Prophetic Word: Make Room 4 Them Beloved & As I Am Working & Ordering Your Steps Til The Doors Suddenly Open & When There Is Reconciliation, Confessions Of Love & True Love's Kiss, It'll Lead 2 Marriage & You'll Never Be Seperated Again

   Heyyy my luuvs. I have alot of words the Lord my abba daddy wants me 2 release yet but this cannot wait so I need 2 prophesy and finish this. Plz forgive me for spelling errors as someone needs this rhema word now beloved. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Help me articulate this word dad as it goes in so many different directions. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved.  Oct6-7/24 I saw 631 everywhere then I saw A licence plate that said 631 on it and I heard Prov6:31 in the spirit when I saw it and 631 in strongs concordance translates 2 asar which means to tie, 2 bind and 2 bind together means 2 attach 2 unite ppl especially of an agreement) that cannot be legally avoided or stopped a binding agreement my God speak Holy Spirit what God has joined together no one can put asunder or seperate I prophesy in the name of Jesus. I heard that Holy Ghost unstoppable the binding agreement is already sealed and finished in the spirit because everything first happens in the spirit thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven I decree declare & I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Because this marriage was ordained by him, He is obligated 2 fulfill what he promised for his kingdom purpose. So I prophesy the enemy and thief has been caught & he will return 7fold everything he stole from you in the name of Jesus. Then I saw a flash of cinderella sitting at her window in the attic and singing and the prince finds her and then I came back again. & the licence plate I saw 969 in strongs means tower & Cinderella is in a tower part of the attic confirmation. So God is saying the ball when you met or online, or in person, midnight hour when Cinderella left represents the temporary seperation but cinderella meets kit again mm. So the weapon may form to stop the prince from finding his wife and meeting her again but it shall not prosper I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I saw a flash of Rio in the spirit an open vision when the birds are taken and Tuilio and Linda are trying to catch them stay with me don't miss this and then the boy Fernando is kicking bird feathers from the float so they know which direction the birds went and then I saw a path in the spirit with arrows pointing a certain direction & then I came back again.  God is ordering both spouses steps preparing 4 their person 2 recieve them. Kit never gave up the search finding cinderella beloved. He never quit. And God is ordering your shoes your steps 2 find cinderella again step by step when the doors open. Cinderella is the only one the shoe fits no other person on the planet will satisfy the prince because cinderella is the only one designed for him. She is the only one who is annointed for him and his purpose. She is the only one who has what he needs beloved. I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit its a special custom sized fit. You're not ordinary kit or average so what makes you think your wife is. Thats a confirmation. Cinderella was sweet, loving, kind courageous and not like the rest of them. And kit just wants 2 find true love not just any woman. And his parents push him that could be confirmation wait on God for your cinderella beloved. You are a special union in the eyes of God getting ready to be used by him in ways you can't even imagine for family generations. And I saw a licence plate that said 832KIT on it confirmation. Then I saw a truck that said handyman connection on it. What is a handy man beloved. Someone who helps, repairs and fixes so I prophesy destiny helpers are coming and kingdom spouse will heal areas that are needed in the name of Jesus. Then I saw in the spirit an anchor and the ship from Pochahontas. Then I saw licence plate 30 translates 2 aggeion & means a vessel boat or ship confirmation. This is when John Smith is about 2 meet Pochahontas. Confirmation. You are anchored in him and now you are getting ready to cross over into the promised land with your kingdom spouse beloved I prophesy in the name of Jesus. And my Bible landing to Joshua1 is the scripture reference.. get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them.. that's what stood out in the spirtual realm beloved. Get ready!! I am about to give!! Don't miss it baby catch this in the spirit. Recive it. Scripture is saying "About" to happen. Then I saw licence plate 161 on it & it translates 2 aichmalósia which means captive & plate 126 [Ps126] confirmation cinderella was surrounded by enemies and locked in an attic in sadness so I prophesy your daddy God is turning again your captivity like zion bringing it to end & your mouth will be with filled with laughter and singing beloved and you will be like those that dream in the name of Jesus. Then I saw licence plate 1951 hun and epilegó & means 2 be easy, 2 be ready, to call or name, to choose my God speak Holy Spirit another confirmation calls texts and messages are coming sudden yet I prophesy in the name of Jesus. You are chosen. This word is connected. I'm hearing & seeing 5 foolish virgins spelled out an open vision in the spirit. Don't be ignorant or caught sleeping beloved. Then I saw a plate that said cash on it 555 confirmation. Then I saw licence plate fan13 and fan means you show interest or admire them and a licence plate that said yes on it. So that may be confirmation and I prophesy His promises for you are yes and amen in the name of Jesus. Ok then all the #'s & licence plates I saw repetitive im going to list or this will be 20 pages. 888, 999, 222, 333 555, 444, 111, 312, 13, 31, 777, 123, 231, 321, 631, 31 & 13 again. Quick recap & what I am hearing in the spirit. 999 in strongs means understanding or pit so Cinderella goes from the pit 2 the palace. 555 wealth, grace and nations. She's a queen beloved. 111 Heb111. 312 talks confessions reconciliation like cinderella & kit coming 123 213 promised land inheirtance. 321 countdown launching rocket. 777 completion old life coming to an end. 631 7-fold returned & binding together whats already one joined in the spirit. 