Prophetic Word: Judas Had 2 Touch Jesus And Betray Him Beloved 4 The Crucifixion 2 Begin, Then Comes The New Beginning & The Glory Of The Ressurection

      Heyyy my luuvs. I have a word for someone beloved. Test the spirit. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. You'll know its your word because its timely you're going through some kind of betrayal and dissapointment. Or you're about 2 and its someone in close proximity you wouldn't expect. Someone you break bread with. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Plz order their steps dad 2 receive this. Dec28/24 I saw Elly giving birth to peaches in the spirit and Diego is fighting off the dinosaurs that try to harm her as she's pushing the baby out and exhausted. Abba daddy is busy beloved. He's fighting for you notice the dinosaurs have been trying to touch Elly as she gives birth to peaches and I came back again. Then I saw 616 which means give birth in strongs concordance confirmation. 181 witness testimony or confusion. So you're confused how they could do it but they dont have what you have within. Then I saw 1214 greedy covet. Stay with me baby don't miss this. Then I saw chains in the spirit and these chains were tangled up all over this person and then I came back again. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Chains represents spiritual bondage or sin, slavery or imprisonment. I rebuke and bind every witch, warlock demon and evil spirits & I send them back to hell in the name of Jesus and I cancel that assignment. I prophesy over you whom the son sets free is free & touch not his annointed in the name of Jesus. I know it hurts beloved. I know right now it doesn't make sense but chin up beloved or the crown slips. Jesus needed Judas 2 get 2 the cross beloved. That betrayal was actually fulfilling a prophecy my God speak Holy Spirit for something bigger in the process!! Jesus had 2 go through it for our salvation and for the fulfillment he had to get betrayed & arrested. Mm. 616 give birth or prisoner captive confirmation. Jesus needed it so whoever betrayed you beloved it was only redirecting you closer to fulfilling your purpose. It was only fulfilling prophecy ahead. It was only a step in the right direction that would later be used for your purpose that you cant see just yet. Yes it's painful but a breathtaking testimony would come out it. And God would get all the glory when he traded your ashes for beauty beloved. You will be tried and tested and go to hell and back through crucifixion, persecution and ppl betraying you like they did with Jesus but what the enemy meant for evil and trying 2 deter you from purpose actually only brought you closer 2 it and the prophecy spoken over your life before the foundation of the world beloved and spoiler alert, you rise again!! Then Jan6/25 I saw licence plate 974 which means try; prove, test, examine in strongs concordance confirmation. I saw 68 which means stone and then I saw a licence plate that said dirty on it and it caught my attention. Judas did Jesus dirty selling him for 30 pieces of silver betraying him with a kiss but Jesus needed that betrayl beloved. Yes they did you dirty denying you're a child of God lying on you and I prophesy that betrayal you went through was not in vain but only a seed of conception 2 get you spiritually pregnant with purpose and the father will birth it and finish in you what he started in the name of Jesus. God's love and gift of salvation is free beloved. He will work the bad and ugly everything for your good which will be used for your transformation and I prophesy the father will heal and bind up every wound and you would rise from the ashes. I'm seeing cinderella in the spirit say thats not true kindness is free, love is free and the step mom saying love is not free with bitterness so for someone they are bitter because you carry yourself like cinderella whether this word is for a man or a woman. You show love and kindness and the ppl around you hate you for it. They can't dim your light so it triggers them. Nothing they do changes the posture of cinderellas heart beloved. Mm. Then I saw 215 light confirmation. When Jesus was on the earth, he showed love and kindness, he did signs wonders and miracles and spoke truth and they hated him for it. I heard that Holy Ghost he was rejected in his own home town in Nazareth what makes you think you wont be beloved. Then I saw 827 & in strongs concordance it means brightness radiance. Confirmation. Then Jan8/25 I saw Belle in the spirit when the villagers called her funny and weird and strange but he she was chosen for a bigger purpose. She had a curse to break yet my God speak Holy Spirit she did not know it yet but she had 2 set the captive free with a kiss. Mm kindaaa like Jesus had 2 break sins curse of death using Judas 2 get him to the cross to set the captives free with the superior blood of Jesus!! Then I saw 36 lowly or significant In the context of the New Testament, it often refers to those who are not esteemed by worldly standards but are chosen by God for His purposes. Confirmation Jesus was rejected in Nazareth. Belle was overlooked thought of as weird and Cinderella was beautiful and abused & mistreated. And Jesus was crucified because they didnt believe he was the son of God and equal with the father but they are one!! One God and His name is the Christ Jesus. Then I saw 213 labor, to be close, hasten kindaaa like Elly I saw in the spirit came close 2 birthing peaches. Then I saw in the spirit when dory says 2 nemo, I see a light I wanna touch it and then I