Prophetic Word: Without Me You Can Do Nothing Beloved, Stay Plugged In When You're Low & Connected & You Will Have Joy & Power When You're Charged Up Again

   Heyyy my luuvs. Quick word so I don't know who this is for beloved but maybe you've run out of power and you need to get charged again. I'm hearing in the spirit in my presence is fullness of joy beloved. A while ago I saw outlets in the spirit and as I pressed in a device was plugged into this long charger on one end but on the other end the charger box was not plugged into the wall outlet so the device was still dead. Mm. Because it wasn't connected to the source to charge it. Then I saw a Source truck and then I saw another source truck lol again I remember saying 2 my abba daddy another source truck again someone mist really need this. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. If aren't plugged in to the father to get charged up again, you will be spiritually dead because without him you can do nothing beloved. You won't produce fruit because all you are is dead branches and even you aren't connected to the vine beloved. I'm seeing someone in the spirit breaking off branches and how the leaves on them are wilted and dead because it's no longer connected. Mm.  Stay connected to the spirce beloved. I heard that Holy Ghost don't despise small humble beginnings but when you grow and reach elevation don't disconnect from the vine that gave you life and helped you grow to produce fruits of the spirit. It's easy to stay close to rhe father when you're going through a hard season but then a harvest season and promised land look how quick the Israelites complained and forget. Dont forget the father beloved. I prophesy as you keep him first all your days then you'll always be prosperous and never have dry seasons in the name of Jesus. When I am raised to life again, you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you beloved. When a charger is not connected to the source outlet, its dead its useless til its charged again my God speak Holy Spirit kindaaa how we can do nothing without the source not connected to him. Whoo!! Because without him we can do nothing beloved. We are created in His image and we need him. Stay connected or useless branches. I don't know who this is for baby but when you grow stay connected to the source in all seasons, for our strength, joy and power comes from him when were plugged in 4 He is the vine we are the branches charging you up with power and battery whenever you get low again. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Jhn14:20 | Jhn15:2,5 | Matt11:28 | 2Cor3:18 | Exo16:3 | 2Cor12:9 | Ja4:8 | 1Pet5:7 | Jer29:11



Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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