Prophetic Word: A Year Of Accountability Beloved, I Will Expose Hidden Tunnels In California & Things Hidden, & The Warlocks & Witches in the Churches Appearing As God Sent Trying 2 Lead My Children Astray In Deception, Suffer Not A Witch 2 Live, I Am Exposing Them & They Will B Punished. I, the Lord Have Spoken

         Heyyy my luuvs. I have a word for the body of Christ beloved. It is sooo heavy so I just want 2 prophesy and release this so I can breathe again. I was hesitant releasing this just yet and then I heard a song playing in a grocery store lyrics say what you need 2 say say what you need 2 say and it caught my attention. I've heard it before from karate kid. I was like ok dad its time 2 release this today yet as I was picking out my bananas and avacados getting the next thing on my list. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. We don't do new age or angel numbers here beloved only biblical Hebrew strongs concordance so if you are into that, renounce & repent. Test the spirit. Plz dad take my words out of my mouth and take my thoughts out of my head. Put only your thoughts in my head and only put your words on my lips. Whatever you want out, take out whatever you want in add in, take over and decrease me 2 nothing daddy so you increase all within. Let there be fresh oil and fresh annointing as you prophesy 2 your children. Open the eyes and hearts so they can be able 2 recieve it if they need 2 be corrected or vigilant or repent. Help me articulate this word dad as it goes in so many different directions. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. The father's heart is broken. I saw many things in the spirit. And I have been hearing the year of accountability in the spirit. There is so much deception & God is raising one up and sitting another down in this season. I saw a warlock in the spirit preaching and casting demons out but he wasnt because he was one but ppl fell for it and then I came back again. Now Nov5/24 I just saw numbers so I didnt yet make the connection. 266 sin. I saw 34 heard needy or flock in strongs concordance. Then I saw 26 but didn't know yet why I was seeing this. Then 13 and it means destruction. 103 and it means collect harvest.103 again. I did see word curse spelled out in an open vision. And I saw 423 which means curse in strongs concordance and then I heard in the spirit I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you beloved. I will curse those in the churches and false leaders word cursing my children and annointed treating them with contempt. They are warlocks and witches and I am exposing them and they will be punished. I the Lord have spoken. Nov6/24 I saw 717 and it means uncover or expose in strongs concordance confirmation by what I heard and the warlock I saw in the spirit. Then I saw 13 and it means destruction. Then I saw 26 and the Lord led me 2 Romans 2:6 where it reads He will judge everyone according to what they have done & I felt this heaviness in the spirit. And this was why I was seeing 26 often. The wolves warlocks and witches will be judged for their lies and deception Dec6/24 my Bible landed to Luke 4 when I opened it and the passage was highlighted in gold in the spirit when Satan is tempting and attacking Jesus. Attacking his character and identity questioning if he's the son of God having the audacity 2 say if!! Then tempting him to eat and jump off a cliff yet. So some of these wolves and warlocks and witches have been attacking you in the spiritual realm beloved using even manipulation & black magic. Then I saw 320 which means end in strongs concordance and then I saw 1213 which means To make clear, to show, to reveal; evident. But the father is saying no more and hes exposing and putting an end 2 it. Now I didnt make the connection til today that this word goes back to November but the father reveals this 2 me in pieces, like a puzzle and somehow it all connects in the end. 320 end confirmation. Then Dec27/2024 I saw 748 and it translates 2 arak and it means 2 arrange, 2 set in order; prepare, then 757 to begin, 320 end. 265 sin offense so I waited and my Bible landed to Ezekiel34 when I opened it and Vs16&17 was highlighted in gold in the spirit and when I flipped the page vs22 was also highlighted in gold in the spirit. So it caught my attention because vs16 reads  I will search for my lost ones who strayed away, and I will bring them safely home again. I will bandage the injured and strengthen the weak. 555 strength confirmation. But I will destroy those who are fat and powerful. I will feed them, yes—feed them justice! Vs17 And as for you, my flock, this is what the Sovereign Lord says to his people: I will judge between one animal of the flock and another, separating the sheep from the goats. So I'm hearing exposures and seperation in the spirit.  