Prophetic Word: The Times & Seasons R Changing Beloved & Many R Waxing Cold Instead Of Repentance, So Keep Interceding Because Time Is Running Out 4 Them

       Heyyy my luuvs. I have a word for the body of Christ beloved and its a continuation of what I have been seeing in the spirit. Test the spirit. Plz forgive me for spelling errors if there is. Plz dad take my words out of my mouth and take my thoughts out of my head. Put only your thoughts in my head and only put your words on my lips. Prophesy what you want to your children wake them up and open their eyes and hearts to receive this. Have your way Holy Spirit say only what you wanna say dad all of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Feb26/25 I saw someone in the spirit stealing a wallet that fell out of someone's pocket and it looked like a mall outside down the sidewalk and the person ran off with it and then I came back again. So I waited for confirmation and I heard last days in the spirit. Then I saw 650 which means to rob or defraud in strongs concordance confirmation. The man stole it. Then I saw 532 which means unprepared unready but it also means my ppl my God speak Holy Spirit some of his own ppl even arent ready yet not just unbelievers refusing to repent and I heard in the spirit 5 foolish virgins. 251 brother confirmation. Many are not ready for Jesus to return again. And I heard you are the chosen one in the spirit. Then I saw 588 which means to recieve to accept in strongs concordance. 57 unknown lamentation, 977 to choose, elect.  Confirmation. Then my Bible landed to 1Cor15:33 which says bad company corrupts good character or morals beloved. 94 wicked confirmation. God is saying watch the company you keep in the times we're in because we wrestle not against flesh and blood beloved. I saw 115 then 132 and my Bible landed to John13:2 Judas.. betrays Jesus. Confirmation by what I saw in the spirit the man stealing the wallet in the spirit. The father is saying there will be many betrayals in the last days were in. Ppl are waxing cold beloved. Then I saw 821 which means to treat with contempt in the strongs concordance confirmation. Then I saw an open vision of aladdin saying hey help me out of these to Abu and they were chains in prison. Then I saw 254 which means chain in strongs concordance. So I prophesy over you whom the son sets free is free indeed beloved in the name of Jesus. Then I saw 1212 manifest evident and then ressurection power I'm hearing in the spirit. My God speak Holy Spirit kindaaa like the ressurection that happens when his elect is raptured and the dead in Christ rise first again. 977 elect confirmation. Then I saw 115 Everywhere recent and my Bible landed to Mark1 when I opened it & Vs15 was highlighted in gold in the spirit where the Lord says my kingdom is near Vs15 The time promised by God has come at last!” he announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News! Then I saw 913 lightening and 70 wheel disc; vigilance watchfulness which is confirmation it's going to happen so fast I'm hearing in the spirit and many ppl won't be ready 4 it. Like lightening like a thief in the night beloved. It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised beloved. God is saying some of his ppl aren't heeding the warnings and getting prepared and ready 4 Jesus to return again. Feb27/25 Then I saw 913 lightening, 500 which means antichrist in strongs concordance and I heard antichrist spirit in the spirit and its running rampant. Now what is interesting is then I saw 415 which means lack of mercy or compassion which is confirmation what I saw in the spirit. The man I saw in the spirit who stole the wallet represents how some of his ppl lack mercy love and compassion. 112 godless confirmation and you need to repent not necessarily stealing a wallet but I am seeing in the spirit how cold ppl have gotten through the trials that hardened some of them but im hearing in the spirit I am going to step in. Then I saw an open vision of pooh bear and piglet and rabbit wandering lost in the mist in the spirit. Going in circles going nowhere trying to find their way out of it and then I came back again. Then my Bible landed to Jer3 when I opened it and Vs14 was highlighted in gold in the spirit where the Lord says: Return home you wayward children.. Then Feb28/25 I saw 972 which means chosen elect or forceful or violent. Confirmation. Then I saw 279 which means unrepentant in strongs concordance. More confirmation come home you wayward children repent come home come back 2 Him. Then I saw 972 elect chosen or forceful violent again. Im even hearing in the spirit forceful storms and shakings will happen 2 bring his sheep in I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then my Bible landed to Luke4 temptation and Mark14 & Vs72 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. Peter denies Jesus. Confirmation some are denying Jesus by the the way they live. They have no relationship with Him. They aren't pursuing holiness and righteousness. Others are being tempted by satan. I heard that Holy Ghost im hearing in the spirit. God will say to many that day He never knew them. Then I saw 14 to do good or willing to desire to do so they want to some of them but im hearing in the spirit some of them are weaker in the faith I heard that dad yesss im seeing in the spirit when seeds fall on rocks represents the enemy snatches the word from them and theres no roots yet in the heart so they are lukewarm again. It becomes head knowledge. Then my Bible landed to Luke9 & Vs23 Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.  ..follower of Jesus. So the father is saying many don't want to give up their way 2 whole heartedly  follow him.153 to shame or flock herd confirmation. Then I saw 310 and it means to cry out to shout or following!! My God speak Holy Spirit it isnt enough to just be religous and not have a relationship with Jesus because without being connected to the vine you cannot produce fruits of the spirit and now you are lukewarm beloved because you are walking in the flesh which is enmity with God because the spirit is life and flesh is death which is why we need to die daily and live everyday in repentance pleasing our abba daddy til He returns again. Im hearing in the spirit. They aren't willing to let go of it because there's a cost to following him. He is grieved by this. He wants all of you beloved. He wants you to love him willingly and obedient. Love isn't forceful beloved. God is a gentleman and he won't force you 2 obey his commandments and be obedient. Love isnt forceful and you have freewill beloved. 