jesus and I cancel that assignment. I heard that Holy Ghost. I'm seeing fuel, a car being fueled up at a gas station in the spirit. Yes, that music. Worshipping, the Lord praising him. Your Bible getting into the word, Praying in the spirit, singing dancing music that is fuel, that is the fuel needed. Your car needs it its what you need to get going to keep moving to keep going fwd til you reach your destination Whoo!!  Hallelujah to the lamb of God. Mm. God is good beloved. Keep paising Him!! Don't give up.I heard that Holy Ghost. I'm seeing 44 in an open vision.And I am hearing Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4.If you don't quit the devil will I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 51 ignorance. Don't listen to the enemy beloved. You will always overcome and win because Jesus already did and you are his. You're almost there beloved. I'm hearing in the spirit some things had to take longer because I had to birth a new version of you beloved before the prophecy fufillment & some things cannot be rushed through the process. My God speak Holy Spirit im seeing carbon in the spirit. It has 2 go through pressure heat fire in the darkness before it becomes a real gem and beautiful diamond. A diamond who has now become a new creation is unbreakable because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world beloved. But making a diamond takes time and it doesn't happen instant. That's prophetic you had to go the lonnnng way around to be prepared for the promise because it's bigger than just kingdom marriage. And God will never give you something until you have gotten stronger and grown completion the refinement so the blessing doesn't crush you instead. I prophesy over you beloved no weapon formed against you or your kingdom spouse/ marriage and promises and purposes shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but you're almost there for your kingdom marriage and purposes & it was all training 4 you David, wrestling with bears & lions was not meant 2 destroy you or make you perish but you were being equipped & strengthened. It was preparation for the battle ahead. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Daniel2:21-22 | Ecc3:1-11 | SongofSongs8:4 | Gen29:11 |Eph6:11-12 | 1Samuel17:34-35 | Matt7:7-8,24 | Phill1:6 | Ruth4:13 | Num23:19 | Isa55:11 | Eph2:10 | Jhn10:10 | Jer29:11

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 9+18+21+23+24+25=120 & 120 means disheartening losing heart or man or human in strongs concordance. Don't lose heart beloved!! Jacob still recieves Rachel yet after working hard for her and putting the work in and the father has ordained this so it's still coming yet!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie



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