Prophetic Word: B Vigilant Of The Words That Come Out Of Your Mouth Beloved Led By Your Emotions Because Those Words Have The Power Of Life Or Death & It Will Affect Your Self-Perception & Believe The Distorted Words That R Spoken

         Heyyy my luuvs. I have a quick word for someone beloved. Test the spirit. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. March4/25 I saw 103 which means to gather collect or harvest. Then March5/25 I saw 55 and it means 2 wrestle beloved & the act of wrestling in the biblical context can symbolize spiritual struggle, personal conflict so it caught my attention and I saw 126 for days but waited 4 confirmation why I kept seeing it so consistent. March6/25 out of nowhere I got emotional and felt a heaviness and usually when this happens I know it's a word for someone and as I pressed in I saw someone in the spirit so angry and frustrated and they kept saying I am that I am this and it was very negative and it broke my heart seeing this because this spirit was tormenting this person they actually believed it, and didn't care even what they said in the spirit realm and then I came back again. And now the numbers I saw I was making the connection. 55 to wrestle so If this is you who can relate to this baby don't miss this. If this isnt you this is a word we can all receive and learn from beloved. This is going to help and change the way you speak after this. Right now I take authority over your mind and heart I rebuke and curse the spirit of rejection in the name of Jesus Christ come out I bind you and I command you 2 go back 2 hell in the name of Jesus and I cancel your assignment. I speak 2 your mind and heart and command them to come into alignment with what God's Word says in kingdom order in the name of Jesus. So after I saw this. I heard in the spirit I am, I am, I am over and over again. Then I saw an open vision in the spirit when God comes in the form of a burning bush speaking to Moses. I am is the Hebrew word 1510 eimi and it means 2 be, 2 be present, 2 exist, to happen. My God speak Holy Spirit I am that, I am this is what you believe when you say it or why would you do it. Whoo!! Because deep down what you believe in your heart comes out of it. Mm. And when you repeat it you give it power because for what he thinketh in his heart so is he beloved therefore it produces bad fruit and a bad harvest because there is power of life and death in the tongue and the words you speak you will eat the fruits thereof beloved. What does that mean prophet? The words you speak you will reap the consequences. If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless. Then I saw 112 which means godless in strongs concordance confirmation. The tongue is a flame of fire beloved & no one can tame the tongue because It is restless evil full of deadly poison kindaaa like the person I saw in the spirit thought so lowly of themselves when they said those word curses and believed it....
 which is why you need to be born again so you are speaking words seasoned with salt love and life becoming the light of the world with Jesus transformed into a new person even speaking good over you beloved 252 salt confirmation and no longer walking in the flesh but walking in the fruits of the spirit that blesses because the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. My God speak Holy Spirit im seeing someone in the spirit by these monkey bars looks in the 90s in the spirit really tall ones, being picked on rejected. Just nasty comments and word curses. Why do you think that happens. Because every curse starts with words that were spoken and because a broken heart is harder to fix. 398 to appear or make manifest confirmation. And as a child you're an easier target. You're in development. Gentle words are a tree of life & a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit but if you'rea child x10 because you don't have mature emotional intelligence even you're still 7. Your heart is always the target in the kingdom of darkness and most chosen ones are attacked in the womb or as a kid already from word curses. Because if satan can get your heart to turn bitter now as ir keeps being repetitive you can not walk in the fullness of who God called you 2 be and your purpose and because you're sowing 2 your flesh now you reap corruption 13 destruction confirmation which is exactly what satan wants because your purpose and winning souls beloved is valuable and a huge threat. Mm. And satan has his decoys warlocks and witches in the churches on assignment 2 try to block the chosen ones  purposes but they cannot stop it!! James1:26 dad made the connection!! Because I prophesy all the forces of darkness cannot stop what God has spoken or ordained before you were created in the name of Jesus and a curse without a cause has no affect. And the wages of sin is death but the words of the godly are like sterling silver & the heart of a fool is worthless. So think only on things that are true, just, lovely beloved and pure and honest. My God speak Holy Spirit im seeing an open vision of snowhite and the witch notice she commands the huntsman to kill the princess and bring back her heart in a chest. Mm. 393 cruel or ruthless confirmation. Because the heart is valuable beloved. The heart has the ability to change lives through the power of the Holy Spirit and win them to Jesus. Whoo!! I'm about to shout and dance like David!! And this is why Satan transforms as an angel of light and comes to you and whispers in your head trying to convince you that you're worthless and what you feel is valid but its deception and he tries to get you word curse yourself beloved. You are needed!! Don't fall for it. My God speak Holy Spirit I heard that dad yesss!!!! Did God really say that eve.. you won't surely die,, in the garden satan the serpent. Mm. That's how sneaky he is. Someones confirmation. God's word is true and your feelings and emotions are misleading beloved. Don't follow your heart It's treacherous. Than I saw 50 which means ignorance in strongs concordance. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. His ppl perish 4 lack of knowledge and are ignorant of satans devices. I prophesy over you beloved no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but be vigilant of the words that come out of your mouth led by your emotions because those words have the power of life or death and it will affect your self perception and believe the words that are spoken. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Prov18:21 | Prov23:7 | Jer17:9 | 1Pet5:8 | James4:7 | Phill4:8 | James1:26 | Prov10:20 | Prov15:4 | Jhn10:10

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is 4+5+6+25= 40 & 40 hagios means Holy set apart and sacred in strongs concordance. The Hebrew word "hagios" primarily denotes something that is set apart for a special purpose and this is why thy the enemy has been attacking your identity beloved but he is already defeated!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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