977 forceful confirmation. But when you are willing, you become a new creation a new person and a new life that God ordained before you were created. 444 human confirmation. You want to serve him you want all of him. It will break your heart when you break his. There is no desire to live like the world in the flesh cold as a fish. 128 earth confirmation. I heard that Holy Ghost. And you just want 2 burn a candle in the darkness and help them and become a domino effect. Mm because you want to share the light and love with them and give them hope at their lowest because as a chosen one we know where they've been. And then they light their candle in the darkness and help them. Whoo!! And I just saw 215 in an open vision and 215 means light in strongs concordance confirmation. More ppl entering into their God given kingdom purpose ordained for them. Then my Bible landed to Ezk36 Vs26 was highlighted in gold in the spirit. So I prophesy over you beloved the father will remove the stony stubborn heart and stoniness and give you a new responsive heart of flesh & new spirit in the name of Jesus as you're being transformed by the renewing of your mind a new person a new creation I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Then I heard the song unstoppable by sia again in a store a couple days after hearing it in the spirit and when I heard the song playing in the store in the natural I heard in the spirit I am not slow to my promise beloved. But I am coming and no one can stop it. Then I saw 658 which means complete, accomplished bringing something to completion or fulfillment!! So I prophesy the father will finish in you in what he started and in the earth in the name of Jesus. 128 earth confirmation. Then my Bible landed to Mark1:15 again!! Our King Jesus is coming beloved!! God is saying he's waiting so patient for them but he's running out of patience because he knows some them will not repent. Then March1/25 I felt an earthquake in the spirit. And this was confirmation when I heard great shaking a day ago in the spirit. And my Bible landed to Matt28 when I opened it and ressurection was highlighted in gold in the spirit. March2/25 I saw the Bearstain bears in an open vision when seasons changed and it caught my attention and im hearing in the spirit times and seasons are changing beloved. Use discernment and discern the times we're in. Then I saw a 221 licence plate at a gas station confirming what I saw in the spirit and Daniel2:21 the changing of the guard and changing times and seasons so I prophesy there is about 2 be a changing of the guard and great shaking yet and the times and seasons are changing in the name of Jesus. When I saw 505 I heard a day with the Lord is a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day in the spirit. And 505 means thousand in strongs concordance. Ok so plz heed the warnings time is running out beloved. I beseech thee as God's prophet. Dont wait another day 2 repent. I just keep hearing in the spirit time is running out for them. Time is running out 4 them. They don't believe I really exist but I'm about to make noise in the earth and show them and many will get saved and many will perish. 231!! Dad made the connection!! 2Pet3:1-3,8 passage reads Vs3 Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. Vs4 They will say, “What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created.” confirmation and that's exactly what's happening there is a mocking spirit running rampant and I rebuke the mocking spirit command it to go back to hell and cancel that assignment in the name of Jesus. Vs8 ... A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. Vs9 The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. Vs10 But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment. 13 destruction confirmation. Jesus is coming beloved. You may have heard it over and over again but it's because he doesn't want anyone to perish but repent! March2/25 I saw someone in the spirit yelling at their person hurry up were going to be late for the wedding it's ten!! And they were and then I saw a flash of an open vision of the swam princess when she couldn't get in. The doors were closed and locked and she couldn't get in. She was to late and then I came back again so prophetic many will not get in. Then I saw the rapture in the spirit and many were not taken up and they stayed down and were left as others went up and then I came back again. And this is not to scare anyone just make sure it's not you and be ready, prepared and and repentant. It was very few ppl beloved. Make the choice today and serve him. Many are not ready to go up if the rapture happened. They're still on the fence. Still slandering and living in sin not operating in the fruits of the spirit. I've been seeing 231 and waiting for confirmation didn't now yet why I was seeing it. The last days how ppl will be was confirmation by what I saw in the spirit and we are already seeing an increase of it world wide beloved. I'm seeing a candle in the spirit. They are waxed cold beloved. Pray 4 them. I'm still shaken to the core what I saw in the spirit in the great tribulation how dark it was it was so dark beloved, when the lady took the mark she was soulless she looked zombie ish nobody home, just no emotions didn't react even when her husband was shot in the head in the spirit. They killed him for refusing to take it. Do not get left behind in the darkness. The ppl that were late who I saw in the spirit represents the 5 foolish virgins. They couldn't get in. It was 2 late 4 them. Don't be one of them beloved. I prophesy many sheep are coming into the sheepfold and the father is finding his sheep that were scattered in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected prosperous favored and blessed. I prophesy over you beloved no weapon formed against you or your kingdom purpose shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but many aren't ready 4 Jesus 2 return again using discernment, they are still not heeding warnings and on the fence but the times and seasons are changing and many are waxing cold instead of repentance. I am always interceding you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Mark1:15 | 2Tim1:3 | 2Pet3:1-3,8 | Daniel2:21 | Ezk34:11 | Ezk36:26 | 1Cor15:33 | Jhn13:2 | Luke9:23 | 2Cor15:52 | |1Thess4:16-18 | 1Pet5:8 | 2Cor15:52 | Jhn10:10 | Jer29:11
Feb26,27,28- March1,2/25

The date I am prophesying and releasing this word is significant. 26+27+28+1+25 +2=109 & 109 means air in strongs concordance and when Jesus snatches his elect we will meet him in the air beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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