God is revealing who is true teachers are, true apostles true prophets & tried and tested. His kids, God sent and exposing who is not and into divination and pretending and living in sin. So the father is saying he is setting in order and exposing wolves in sheep's clothing and their hiding in the darkness is coming 2 an end and brought into the light the open and judgement will begin. Then I saw 497 to wage war against, to oppose in battle because wrestle not against flesh and blood beloved and my Bible landed to Prov16 & 18 was highlighted in gold in the spirit and the Lord says Pride goes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall beloved. Then I saw 212 boastfulness, pride and arrogance, 265 sin offense; 502 to learn to teach; 765 ungodly so these are ppl in the body calling themselves teachers, apostles prophets but they are wolves  warlocks witches leading sheep astray further in sin teaching false doctrine, speaking speaking lies & death over them and curses claiming they hear from God but they are decieving the true annointed and now the father is stepping in. And I prophesy the father is exposing every wolf witch and warlock who professes to be God sent but they practice witchcraft living in sin intentionally trying 2 deceive the body of Christ and God's children in the name of Jesus. It's coming out no more hiding for them. A false prophet or warlock and witch is one who in God's name teaches what is false intentionally leading the ppl 2 sin. Pretended foreteller or religious impostor -- false prophet. If they aren't producing good fruit big red flag because by their fruit you will know them. A prophet is a person who speaks for God a revealer of divine truth revelations, a forth teller & seer prophesying in the future what will happen, A prophet teaches truth and interprets the word of God by the Holy Spirit. They call the unrighteous to repentance. They receive revelations and directions from the Lord for our benefit. They may see into the future and foretell coming events. I heard that Holy Ghost So be not devieved and test every spirit. Even pastors test them take them back to God and get truth snd comfirmation because not every teacher pastor or prophet is actually one sent from him. They may be used and assigned by Satan. Like the warlock I saw in this church in the spirit. They may see in the spirit but they are wolves in sheep's clothing deceiving ppl into thinking he is really God sent my God speak Holy Spirit because he looked the part and acting like he was doing dleiverance but he was operating through a familiar spirit not the Holy Spirit. He dabbles in witchcraft and wears a tie and suit appearing as light 215 light confirmation but like Satan he transforms as an angel of light shape shifts and looks like one of them blending in. Mm. God is dealing with all false teachers false pastors and false prophets. Judgement starts in the house of the Lord and I'm seeing a broom in the spirit someone sweeping and I'm hearing in the spirit I am cleaning house beloved. Jan5/25 I told my oldest I had 3 more books of the Bible to read before completely finishing it and it was Revelation, Acts and Jeremiah and he asked me how many chapters are in each of them and I said Revelation has 22, Acts 28 and Jeremiah 52 and he was doing some math in his head because I read one book in a day or 2 often but then he was playing his game sonic game who he asked me this and after I answered him he just happened to have 52 rings then looked up again it said then 22, then said mom look again and it said 28 and I was like whoahhh ok abba daddy you caught my attention but then as we playing it did it again it went through the same cycle 52 rings then 22 rings then 28 rings again. Now Jan13/25 it's acts and revelation, but I digress the pattern repetitive and numbers caught my attention. 52 means ignorance in strongs concordance. 28 means to destroy or perish and the Lord led me 2 Rev2:2 & Rev22 I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. I know you don’t tolerate evil people. You have examined the claims of those who say they are apostles but are not. You have discovered they are liars. Pause so you can see right through them. The father is exposing the deception. Rev22 and vs 6 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Then the angel said to me, “Everything you have heard and seen is trustworthy and true. The Lord God, who inspires his prophets, has sent his angel to tell his servants what will happen soon. I'm hearing in the spirit you'll be successful if you believe his prophets but test every spirit & watch out for the false ones like wolves like your adversary the devil prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone 2 devour beloved. Jan6/25 I saw 974 try; prove, test, examine confirmation he knows who are his who went through the fire and hell for this annointing and can be trusted. Then I saw 215 light confirmation. Its being exposed beloved. 