888 new beginnings like cinderella beloved, 444 doors open, 222 Gen2:22 union gathering the woman being brought to the man again.13 agabos in strongs means prophet and 31 means message in strongs concordance another confirmation union ministry and messages coming yet. Then I saw 111 & 13 & 321 today again. God is not playing and these kingdom marriages are coming together beloved I prophesy in the name of Jesus. And anyone who tries to stop it will, im hearing wrath & judgment. He wants to do so much through your union yet. 2 are better than one beloved. Then I saw licence plate 160 ahabah & it means love or aiphnidios which means sudden unexpected. My God speak Holy Spirit Another confirmation Joshua1 crossing over about 2 recieve land, marriage about 2 happen. Then I saw licence plate that said 422 on it & it translates 2 anepaischuntos & it means not to be put to shame so I prophesy you will not be put 2 shame beloved and your true love & kingdom marriage promise is coming suddenly to manifestation in the name of Jesus. My luuvs there are so many licence plates I saw that I may do a part 2 if there are more confirmations when I look them up yet. Then I saw 911 and again another confirmation sudden. When someone dials 911 the ambulance comes quick and sudden. I hope you're catching this in the spirit. Reference after reference quick & sudden. Then I saw 133 ainesis means praise so don't forget God when it happens & praise him like its happened. Something is happening with the kingdom husbands. I'm hearing in the spirit. I am ordering their steps that will bring them one step closer to their wife cinderella when the doors open. I am taking the desire away from what once fulfilled them. I am working on their inner healing from traumas, hurts and giving them a new mindset. I am changing them step by step. They are stopping old habits. They are preparing like you are already there with them. They are waking up in the morning practicing like you are already there with them. I am hearing in the spirit prophetic instruction start 2 kiss your pillow at night and in the morning and imagine it's her/him when you get up or go to bed, go to work, to make room for them so you're used 2 it when the door opens for kingdom marriage. Start moving like you're already married beloved. And then God will move quick by your faith and sudden as you put the work in I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Yes 2 you it may look stupid but faith without works is dead. Work on your hygiene habits. Smell good go all out to look your best for them. Wives makeup if your daddy God says. Be obedient. You want to look your best. Im hearing in the spirit When you get home start talking outloud as if they were in the room and tell them you love them. I heard that Holy Ghost. Your daddy wants you 2 act like you're already married & faithful in their absence. I am ordering their steps like Fernando was helping Linda and Tuilio find the birds beloved. You will find your wife because she has been transformed by the renewing of her mind and ready for kingdom marriage therefore adam you will recognize your rib when you meet again. Mm. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Everything that's changing with you is also changing them. I am hearing in the spirit diet changes, taking care of the temple & exercising more again. Preparing to live with you and moving accordingly like you are already there one with them. Covering you in prayer because you are already one flesh in the spirit. In the wives I am also changing the wife 2 meet your needs adam. I am healing her & making her more submissive. I am giving her the wisdom to be the homemaker, wife & mother she is designed 2 be beloved. I am also giving you the wisdom to lead Eve, Adam, to be the priest of the home and spiritual leader 2 make wise decisions. I am holding you accountable for your wife and your children. I am expecting you 2 protect them even if it means laying down your life for them beloved. Your wife is your helpmate beloved not your floor mat so don't take her for granted. Wife, your husband is your head beloved so let go of the need 2 be in control because he will not play about you and your children like the counterfeits. For I am the head of your husband and he will answer to me if he does not take responsibility for what I have given him. As for your sexual needs your desire beloved will be for your wife/ husband and I want you 2 both be submissive so there is less temptation. Be slow to anger, slow to speak and quick to listen. Remember you are one flesh so don't let anyone come between you and remember who the real enemy is. It may not look like anything is happening beloved. But it is closer than it appears at this very moment. Because both spouses have put the necessary work in to become who I have called you 2 be for this kingdom marriage union. I am going to use this marriage union 2 win souls for my glory and for my kingdom agenda beloved. I am going to finish in both of you what I started and Abraham you'll be blessed and your kids and their kids for generations. I am your anchor & as you keep me first in your marriage, you'll be built upon a solid foundation. I'm proud of you for how far you both have come when you wanted to give up because it did not happen like you thought it would then and the attacks that were constant & constant and tests but you overcame and now you are stepping into a new season. I love you and continue 2 seek me & pray for your union and be expectant. I release blessing and favor and I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but your daddy God has been ordering your steps to recieve your wife again, & yes wife also your husband so both of you be obedient when He tells you to change something or improve on this and you'll be one step closer to having her/him again but this time cinderella & kit when there is reconciliation & love confessions, itll be forever and you'll never be seperated again. I am always interceding you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Joshua1 | Eph5 | Prov31 | 1Cor13:4-8 | Prov6:31 | Rom12:2 | Ezk36:26 | 2Cor5:17 | Phill1:6 | Phil1:12,15 | Gen2:22 | Ma10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Isa66:9 | Matt:7:7-8 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11 | 1Cor2:9 | Jer29:11

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 6+7+8+24=45 & 45 in strongs concordance translates 2 agkura and it means anchor beloved just like the anchor and ship with John Smith & Pochahontas I saw in the spirit & suddenly they meet again!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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