Prophetic Word: Proper Table Manners & Etiquette Matter Beloved, If You Represent Me & You Wanna Leave A First Good Impression

    Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word beloved. This one can be for both the wife or husband but because I am a woman, the father speaks 2 me from that perspective. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. I saw a man and woman sitting across from eachother in the spirit and as I pressed in I was at a fancier restaurant, very formal, classical music playing, waiters holding a wine glass underneath the bowl stem with such eleganct etiquette. The restaurant was beautiful and there were candles on the table lit and I saw everything that was happening in the spirit. But they could not see me in the spirit watching their conversations. The man and woman looked nervous so this confirms they were meeting again for the first time since seperation. That's confirmation. You're both a little nervous meeting again in person but also excited for the date ahead. For some of you it'll be a fancy restaurant or event. Now as I was in the spirit watching this, the father showed me a couple that don't know proper table manners and etiquette. If you are just hanging out & its more informal when you meet again then this won't apply 2 you beloved. But this word is coming to those for wisdom impartation for even family gatherings and banquets and fancier events for future reference. In the spirit I noticed both individuals man and woman were on their phones and it was a distraction, it was sending the wrong msg 2 them that they weren't interested or in competition for their attention. Her bag was on the table and they were shouting for a waiter and the ppl in the restaurant were staring at them. Just everything about them was ill mannered and far from elegant. Then I noticed the man didn't offer to pay for her meal or hold the door open and it just looked really bad the way the date ended. There was more that I saw but it would be pages and then I came back again. I waited for confirmation and 1Pet2:9 was the confirmation. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. You are a royal priesthood which means everywhere you go you conduct yourself like it. You are also the light of the world and noticed because your light your annointing is not hidden. You represent the father beloved. The formal restaurant setting is a word for the individual dates coming yet and extra family meeting in- laws with them. The Father is saying it matters making a first good impression. For the date or family supper event. Number one drop the phones and stay off them. If you wanna snap a pic then do it quick and slip it back in your bag or pocket. If the phone rings gently turn it on silence and don't answer it or quickly send a can't answer right now text and go to voice-mail instead and enjoy the meal the date the outing and conversation. It is a sign of high respect when you dont answer it til the date or outing with family has ended. Be polite to waiters and everyone seated. It would shock you how many ppl speak so rudely to the waiter serving them and its disrespect. Ladies your bag or purse on the table is bad etiquette. It doesn't look very elegant. Gently just keep it around your chair or by your feet with your jacket or coat draped over it. Im seeing in the spirit someone pouring water in the glass but not them. If someone is asking for water, then pour their glass before yours beloved as a form of high respect. If your in-laws or family is at the formal restaurant with you 2 at dinner beloved. Keep your elbows off the table and try not to slouch but sit up nice and tall posture exudes confidence;). If you need 2 use the restroom just say excuse me I'll be right back don't broadcast it, it turns ppl off when they are trying to eat instead. When you need a waiter, don't shout at them. Instead gracefully try to catch a gaze and make eye contact and lift your index finger up 2 signal them. Don't reach across the table & if you are eating soup or salad don't lean so far in, push your chair in and bring to the food more towards you if you want to look elegant. Ladies incase your husband has never been taught proper restaurant etiquette, always bring extra cash when he asks you out so you have cash to pay for it if he doesn't offer then you're both not empty handed. Men always always always pay for her meal as a gentleman. It is a blessing and the father expects it. My God speak Holy Spirit a covering im seeing someone in the spirit with an umbrella I got you covered beloved. Cover her you husbands. Whoo!! After all when this happens you will be dating your wife again except now in person. And vice-versa Ladies be respectful you're dating your husband again. Also whether married or not don't correct him in front of ppl or family just smile a quiet meek spirit. Honor him & talk highly of him. Men if you wanna impress your wife when you meet her again, always pull out chairs at the restaurant and hold doors open. It sends good first impressions and believe me she notices. It's also feeling of security and protection. I heard that Holy Ghost if it's a really formal dinner party or banquet. Put the napkin on your lap and if you need to be excused to use the restroom gently leave it on your chair and a waiter in a high class restaurant will know you're not yet finished but when you are finished you just take your napkin and put it beside your plate instead. When you're finished ordering just leave your menu closed beside your plate don't signal them to grab it. Be patient. When you're finished eating at a banquet leave your fork and knife on the plate vertical together or diagonally to let the waiter know you are finished. Now if you are on a date at a formal restaurant with your wife or husband just be as polite as you can after all they will accept flaws and all because they love with you without conditions. This is just some wisdom how to conduct yourself to a higher level with table manners and etiquette. Especially those in laws of family if you wanna leave a good first impression. I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing in the spirit an engagement party and ppl watch your body language. Dress for the occasion. Ok so if it's a formal event, plz ladies and gentlemen dont show up in ratty jeans with holes in them but a nice shirt, pants and ladies jewelry, dresses with elegance looking put together and modest. Unless you're going camping lol and hanging out on the water and in a tent. Baggy bunnyhugs and casual yessss. But when going out, dress appropriate for the occasion. So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God beloved. I have also been seeing 213, 222 and 414 confirmation meeting soon 4 such a time as this. I release blessing and favor and I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I prophesy no weapon formed against you or your kingdom spouse/ marriage shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but proper table manners & etiquette matter beloved, if you represent the father & you wanna leave A first good impression. I am always interceding you 4 my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

1Pet2:9 | Matt5:14-16 | 1Pet2:17 | Cor10:31 | Prov13:9 | Jhn1:5 | 1Jhn1:5 | 1Jhn4:4 | Ma10:9 Eph2:10 | Jer29:11

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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