Prophetic Word: They Always Knew It Was You Beloved, The One 4 Them, & Soon I Will Reunite you 2 Again Because Nothing Can Seperate A Man & Woman Who I Have Already Joined In The Spirit & Is One Flesh 

    Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word for someone beloved. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Sept29/24 I saw flashes of enchanted and I saw Giselle and Robert in the spirit in a housecoat and pajamas & intimate and she gets angry & he says are you ok I'm wonderful she says, are you sure he says. Yes I'm fine she says as she touches part of his chest and they're about to kiss and then they both realize whoahh I have fallen in love with her/him. As he walks away they are both having a epiphany moment life changing realization & it hits them. So after I saw this in the spirit, in another realm the scene shifted and I saw in the spirit when Robert sees Giselle at the ball making her entrance smiling and as he gets closer and dances with her, he is realizing he is also in love with her and its reciprocated and he can no longer deny it or hide it. Then Giselle leaves & she is mourning and sad and trying to hide it and then I came back again. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Whoever this word is for beloved some situation something seperated you 2 back then and you realized you were in love with them. And Giselle is mourning when she walks away from him confirmation you miss them and you are missed and when the witch gives Giselle a poison apple hoping she's dead, Robert says plz dont leave me and then the enchanted kiss and then she wakes up and they kiss again and she says I knew it was you confirmation. They always knew it was you beloved. Maybe they couldn't prove it but in their spirit they knew you were more than just friends when you talked and met. They felt it. They sensed it. And then later the revelation from abba daddy hit like a brick. That's my wife!! That's my husband!! And now you are separated by daddy God for a temporary season 2 prepare for ministry/ kingdom marriage and bigger purpose to break generational curses because your daddy told you, you are getting them back again. You will marry her/ him. That is my perfect will for your life and that is your wife/ husband. But I'm hearing in the spirit don't take matters in your own hands to make it happen like Sarah and Abraham. I made you a promise. I will make a way 4 you 2 be together again and I intend to keep it but will you...

Gen2:22 | Ma10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Jer29:11 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11 | 1Cor2:9 | Isa1:19|1Chron4:10 | Jhn10:10 



2 B Cont.... 

Part-2 Prophetic Word: They Always Knew It Was You Beloved, The One 4 Them, & Soon I Will Reunite you 2 Again Because Nothing Can Seperate A Man & Woman Who I Have Already Joined In The Spirit & Is One Flesh my timing & trust me 2 keep my promise like I fulfilled the promise of Isaac I promised Sarah & Abraham then wealth inheirtance. Mm. I am hearing in the spirit a longing to talk and kiss and be together again and talk everyday like it was back then. That's a confirmation. You talked everyday back then before you were seperated & the father said no more contact til I make you both ready 4 eachother for kingdom marriage. I am hearing the song playing in the spirit so close when Giselle dances with Robert in Enchanted. Then I heard songs of songs 4 in the spirit. So if this is your word. Read the whole passage. This is what they he feels beloved. You have captured my heart, my treasure, my bride. Pause so he already sees you as his wife his bride even though you're in seperation even though you aren't legally married yet. He sees you as his since the father gave him revelation that you've always been. You hold it hostage with one glance of your eyes, with a single jewel of your necklace. Pause so he obviously is very attracted 2 you inside and outside beloved. Your heart captures him because you have the heart of the father beloved and im hearing its reciprocated attraction because you are already one flesh in the spirit. Its natural 2 be attracted 2 the one you're one with. Your love delights me, my treasure, my bride. Pause so when you met & talked back then you captured him he saw you as a treasure then & gift but didn't know then you were always his. Then as further confirmation I heard in the spirit I just didn't think it could happen 2 me again. Pause so failed relationships then met you & fireworks and feelings arose in them and they wanted to express it. Because baby they aint never met anyone quite like you & you have captivated them & as you talked more & more & got closer to them, feelings came out of nowhere & began 2 grow & both of you fell in love with them but there was never a confession yet I'm hearing in the spirit but there will be when daddy God reunites you 2 again & permits you 2 contact them when the doors open again. I decree declare & I prophesy what God has already joined together no one can put asunder in the name of Jesus. I prophesy no weapon formed against you or your kingdom spouse/ marriage shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing & favor and I call you protected prosperous favored & blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but they always knew it was you the one for them & since the revelation it was confirmation what they knew in their spirit & soon your daddy God will reunite you 2 again because when you're already joined as one in the spirit nothing can seperate or stop you from coming full circle again. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Gen2:22 | Ma10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Jer29:11 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11 | 1Cor2:9 | Isa1:19|1Chron4:10 | Jhn10:10 



The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 29+4+24=57 &57 translates to agnóstos unknown or abal mourning and you both didnt know back then, & although its natural to mourn loss in temporary seperation, seasons change beloved and God is faithful 2 bring you full circle & back together again!! 

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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