Prophetic Word: True Love Is Coming Beloved & Kingdom Marriage Fulfillment, Desires R Being Met Which Is Y Spiritual Warfare Has Been So Intense Because You're Soon Giving Birth 2 Your Promises
Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word for someone beloved. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Test the spirit. Always confirm with your daddy if it is your word if you think it is. Don't just run with it. Order their steps. Prophesy what you want to your children. Open their eyes and hearts to receive it if its for them. Plz dad take my words out of my mouth and take my thoughts out of my head and only put your thoughts in my head and only put your words on my lips. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Feb26/25 I heard in the spirit true love is coming, ok so the father would have already told you this and this should just serve as further confirmation and your daddy reminding you it still is. I heard in the spirit true love is coming desires are being met and I saw so many things in the spirit hearts even in the natural Then I saw 16 which means desire in strongs concordance. I heard the song sitting up in my room by brandy in the spirit. The father is saying this is what is going on in your Kingdom wife/husband's head at this very moment. Lyrics: Seems like ever since the first day we met. There is no one else I think of more than you. Can't seem to forget. Can't get you out my head. Guess the verdict's in, I'm crazy over you. Pause they tried 2 forget but you left a lasting impact on them. I'm hearing in the spirit they hid their feelings and at first maybe denied it a bit tried 2 forget but now the father is stirring their hearts for you again beloved because it's ordained by him yet and you are already one flesh. Ever since you met, they cannot forget you beloved. They cant forget. They tried to move on but they can't because you're it!! The father won't let them. You're their future Kingdom wife/husband for a bigger kingdom agenda purpose. They're crazy about you beloved. Lyrics: How can one be down, tell me where to start.'Cause every time you smile, I feel trembles in my heart. I have but one concern, how can I get with you. 'Til my day comes, here's what I'm gonna do. Pause your smile gives them the butterflies could be a picture could be in person. Im hearing a crush and infatuation and can't help it. They want to be with you and being away in seperation is hard for them but they are waiting for the father's timing and waiting for his yes. Lyrics: Be sittin' up in my room. Back here thinkin' 'bout you. I must confess, I'm a mess for you. Be sittin' up in my room. Back here thinkin' 'bout you. I'm just a mess with a thang for you. Pause im hearing in the spirit deep deep love and feelings rise to the surface when they're alone in their room with God in the secret places. When they're with their abba daddy all the tears come for you when they think about you beloved. The father knows you love them. You have a thannng for them ans they do for you 2 beloved. Lyrics: Pray that you'll invest in my happiness. All it takes is just one simple call from you. Turn my heart around. If I'm making ground. Pretty baby please, tell me if I'm getting through. Pause there's been sadness during seperation. They want to hear from you again. I'm hearing longing in the spirit and I'm seeing yearning spelled out in an open vision but they know they have 2 be obedient and daddy's timing is best. Also you give your person the drive to keep going and persevere even. You make their heart melt I'm seeing Olaf in an open vision melting in the spirit when he says some ppl are worth melting for 2 Anna in Frozen. And I heard Anna in the spirit. And Anna means grace or favor in strongs concordance my God speak Holy Spirit he who finds a wife finds what is good and recieves favor from the Lord. Mm. Favor comes with it. Findeth in strongs means discover and and revelation. Mm. It doesn't mean physically find someone in that context. It means discover who you are one flesh with when God reveals it after you have been transformed by the renewing of your mind a new creation so God can begin to tell you your future aligned with Him, his perfect will and your purpose because now you'rein right mind again walking in the spirit. Then He works all things for your good and you go through another transformation and wilderness for preparation at his appointed time bringing to fulfillment what He promised. Whoo!! Lyrics: Tell me what is up. You see I need to know. Tell me if I'm far or, if I'm getting close. Weariness. I'm hearing in the spirit weariness. So at this point they just wanna know how far off this is but I'm hearing in the spirit focus on me and not the promise. What's yours is yours at the appointed time and you won't miss it and nobody can stop the fulfillment I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Lyrics: I have but one concern, and that one concern is you til I'm with you, here's what I'm gon' do. Be sittin' up in my room. Back here thinkin' 'bout you. I must confess, I'm a mess for you. Be sittin' up in my room. Sittin' up in my room. Back here thinkin' 'bout you. I'm just a mess with a thang for you, ooh oh. Oh, yeah, oh yeah. Til I'm with you!! Your person is head over heels in love with you beloved and you give them all the feels and butterflies even. I'm seeing orange butterflies in the spirit. Orange biblically can represent strength, God's presence, joy and passion. Your person loves your energy because you are always in God's presence and they feel it because in the spirit realm there is no wall or boundary or distance. Then I saw 310 which means to cry out to shout or following.. 