Prophetic Word: U R Never 2 Old 2 Get Married & Have Kids So Cast Your Cares & Worries On Me Beloved, Hannah U R Not Barren, Trust Your Father's Timing Sarah When I Say It'll Still Happen Or An Angel Of The Lord Will Shut Your Mouth Zechariah Til It Happens Because This Is Ordained By God Who Has Spoken
Heyyy my luuvs. I have many words 2 release and prophesy yet but the father wants me 2 just rest & spend quality time with Him & some of them I'm waiting for more confirmation and others I'm still in the process finishing them so plz be patient because some are lonnng snd many pages. This is one is over 17 pages. And in 2025 I wont be posting as often as I once did. I don't know who this is for beloved but no matter how old you are, you will still have a healthy kingdom marriage & children no matter what it looks like at the moment. Test the spirit. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Dec31/24 I saw someone that looked worried in the spirit biting fingers folded and I felt the anxiety this person in the spirit was feeling and then I came back again so waited.. and then I saw someone pregnant in the spirit. I saw a cute little bump looks 4-5 months pregnant and then I heard in the spirit Sarah laughs after the Lord prophesied shes going to have a son yet. Ok so for someone you are doubtful skeptical it's going 2 happen for others of you are worried your child bearing days are over when you enter kingdom marriage. I'm hearing in the spirit but his sperm and her eggs will be youthful no matter how old you get. I heard that Holy Ghost because some of you may be older in your 30s or 40s having children but the father is saying having children in your kingdom marriage union is part of your inheritance and it is never 2 late it 4 it so the father will not only bless your womb and produce children but you will be fertile to have more even as you get older yet. Gen18:4 Then one of them said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.” Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him. That may be someone's confirmation. You may get pregnant by next year after you enter kingdom marriage. Then I saw 32 which means angel in strongs concordance confirmation. Sarah was laughing doubtful uncertain but nothing can stop what God says will happen which was ordained by him. 84 uncertain confirmation. 482 young man help or assist confirmation it's supernatural the father will produce healthy children through your union. 51 ignorance, 73 struggle, 684 loss so some of you are worried because you see older you're scared you will have a miscarriage by the time you enter kingdom marriage but the father is saying nope not going 2 happen. It may be be delayed but nothing will stop the manifestation. Cast all your cares and worries on me and release it. Am I not the God who holds everything together and knows the beginning from the end. Will you trust your circumstance or will you trust me that I can birth a baby that's healthy and vibrant for my glory for my kingdom purpose ans lean nor on your own understanding when. 616 give birth confirmation. Do you trust me to make you whole again so youthful looking and strong in your bodies to have kids and raise children. 482 young man confirmation. Jan2/25 I'm seeing What do you want spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. The Lord asked Solomon what do you want ok he is emphasizing you want your kingdom marriage & children and he is saying you will recieve it yet. I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit you will recieve more than you asked for like Solomon. Jan3/25 I saw 103 which means collect and harvest in strongs concordance so I prophesy you will reap the manifestation of prayers you have been praying and your harvest will come in the name of Jesus. 33 come confirmation. Then I saw 73 which means struggle in strongs concordance so it caught my attention. 55 wrestling so someone is really struggling with the idea of conception when you enter into kingdom marriage. Others of you are not even married yet still waiting still in seperation. But the father is saying its still coming yet!! I heard that Holy Ghost for some of you, when you were younger made mistakes and had a couple kids and miscarriages. And now you're scared to have kids again because of the suffering & losses you endured and if you had a miscarriage then, then how much more when your body is older and your eggs and uterus. 