came back again. Good and bad ppl wanna touch you beloved. The bad ones want 2 because you are a warm light 2 them like a fireplace im seeing in the spirit but like Judas they have bad intentions. Notice Gaston kept trying 2 touch bell and in her face but he was another self absorbed Judas and as for the good ones, your light enters the room and the atmosphere shifted. Everybody wants to touch you because you got the annointing, you got Jesus. My God speak Holy Spirit the girl with the blood issue reached for the hem of Jesus' garment. She wanted 2 touch it. They want 2 touch you beloved. They want your healing gift & spiritual gifts because the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives in you within. They know this. They may not know you in the flesh but their demons know your Holy Spirit. Their demons are familar with and recognize your Jesus within. Its why ppl hate you and dont know why even. 112 godless confirmation. Its not personal its spiritual it always has been because theres a war in the spirit and you wrestle not against flesh and blood beloved just like Jesus was rejected in Nazareth. Mm. 55 wrestle confirmation. They didn't believe him. I'm seeing in the spirit the step mom and step sisters tearing cinderellas dress into pieces. They couldnt wait 2 touch her and do damage thats prophetic. They hated the true beauty and light she carried within. 215 light confirmation. I'm even seeing in the spirit when her step mom says you're young and innocent. The love of many will grow cold beloved and she locked Cinderella in the attic and they were jealous and selfish 1214 greedy covet confirmation but in the end 320 end confirmation cinderella wins and she does marry the prince. She was genuine with her kindness. The glass slipper was a custom fit. They tried 2 take it but the shoe only fit cinderella beloved. I prophesy over you that betrayl will only open a new door for a new beginning and you will reap songs of joy yet for your tears & kindness in the name of Jesus. 228 true genuine or to be strong, then I saw 185 innocent blameless confirmation. Then I saw 822 window lattice. I heard that Yesss dad yess cinderella was singing sitting by the window and the mice open the window 444 & 455 to open confirmation. And the prince is in disguised and hears her angelic voice and rescues her from them. After everything she endured, she still wins!! Whoo!! Then Jan8/25 I heard ressurection power in the spirit and saw it spelled out in an open vision. Then my Bible landed to Matt28 when I randomly opened it Jesus' ressurection. So I prophesy you will rise up from the ashes and every dead area of your life will come 2 life again in the name of Jesus. Complete restoration and recompense. I heard that Holy Ghost I prophesy you will go from the pit to the palace in the name of Jesus. 833 palace happiness blessed confirmation. They tried 2 touch you with harmful intentions but you're giving birth 2 purpose. 616 give birth confirmation. Then Jan10/25 my Bible landed to 1Cor1 & vs27&28 were highlighted in gold in the spirit. Where the Lord says Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. 102 powerless confirmation. Kindaaa like cinderella was powerless to them and foolish but her light exposed their darkness and she was chosen & courageous. 717 expose, 553 to be strong; or courageous confirmation. The glass slipper was hers only and no one could steal her perfect fit, inheritance and she birthed a new beginning from the pain she endured and rejection. 616 give birth confirmation. 215 light confirmation. Then my Bible landed to Mark12 & vs 10 was highlighted in gold in the spirit so I prophesy like cinderella the stone the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone in the name of Jesus. 68 stone confirmation. Then my Bible landed to 1Cor2:9 so I prophesy over you no eye has seen no ear has heard and no mind has conceived or imagine what the father has prepared for you who loves him in the name of Jesus. So dont get confused or exhausted and weary in well doing beloved, you're birthing peaches your purpose and the promises. I release the annointing for joy and strength renewed again in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I prophesy over you no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but the abuse & mistreatment and persecution was only being used 2 take cinderella higher up to the palace into greater purpose & that betrayal was needed for the fulfillment of purpose and promise and words the father has spoken over you before you were even created. Judas had 2 touch Jesus and betray him for the crucifixion 2 begin then comes the new beginning and the glory of the ressurection. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Matt28 | 1Cor1:18,27,28 | 1Cor2:9 | Ma12:10 | Matt26:15 | Luke8:17 | James3:16 | Matt24:12 | Jer17:9 | 1Cor2:9 | Isa60:22 | Isa66:9 | Jer29:11 | Jhn10:10
Dec28,29/24- Jan6,8,10/25

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 28+29+6+8+10+24+25=130 & 130 translates 2 haimatekchusia & means bloodshed in strongs concordance. The term "haimatekchusia" refers to the act of shedding blood, often in the context of violence or sacrifice. In the New Testament, it is used to describe the act of taking life, whether in a sacrificial or violent manner. The word emphasizes the physical act of blood being poured out, highlighting the gravity and seriousness of the action. There is no coincidence, you needed that betryal beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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