33 come, 230 indeed truly certain confirmation, 531 unchangeable & then I saw 102 love or powerless and 154 which means ask request. So this should just serve as confirmation. It's still coming beloved. You have been crying out and asking and requesting the father for your kingdom marriage to be restored again and I prophesy as you delight in the Lord beloved, daddy God will give you the desires of your heart in the name of Jesus. The father is saying it is unchangeable and he has to do it because he promised!! It is certain it will come 2 fulfillment I prophesy in the name of Jesus. I heard that Holy Ghost nothing is impossible for him. Then I saw 658 which means complete, accomplished bringing something to completion or fulfillment!! Confirmation. He can restore anything if you just have the faith to believe it!! Whatever God promised, he's going to do it. His word does not return void beloved. 117 mighty noble excellent majestic. Right now I'm seeing in the spirit trees coming back from the dead. They were turning red 132 red confirmation and lifeless but they are turning green again. Then I saw 1212 which means manifest or evident and ressurection power I'm hearing in the spirit I heard that dad yesss. I'm hearing reversal in the spirit. I release the reversal annointing for things to turn around again and I prophesy ressurection power of promises and kingdom marriages in the name of Jesus. God will finish in your life what he started. Then I saw 102 love or powerless again. The father is emphasizing you can't do it but the father can and you need 2 trust his timing and lean not on your own understanding beloved. Then I saw 374 to persuade, to win over convince. And the father is saying you do not need to convince your person or her/ him because this is God ordained by him. My God speak Holy Spirit im seeing someone in the spirit asleep and just opened their eyes and then I came back again. God is saying Adam is waking up and recognizing Eve as his rib. Eve doesn't need to convince Adam that she is bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. Whoo!! The father will put a knowing in his spirit and he can't deny it. The father will soon present Eve to Adam. Stay in alignment I'm hearing in the spirit stay ready and in alignment. If you need to fast be obedient. Stay close 2 him as you give birth to your kingdom marriage promise. Don't abort your promise right before it's ready to come beloved. Keep pushing and believing for it. Then I saw 616 which means give birth in strongs concordance. 332 to crown its coming beloved!! Then I saw 89 which means continual in strongs concordance and contractions are continual and im hearing in the spirit not even you can stop what God said he would do beloved. And neither can any demon in hell stop what is ordained at the appointed time by God and predestinated. This is why spiritual warfare is amped up im seeing amplified spelled out in an open vision and amplified means to increase larger or greater in amount or intensity because youre getting close to a breakthrough beloved!! And I prophesy you are being crowned and graduating to the next level being trusted with all the promises in the name of Jesus. Handle the baby with care and continue to prepare for it. My God speak Holy Spirit im seeing someone in the spirit preparing a nursery buying clothes 899 garment confirmation blankets, change table, dressers, buying a crib my God speak Holy Spirit buying a crib, crib in slang is a house baby!! place of residence and some of you are buying others of you are building on land you will purchase. You know because the father has already confirmed this but this is just further confirmation. Believe what God said!! Then I saw 68 which means field or countryside in strongs concordance confirmation. 127 land confirmation. 123 land New clothes I'm hearing in the spirit 899 garment confirmation, new furniture everything will be new representing your new beginning in Him as a new creation. I prophesy the old things have passed away behold all things become new now in the name of Jesus. Then I saw,31 message,, 104 letter, 26 love, 212 wheel, 108 testimony witness, 320 end. Im hearing you're almost there in the spirit. 