227 true truthful or genuine so he's revealing the ones who are his. 145 flock herd, 15 willing to do good. For the kingdom. Then I saw 23 & 24 rich both mean angry in strongs concordance. Then I saw, 33 come,13 destruction. So those false teachers and false prophets with deception are reaping destruction for sowing to their flesh and trying 2 deceive the elect. Jan12/25 I was in the book of acts since the night before & I left my Bible there in the morning opened. Then as I was doing dishes and washing them, I saw 4 men in suits and ties in the spirit and they were smiling and then as I pressed into the spiritual realm, they had a wolf head like a mask and they were swearing suits and then I came back again. As I was was doing dishes within 10 minutes I heard in the spirit wolves in sheep's clothing warlocks in the church appearing as true but false prophets. They are trying 2 deceive my ppl beloved. Then when I went to go sit down for a bit I noticed my Bible fell on the floor and when I picked it up the page it was on was the exact same passage as the other day Ezk34:11. Then I saw in the spirit caves like the rapunzel cave that Eugene and her hidden receiving caves from them. I'm also seeing Palm trees and the beverly hills chihuahua the hotel in california. So the father is saying the california tunnels will be exposed yet. I prophesy everything happening under there will be brought to light in the open in the name of Jesus and more children will be saved and the ones dead there will be justice in the name of Jesus. Then my Bible landed to Luke 12 and vs 2&3 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Where it says: The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Vs3 Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear! God is saying he exposing and in one year he's going to shake everything up beloved. The fires are just the beginning and it's only going to get worse yet. I'm hearing the the wealth is laid up for the just in the spirit. Jer17 & Vs 11 Jan13/24 my Bible landed to Jeremiah17 & vs 9-11 were highlighted in gold in the spirit where it says: The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve. Like a partridge that hatches eggs she has not laid, so are those who get their wealth by unjust means. At midlife they will lose their riches; in the end, they will become poor old fools. Like a partridge that hatches eggs they did not lay 1000 eggs confirmation. so is he who gets riches but not by justice;in the midst of his days they will leave him,and at his end he will be a fool. So God is saying housing has gone up its strategic and even celebrities will lose their homes and wealth because they didn't get it from him. It's laid up for the just his children. The children of God will be the head not the tail & wealthy instead. A wealth transfer is coming yet according 2 Jeremiah 29:11 the Lord prospering his children. I just saw 222 and heard Daniel 2:22 in the spirit. The father is revealing the false prophets false teachers false evangelists and what's been hiding in the darkness. And the word that I prophesied on Nov6/24 harvest season cleaning house judgement and mourning for the wicked, redemption for my ppl from death its connected. It all ties in. And I just heard suffer not a witch to live. Many of these witches and warlocks will even face sudden death or sick bed if they do not repent. I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but false everything increases as we get closer to the coming of the Lord Jesus, the father did warn us and prophesy that there will be deception in the last days and false teachers, false miracles signs and wonders even, false leaders, false prophets teaching false doctrine and you need sharper discernment because this warlock I saw in the spirit blended in with a suit and tie appearing like he was God sent but the scary thing I saw in the spirit is how many ppl fell for him actually fell for this warlocks deception. So be vigilant and always pray and take ppl back to God for confirmation because his spirit leads you into all truth & he reveals who are his. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Luke12:1-2 | Luke8:17 | Matt10:16 | 1Pet5:8 | Matt24 | Jer17:9 | Rev2:2 | Rev22:6 | Ezk34:11,16-17 | Jer29:11 | Jhn10:10
Dec27/24- Jan5,6,12,13/25

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 27+5+6+24+12+13+25=112 & 112 means godless and that's what these wolves are and they are being exposed and punished for their sun and deception because they are disguised like Satan leading sheep astray from the father appearing like light beloved!! Mark it down because it's about 2 go down in 2025 and let the show begin!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie


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