1000 eggs confirmation. The father knows your thoughts & fears beloved. Nothing gets passed him. 717 expose confirmation and he reveals secrets 2 his prophets & the devil is a liar filling your head with worries and deception. I heard that dad yesss Hannah was not barren, her womb was closed til the appointed time 4 Samuel the prophet to come into the world yet. Hannah couldn't birth just any baby at any time of the season my God speak Holy Spirit because God had a plan and the baby had to be born at the right timing yet. That's someone's confirmation. You're not to old like Sarah beloved and Hannah you are not barren and I prophesy when you have that baby in your marriage kingdom union then like Hannah you will pop out more healthy kids in the name of Jesus. You will produce children and multiply its God's will and part of your inheritance. Then Jan5/25 I saw 311 and heard Ecc3:11 in the spirit where it reads Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. And 311 also means delay my God speak Holy Spirit Hannah was not denied but she was delayed on purpose because she would birth Samuel the prophet and then many children. Sarah was not denied but Isaac was delayed because God had a bigger purpose in the waiting and this passage reminds us that no matter how old you get, you are never 2 old to have children or 2 old to step into kingdom marriage or purpose. As long as you have breath, God has a good plan for your life and the father is not finished with you yet. I heard that Holy Ghost Job an old man had more children when he was restored again. Caleb in his 80s and felt young again. How can we limit an all powerful God that redeems time and restores like time hasn't passed and like nothing happened. Joshua14:10-11 Now then, just as the LORD promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. 103!! Ps103 my God speak Holy Spirit youthfulness!! Whoo!! I made the connection so I prophesy over you beloved Let all that you are praise the Lord & may you never forget the good things he does for you for He forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. He redeems you from death and crowns you with love and tender mercies & He fills your life with good things & your youth is renewed like the eagle’s I prophesy now in the name of Jesus. 266 sin confirmation. 482 young man confirmation. Jan6/25 I saw licence plates 199 which means yet indeed in strongs concordance, 259 one unity one flesh. 616 and 31 which means to give birth in strongs concordance and message dad yesss Ecc3:1 mm. so I prophesy when you enter into your kingdom marriage, you will get pregnant yet and have healthy children in the name of Jesus. I have been also seeing 33 come and 123 and plate127 and even 128 different times which also means land and land houses wealth and children are all part of your inheirtance. My God speak Holy Spirit 128!! Gen1:28 be fruitful & multiply aka kids!! Mm. Abraham recieved this so I prophesy when you enter kingdom marriage you will all recieve land, houses, wealth, and kids in the name of Jesus. I heard that Holy Ghost the father will establish you & give you ideas and strategies and the power 2 produce wealth and the wisdom to keep it and bless and help others furthering the kingdom and I prophesy over you and your kingdom spouse you are the head not the tail, above only & never beneath beloved and the lender not the borrower in the name of Jesus. Jan7/25 I'm seeing 1Pet5:7 spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. Read that passage that is someone's confirmation. Give your worries, care and anxieties 2 the father beloved. I saw a hen laying eggs in a nest in a coop in the spirit and then I came back again and then I saw 1000 which also means egg in strongs concordance. Eggs in the Bible represent new life and provision. Bread is also reffered to life as it represents the Word of God, the Lord says I am the bread of life and nourishment my God speak Holy Spirit when bread at the last supper became the body of Christ so break this bread in remembrance of me because the bread broken represents the body of Jesus when He took on all sin and the wine represents His blood, which was shed 2 establish a new covenant. Whoo!! Jesus refers to bread, eggs and fish as good gifts!! An egg also produces children my God speak Holy Spirit no coincidence a sperm looks like a fish when it travels to the uterus. I'm seeing it in the spirit when conception begins sperm traveling up into the fallopian tube in the spirit I'm also seeing a flash of light when the sperm fertilizes the egg and conception begins. And we know light is essential for for growth like plants and trees when they are planted. And Jesus became the light of the world when he came into the world beloved kindaaa like the star of bethelem light shone down on the Manger he was born in. Whoo!! My God speak Holy Spirit Jesus is also the way the truth the life and because he is the light of the world he is also the life and new life begins when you are born again and when you are born again you are the light of the world 2 beloved no longer dead living in darkness. But died 2 your old self becoming a new creation with new life 2 begin. Whoo!! My God I feel the annointing speak Holy Spirit. Ive also been seeing 11:11 consistent. And Eggs, fish and bread in the Bible represent new life and provision. Fish are often used to symbolize abundance, fertility, and faith and provision. They are also associated with Jesus and his disciples fishing for ppl 4 the kingdom. 