977 to eat or to choose, elect, 977 to eat or to choose, elect again, 808 cake,159 love, 33 come,31 message. I'm hearing in the spirit weddings, feasts, celebrations. I prophesy over you beloved the father is preparing a table and feast in the presence of your enemies in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 754 which means length in strongs concordance.. A prolonged life was associated with wisdom, righteousness, and the fulfillment of God's promises. The desire for a long life was common, reflecting the value placed on family, legacy, and the continuation of one's lineage. I'm hearing in the spirit prolongation of life and years extended for a mount of years and promises stolen. Now for someonethen I saw 267 without witness I'm hearing lies in the spirit someone is lying on you and in the spirit these ppl think they are getting away with it but the father is saying I want them to think that because I'm about 2 step in, bring justice & watch what I do next. 32 angel, 332 to crown or to curse I'm hearing in the spirit the father is going 2 crown you beloved and bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you and treat you with contempt. 821 treat with contempt confirmation. 650 to rob defraud or stream confirmation. 835 happiness blessedness. You are going to be blessed. Then Feb27/25 I saw hearts everywhere food shaped aa hearts and it caught my attention for example a heart spicea in soup shape of it. Then today as I was washing dishes I saw one of those noodles that was on the table and by now it was hard and it was shaped in a heart then I noticed on the island a heart shaped chocolate stain on it and it caught my attention. I'm seeing hearts everywhere and then I saw another one in the shape of oatmeal again and I couldn't believe it. I even took pics of it. Am I really seeing this. Just incredible one of my kids spilled a bit and the little pile of oatmeal was shaped in a heart beloved. Then my Bible landed to Mark10:8-9 was highlighted in gold in the spirit so I prophesy what God has joined together no one can put asunder or seperate in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 50 and celebration I'm hearing in the spirit when I saw it. Then I saw 444 doors open,183 crave long for 222Gen222, 800 wife woman,16 desire,321 land, 1135 wife woman, 481 be hidden secret. I'm hearing in the spirit when it happens keep it a secret, keep it hidden til the father says.103 collect harvest
616 give birth. You're giving birth to your promises and collecting your harvest I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 737 which means just now, now, at this moment or health healing restoration in strongs concordance. Then my Bible landed to 1cor7 & Vs3 was highlighted in gold in the spirit and it reads The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs. 4 The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband gives authority over his body to his wife. Vs5 Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. Afterward, you should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I'm hearing in the spirit love is selfless, do not withhold intimacy from them. The father is saying it is a gift from him when you enter kingdom marriage and holy and sacred. It is also a need that must be met. Then I saw 157 love request, 70 where disc watchfulness, 184 to desire, 913 lightening in strongs concordance. March3/25 I saw 124 stone or gem, 616 give birth 70 wheel disc and 413 and 913 and I heard Ruth4:13 in the spirit and 913 means lightening in strongs concordance so this is coming swift because God is doing a quick work in the earth before King Jesus returns again. March4/25 I saw 70 again.then 222, 212, 616 give birth, 104,107 letter, 212 again, 159 which means love in strongs concordance. Then I saw 116 which means to be strong or at that time in strongs concordance. I prophesy over you beloved no weapon formed against you or your kingdom spouse/ marriage shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but true love is coming and kingdom marriage fufillment, desires are being met which is why the spiritual warfare has been so intense because you're soon giving birth 2 your promises. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you
with the love of Jesus.
Gen2:22-24 | Ma10:8-9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11 | Isa66:9 | Isa60:22 | Am9:13 | Ps139:16 | Isa14:27 | Eph2:6,10 | Isa55:11
Feb26,27,28- March1,2,3,4/25
The date I am prophesying and releasing 26+27+28+1+25+2+3+4=116& 116 in strongs concordance means to be strong or at that time beloved so get ready because any day now you will give birth 2 your kingdom marriage!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
with the love of Jesus.
Gen2:22-24 | Ma10:8-9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11 | Isa66:9 | Isa60:22 | Am9:13 | Ps139:16 | Isa14:27 | Eph2:6,10 | Isa55:11
Feb26,27,28- March1,2,3,4/25
The date I am prophesying and releasing 26+27+28+1+25+2+3+4=116& 116 in strongs concordance means to be strong or at that time beloved so get ready because any day now you will give birth 2 your kingdom marriage!!
Prophetess Shellz Marie
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