Prophetic Word: B Not Ignorant & Always B Ready 4 Jesus 2 Return Again, B Not Ignorant Angels May Appear Beloved 2 Help U In The Form Of A Human
Heyyy my luuvs. I have a word for the body of Christ beloved. Test the spirit. This is so heavy and so urgent. I beseech thee as God's prophet plz take this serious. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Plz dad take my words out of my mouth and take my thoughts out of my head. Put only your thoughts in my head and only put your words on my lips. Prophesy what you want to your children. Take out what you want out or add in what you want added. You know father I just want to release this prophesy how you gave it to me and get it off my chest. Open every heart and their eyes to recieve this and really repent pursuing holiness and righteousness. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. March3/25 I saw 569 which means disbelieve doubt in strongs concordance. Then I saw 416 To be tossed by the wind, to be driven by the wind, 70 watchfulness & wakefulness, 913 lightening, and seeing 115 consistent. Then I saw 353 to lift, to recieve up, take up. Ascension. The verb primarily means "to take up" or "to lift up." In the New Testament, it is often used in the context of Jesus' ascension into heaven, signifying His being taken up from earth to the heavenly realm ressurection. Ascension was also linked 2 Enoch and Elijah, who was taken up into heaven. March4/25 I kept seeing 212 but I didn't know yet why I was seeing this and then I saw 103 and when I saw it, I heard in the spirit souls harvest souls harvest and 103 means gather, collect, harvest in strongs concordance. March5/25 Then as I was spending time with my daddy in his presence, I began to see things in the spirit. I saw rivers all over the world turning red then I saw the 3 red heffiers Jerusalem in Israel in the spirit my God speak Holy Spirit this is why I've been seeing 132!!!!! 132 means red in strongs concordance dad made the connection. The Heffiers represent the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ beloved. Then I saw the moon rusting turning red, in the spirit blood red. The temple being built for the antichrist in the spirit. 500 licence plate means antichrist confirmation. Then I saw 129 blood confirmation. I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing Heb9:13 open vision of the heiffers 913!! and Acts2:20 in an open vision. Vs20 The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives. Whoo!! Baby did you catch it!! It's already turning red. Then the Lord showed me in the spirit the Euphrates River 2020 vs today in 2025 how much it dried up since then in only 5 years almost dried up completely finished for the armies to be able 2 cross over it in Armageddon. Then I saw in the spirit the Vatican preparing a funeral for pope Francis and how his health has declined so much they are preparing for his death. And last but not least I saw a picture in an open vision of of all pope's predicted and after the 8th or 112 popes completion it says judgement day in it and then I came back again. Licence plate 007 completion!! My luuvs when I say be ready I mean be ready at any moment. I heard that dad yesss!! Theres not enough urgency in the body of Christ beloved. I cannot unsee it and the father is emphasizing this. Mm. He is literally saying King Jesus is coming prepare 4 it!! Do you have oil in your lamp expectant and all those prophecies coming 2 fulfillment confirm its closer than its ever been my God speak Holy Spirit I heard that dad yesss!! He's showing me the scripture passage an open vision when some will not die before they see the kingdom Jesus coming again. I'm also seeing over a 1000 students in the spirit in Ohio state getting baptized and saved and born again following Jesus!! Because more and more ppl will as we get closer 2 the end when he pours out his spirit on all flesh. Then I saw 500 licence plate in a parking as I drove passed it. Confirmation the antichrist rises in the great tribulation but if we aren't here for it and all these prophecies are already coming 2 fulfillment then how close are we getting beloved and we need to be ready 4 it. Then I saw...115 again and 74 which means agony or anguish representing the great tribulation and God's wrath to come on the earth yet when His ppl are caught up and not here 4 it. Then I saw 128 which means earth in strongs concordance confirmation. Then I saw 212!! Again and my Bible landed to Micah 2 & Vs12 remnant was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Someday, O Israel, I will gather you; I will gather the remnant who are left. I will bring you together again like sheep in a pen, like a flock in its pasture.Yes, your land will again be filled with noisy crowds! 