Prophetic Word: If You Wanna Stay Active, Fit & Youthful Again, You Need 2 Put The Work In Consistent & Diligently Seek Me Beloved

 I don't know who this for beloved but you gotta keep pushing no matter how painful at moments. I saw someone in the spirit walking out of a gym in so much pain because they just started, started that losing weight journey but when I saw them walking out the door in the realm pushing the big door walking out of the gym they were tired out of breath. I'm seeing in the spirit how these muscles the tissues are so strained in the body and stretched. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. When you don't exercise regularly your body is not used to it when you're not exercising those faith muscles in the word of God, you're not going 2 stay in shape because of your flesh because faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God beloved because when you are lacking faith you are getting sluggish like you lack motivation 2 stay fit because its a mindset and you're exercising your flesh instead of your spirit my God speak Holy Spirit because you're not in prayer in the Word in the gym. Whoo!! Thats a word for someone get back in the gym and exercise those faith muscles again. Yeah it hurts at first beloved but its harder 2 do it the longer you wait and put if off beloved. What you're hearing out of your ears affects your mindset. It will either grow your carnal muscles of flesh, or grow you spiritually with a new mindeset. The Word of God is powerful and active. Get in the gym, stay in His presence and I prophesy there will be a transformation because you are going from glory 2 glory and diligently seeking Him so much so God will restore your anatomy even and youthfulness in the name of Jesus so much so you'll be running laps around that gym. Lol yes Holy Spirit has a sense of humor beloved. When you go to the gym, does it feel good the first few days of it. No there is pain because there is growth that's a word for someone there's growth where there's pain because God is molding you through it and your faith muscles are stretching and getting stronger because of the pain and endurance. I'm hearing in the spirit patience produces perseverance. Because the day you plant the seed thereof is not the day of the harvest. My God speak Holy Spirit you gotta water that seed with faith and take care of it just like you need 2 take care of your body the temple of Holy Spirit residing within but keep sowing and planting in the gym babyyy you won't know what hit you and you'll see your harvest of being active, youthful and fit I prophesy in the name of Jesus. And you'll actually feel good again. That's a confirmation. Yes you will & I prophesy your latter will be greater than your former in the name of Jesus. I prophesy rewards for diligently seeking him in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but if you wanna stay youthful, active and fit and feel good again, it starts in the gym lifting weights consistently and diligently seeking Him. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Hebrews11:1&6 | Matt13 | Luke6:38 | Romans12:2 | 1Cor6:19-20 | Psalm103:5 | Gal6:7-9 | Romans8:37 Jer30:17 | 1Pet5:10 




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