1111 daddy yess made the connection Luke11:11 reads If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? Ok so confirmation when I saw the hens laying eggs in the spirit. And I prophesy you will be fertile and having babies in the name of Jesus. For every perfect gift comes from above beloved. 616 give birth confirmation. Then I saw 1014 which means desire and 800 which means fire wife woman so for someone there is a desire to get married and have children through your love union and the father is saying you're never 2 old for that 2 happen so stay in faith because its still going to happen!! I'm seeing Zechariah spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. He doubted but the angel shut his mouth til it happened. That may be confirmation. An angel will shut your mouth beloved so you stop word cursing your promise because you dont see how it can happen. I heard that Holy Ghost or because some time has passed by and Luke1:18 Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.” The angel said to him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.” pause so until the day it happens you will be silent is highlighted in gold in the spirit so I prophesy an angel will close your mouth if you try 2 word curse your promise again or speak negative or death over it 4 It's still going to happen I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Vs21 Meanwhile, the ppl were waiting for Zechariah and wondering why he stayed so long in the temple. When he came out, he could not speak to them. They realized he had seen a vision in the temple, for he kept making signs to them but remained unable to speak. Pause noticed he couldn't speak to them supernaturally something happened where he couldn't beloved. When his time of service was completed, he returned home. After this his wife Elizabeth became pregnant and for five months remained in seclusion. pause kindaaa like the woman I saw in the spirit the bump looked about 4-5 months pregnant so I prophesy that you and your kingdom spouse will get pregnant at the appointed time after you enter kingdom marriage in the name of Jesus. Then I saw a YouTube video that said 11 views and 55 minutes ago posted and it caught my attention and then I heard it's coming in the spirit, 33 come confirmation and Isa55:11 in NLT the Lord says It is the same with my word I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it too and it will prosper everywhere I send it. In the KJV it says So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. And I was seeing licence plate 94 but wasn't sure yet why I saw it. Ok so the father is reminding you that he keeps his promises. Then my Bible landed 2 Daniel9 when I opened it and Vs4 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. My God speak Holy Spirit licence plate 94!! That was the connection daddy yesss!! And Daniel9:4 reads Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments.. then I saw 111 joy and then just now as I finished typing this word I looked up at my phone random and it said 11:55 another confirmation. Isa55:11!! Daddy God is so strategic. There is just no coincidence. He knew I would look up when I did and it just happened to be exactly 11:55 as I just finished because the father backs up his true prophets. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom spouse/ marriage & promises shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but you're never 2 old 2 get married and have children so cast your cares and worries on him, Hannah you are not barren and trust your father's timing Sarah and when he says it'll still happen or an angel will shut your mouth Zechariah til it happens because this is ordained by God who has spoken. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Joshua14:10-11 | Isa55:11 |Ecc3:1-11 | Gen1:28 Luke11:11 | Luke1:18-24 | Gen12:1 | 1Chron4:10 | Num23:19 | Daniel9:4 | Isa66:9 | Phill1:6 | 1Sam2:21 | Isa14:27 | Jer29:11
Dec31/24- Jan2,3,5,6,7/25
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 31+2+3+5+6+7+24+25=103 and 103 agar in strongs concordance means sing or collect 2 harvest. The Hebrew verb "agar" primarily means to gather or collect. It is used in contexts where items, ppl or resources are brought together or accumulated. This term can be applied to both physical gathering, such as collecting food or resources, and metaphorical gathering, such as assembling people or ideas so keep believing Zechariah, Hannah and Sarah the baby is coming yet and you will sing with joy beloved and collect and recieve what was promised!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
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