Prophetic Word: I Have Never Left So Don't Wander Off Beloved Because I Am Your Father & You Have Not Been Forsaken 4 I Am Right Here Close 2 You In The Temporary Pain & Affliction

   Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved but I got emotional by what I just saw in the spirit so someone here is feeling this as im feeling what you're feeling in the spirit. This word is also timely beloved. I saw a little boy in the spirit in a store and he didn't look more than 4 or 5 and he was crying because he lost his mom when he wandered off in the aisles and thought she left and I saw a lady in the spirit ask him what was wrong with him and said I don't know where my mom is. I think she left and then they asked what his mom's name is and they paged her and she came running oh thank goodness you found my boy and she was looking for him and then I came back again. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. He never left beloved. You're wondering where your abba daddy has been. You feel lost you feel so far away from him but he never left. You wandered a little too far in the aisles from the right and to the left but I prophesy as you draw near him He will draw close and near to you beloved in the name of Jesus. You have been crying and felt forgotten but I'm hearing in the spirit I have not forsaken you beloved. I am right here for my grace is sufficient. I prophesy you are not forgotten and a breakthrough is coming in the name of Jesus. I am seeing the word prolific spelled out in an open vision black caps in the spirit. But the ppl of Israel were prolific they had children easily and their numbers increased rapidly as their numbers grew so did their strength. Eventually, they filled the land beloved. Prolific means producing constant or successful results; rich or fruitful, producing fruit, offspring, etc, in abundance. I prophesy a prolific abundant harvest is coming in the name of Jesus. You are not forgotten. Whatever it is you're going through the father sees it and you have not been forsaken my God speak Holy Spirit I am hearing in the spirit father why has thou forsaken me mm. Im getting emotional again. Jesus felt this when he had to go through it but he was not forgotten and gone into heaven when he rose again and is at the right hand of God that is, the place of honor and authority, with all angels and authorities and powers made subservient to Him. So I prophesy you will be in the seat of honor as the father raises you up again for his glory for all 2 see  beloved in the name of Jesus. Don't wander off beloved into doctrines of demons or get lukewarm again. Stay close to the father so you don't get lost in the aisles again under his hand of protection. He has never left. He's waiting for you to come back to him or even come closer than you've been. I heard that Holy Ghost. He's looking for you and waiting for you 2 sit with him even through the spiritual warfare of sickness and affliction. im hearing in the spirit my strength is made perfect in your weakness. And I prophesy you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you beloved in the name of Jesus and the affliction will not rise up a second time again. My God speak Holy Spirit the paging the calling on the intercom I saw in the spirit. Beloved call out 2 him. Scream if you have 2 The Father can handle your emotions but he wants your vulnerability and to authenticity with him. Don't hide how you're feeling and pull away from him beloved because he already knows all about it and nothing is hidden. I'm hearing the prodigal son in tne spirit. Come back to him. Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor beloved & I prophesy over you true humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor, and long life in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you prosperous protected favored and blessed. Seek the father with all your heart and you will find him. I prophesy no weapon formed against you or your purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but you have not been forsaken and even though you feel you don't know where he is through the spiritual warfare, pain and affliction. He is waiting 4 you 2 call out 2 Him because he has never left. Don't wander off to the right or 2 the left and come back 2 him under his hand of protection in his arms again. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Jer29:13 | Heb13:5 Prov21:21 | Prov29:23 | Deut31:8 | Jhn12:26 | Ja4:8,10 | Ps23 | Isa41:10 | Phill4:13 | 2Cor12:9 | Exo1:7 | Isa54:17 |  2Tim1:7 | Ps91:11

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant 9+24=33 & 33 in strongs concordance translates 2 age and means come!! There is no coincidence like. Come back to him beloved, your abba daddy has never left!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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