153 flock confirmation 115 again and 74 which means agony or anguish representing the great tribulation and God's wrath to come on the earth yet when His ppl are caught up and not here 4 it. Then I saw 128 which means earth in strongs concordance confirmation. Then I saw 212!! Again and my Bible landed to Micah 2 & Vs12 remnant was highlighted in gold in the spirit. God is emphasizing this. He is gathering his remnant. 103 gather confirmation. Then my Bible landed to Mark1:15. Then I saw 115 again. I hadn't looked at the time 4 a while and it was exactly 1:15 on my phone when I checked. Then I saw 390 & it means to behave to return to him again in strongs concordance confirmation. Then I saw a licence plate that said cardinal on it. Cardinals represent life and restoration. Then I saw 132 red again. Then my Bible landed to Rev21 new Jerusalem restoration all things new, my God speak Holy Spirit kindaaa like the cardinal licence plate cardinals represent hope, life and restoration. Then I saw 166 licence plate which means clarity or brightness or eternal or everlasting in strongs concordance. Confirmation eternal life in heaven and everything restored and new again. Then my Bible landed to Luke17 and Vs26 & the coming of the kingdom was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Now for someone March5/25 I saw someone in the spirit who needed gas at a gas station pulled up and he saw someone standing there and he said can you help me? I need gas and this person opened up unlocked the door to this gas station. Opened the cash register everything filled up the tank and he was off and said thankyou when he left And I'm seeing in the spirit a couple weeks later this same guy this atheist. The same guy returned to the same gas station and it was closed again and he went up to somebody and he asked about this person. He wanted to thank him again the man that helped him. And I saw in the spirit the person he spoke to said to him. What are you talking about that gas station has been closed for years and abandoned, my God speak Holy Spirit, there was no gas at the gas station. There was no gas station in business. The man that appeared to him who I saw in the spirit was an angel on assignment to help him and ever since that day, ever since then, he believed in God and gave his life to Jesus and was no longer an athiest Still March5/25 I saw a really sweet elderly lady in a grocery store and she was so drawn to me and said you just have to get those strawberries there on sale and the sale ends today and I wasnt aware of it & then I saw an open vision of the scripture passage show hospitality to strangers you may entertain an angel without knowing it!! Then my Bible landed to Heb13:2 when I opened it & angels without knowing it was highlighted in gold in the spirit the passage always show hospitality to strangers because you never know when you're entertaining an angel without knowing it or talking to 1 without knowing it. Someones confirmation. My God speak Holy Spirit 132!! Thats also why I was seeing it dad made the connection yesss!! Always be kind because they may be an angel appearing in human form beloved. Then I saw 132 again which also means red which confirms all the red I saw in the spirit. Red rivers,3 red heiffers, moon rusting red, Bible prophecy fulfillment. Then my Bible landed to Revelation 11:13 a terrible earthquake that destroyed a tenth of the city was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Earthquakes!! Then I saw licence plate 007 which means completion. Then I saw 500 licence plate which means antichrist in strongs concordance and I am hearing in the spirit don't be ignorant and always be ready 4 Jesus 2 return again. And don't be ignorant angels may appear to help you in the form of a human. March6/25 I saw 108 testimony witness, 115 Mark1:15 Joel1:15 I heard in the spirit. The Kingdom is near Beloved. 21 joy and I just heard in the spirit I will wipe every tear from their eyes beloved and there will be no more pain or sorrow or crying or death. March7/25 Then I saw 600 which means restoration which confirms Jesus coming again to make things right and establish his kingdom. I prophesy over you beloved no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but don't be ignorant and always be ready 4 Jesus 2 return again. Don't be ignorant angels may appear to help you in the form of a human. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Mark1:15 | Heb13:2 | Micha2:12 | 1Thess4:16-18 | 1Thess5:3 | Acts2:20 | Rev16:12 | Matt17 | Rev21 | Matt24&25 | Heb9:13 | Rev21:4 |
The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant 3+5+4+25+6+7=50 & 50 in strongs concordance means ignorance, to be unaware, to not know or 2 be ignorant and many in this hour are not awake or vigilant in the times we are in beloved!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
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